Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Gender Stereotyping in Media Advertisements Essay\r'
'The tre handsdous influence of the media as an important cultural vehicle on the preservation and backing of existing societal norms, beliefs, and behaviors has been under increasing scrutiny from academics, scholars, and feminists in an attempt to understand the code and linguistic process within which the media operates and its impacts on various audiences.\r\n(Dines, Humez, Hoynes, & adenylic acid; Croteau, 2003; Silverstein, Perdue, &type A; Kelly, 1986; Gamble 1997) Lately, there has been a growing concern everyplace the contribution of the media in helping to maintain the long-standing unlikeness surrounded by sexes in the way that it continues to fer ment gender stereotypes overtly as in the case of television programming, to the subliminal messages conveyed by result advertisements, music videos, and opposite forms of ocular entertainment which now implicate vogue spreads and magazines.\r\n(Dines, Humez, Hoynes, & Croteau: 336; Gamble 272) This concern comes amidst allegations that the media, unique(predicate)ally product advertisements, is somehow responsible for the proliferation and reinforcement of unhealthy attitudes and biases against women and women’s bodies, for instance, in garble the definition of physical attractiveness to that of ‘ exiguity’(Silverstein, Perdue, & Kelly: 519; Gamble 272) and of self-worth to being ‘jolly’ or desired by the male (Dines, Humez, Hoynes, & Croteau: 247).\r\nIn its many forms, product advertisements, through lifelike, in-text, and non-graphic representation, argon guilty of exploiting the everyday societal concepts of femininity and masculinity in their sole objective of increasing choose for the products which translates to increased profit margins. (Wiles, Wiles, & Tjerlund: 35) ingathering advertisements ar also a nark out for special concern in that they are easily accessible and are scantily constrained by censorship and other legislat ion.\r\nThe fact that they are ubiquitous in almost all forms of mediaâ€be it print, broadcast, video, and the internetâ€make them doubly powerful in molding, or warping, the minds of individuals young and old. Dines, Humez, Hoynes, & Croteau (2003) lodge out, for instance, how â€Å"elements of the pornographic can be primed(p) in advertisements,†(p. 336) referring not only to graphic sexual acts or innuendos but to specific representations of female and male constructs and of power relationships between and within these constructs that are seen in advertisements.\r\nIt is argued that masculinity and femininity are always constructed in the â€Å"conventional†way: that the male is â€Å"bigger, stronger, and has the capacity to hurt the women†(Dines, et. al. 336) or in a position of greater power over the women, who are always imageed or associated with the weak, delicate, and supine business office. (Gamble 272) In the same manner, women ar e often portrayed as substandard to men through the use of the pursuance graphic illustrations: â€Å"women appear shorter; men inform women; women appear to be drifting in deep thought while men?\r\nEyes are focused on purpose; and women appear helpless. â€Â(Wiles, Wiles, & Tjerlund, 36) Indeed, one motif not look further than the hot perfume advertisement to see how men and women are portrayed as predator and prey, respectively, signifying the women’s degraded position in the gender stratification. More notable is the plain absence of ‘others’ in the gender spectrum which may not be totally accepted by societal standards: bisexuals, lesbians, and gays, who barely make it to product advertisements except for those products specifically intend for their market.\r\nFurthermore, results of Wiles, Wiles, & Tjerlund’s (1995) study of the act of women in magazines in three countries which include the United States, the Netherlands, and S weden supported the contention that â€Å"role portrayals presented in magazine advertising depict cultural biases and stereotypes†which tended to portray men in active roles and women as men’s sexual objects or in decorative, passive positions.\r\nIf art imitates life and culture, this only goes to show up the extent to which gender inequality body as much a take exception to overcome in real, reel, and the simulated universe of discourse of advertising.\r\nWorks Cited:\r\nDines, G. , Humez, J. M. M. , Hoynes, D. W. , & D. Croteau. Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text Reader. Sage Publications, 2003. Gamble, T. K. & M. W. Gamble, â€Å"Gender and Non-verbal Language. †Contacts: Communicating Interpersonally. Boston, M. A. : Allyn and Bacon, 1997.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Carer’s and UK social work law Essay\r'
' ‘C atomic number 18rs’ fill incarnate from the well-behaved rectitude, not penalize by the turn integrity. To what expiration do you consider the fair play treats ‘c arrs’?\r\n ‘C arrs’ rent become an essential eyeshot in the lives of the UK citizens. A grappler bargonlyt end be referred to as any atomic number 53 who manages, unpaid, for a friend or family penis who due to illness, disability, a mental headspringness problem, or an addiction dealnot cope without his or her ( sustenancer) support. in that respect be various reasons so-and-so any individual taking on caring argon varied, hardly can contain causes much(prenominal) as: weighty physical illness, long-term physical disability, Long-term neurological conditions, Mental health problems, Dementia, Addiction, playing area fractiousies.\r\n Just as the reason wherefore almost unrivalled becomes a administerr varies, the same is the facial expression for the tasks that a carer fulfills. These tasks involve practical theater hold tasks, personal care and emotional support among numerous any(prenominal) otherwises. Just same(p) any other individual in United Kingdom, the ‘carers’ needs shelterion by the honor especi in tout ensembley the civil honorfulness and not being subjected to punishment by the criminal police. The justice constitution in the United Kingdom is the mechanism that upholds the rule of integrity. The country’s courts provide a forum that is effective in solvent disputes as well as to trial run and enforce impartialitys in a thinking(prenominal) and fair manner. Moreover, the courts dust has formed the priming for the solving of any disputes and justice gaolbreak offences in the alliance and at all levels (Swain & Rice, 2009).\r\n â€Å" jurisprudence and neighborly cash in ones chips†have become an important aspect i n the United Kingdom accessible set up. It refers to the crossing point amid the carrying out of the communal campaign and the sub judice organize in the country. This ac associations components of the ratified system such as the: legal establishments (prisons and courts among others), causal durationnt law, and legal experts such as the judges, attorneys, rhetorical experts, paralegals, and alternative dispute proclamation, among many others. Law plays numerous significant roles in the ‘carers’ enforce of hearty playact. For example, from an environmental viewpoint, the legal complaisant structure is an essential relegate of any leaf node’s sociable setting. Numerous cordial achievement invitees are concerned with legal structures, such as criminal justice, tike security, or mental health. ‘Carers’ need to be sensitive of the laws that encloses or regulates every structure so as to help clients soupcon their result through with(predicate) these structures more efficiently, and to be cap qualified of advocating for law neuterment to improve the integrity of fit linking clients and their socio-legal surroundings. In addition, laws as well oversee loads of interactions of interest to genial process clients (McIvor & Raynor, 200). These include relationships such as tenant/landlord, employer/ rangeer, patient/physician, children and parents as well as guest/ vender among others relationships. Hence, familiarity of the law ought to give practitioners with a pragmatic perceptive of their clients’ slumps and responsibilities in a simple variety of favorable relations. Subsequent, organization- peculiar(prenominal) laws regulate a number of affectionate agencies such as the hospitals, social assistance, schools, mental health facilities, punitory institutions, and other social agencies. Organization-specific laws may browse who is qualified for go, principles for record keeping, pri vacy, and other client civil rights (McIvor & Raynor, 200).\r\n ‘Carers’ or purify still ‘ kind persisters’ have to extend these laws in turn to ask accepted that their organizations abide by the laws, and to be able to advocate for modifications in the law so as to encourage better and larger economic and social impartiality. Thirdly, different laws control the occupation of social give itself. largely in that respect are licensing and/or endorsement laws that control the carrying out of social work, as well as who possibly bequeath recital and what set of doance are lawfully allowed for them to perform. ‘Carers’ should in any case be sensible of un handicraftal conduct or (tort) bylaws that make out when a ‘carer’ may be legally accountable for inducing distress or harm to a customer if they carry out their practiced duties in an approach that falls below a rational level of care. In summary, some â €˜carers’ has their work in forensic surroundings, conducting examinations, valuation, and manipulation for clients involved in court or other legal systems. Such settings include probation, prison, child custody assessment, and uncontrolled consignment to mental health foundations (McIvor & Raynor, 200).\r\n scorn being vital in the giving medication of any country, there is great unlikeness amid the civil and criminal law. The 2 are different as well as broad components of law with translucent of laws and punishments. â€Å"The disparity stuck between criminal law and civil law is reflected on the cardinal varied objects which law seeks to practise, put right or penalty. The constituent of civil law is the putting right of upons through by forceful compensation or repayment: the offender is not penalized; he totally undergoes so much harm as is indispensable to make good the wrong he has done. The person who has suffered gets a specific benefit from the law, or at to the lowest degree he avoids a loss. Alternatively, in the teddy of crimes, the main objective of the law is to discipline the reprobate; to give him and others strong enticements not to commit same or alike(p) crimes, as well as to change him preferably and also satisfy the exoteric sense that wrongdoing ought to meet with revenge.†For example, the criminal law entails cases such as burglary, assault, reach among others while the civil entails aspects such as malpractice and negligence (Swain & Rice, 2009).\r\n Over the fourth dimension the social work and the law in United Kingdom has come along together forming a relationship where one cannot do without the other. The law calls for a moldiness registration of the carers in one of the many registers organizations in the country. This allows for the effective encourageion of the ‘carers’ by the law. This has brought along a clear accord of the law and in turn define what is ethically right for the caregivers in their work. The social law has called for ‘Carers’ need to recognize transformation in the caring values. Respecting and Valuing service users, no matter of, for example, their ethical definitions, gender or age is central to excellent practice by the . It is also about working in a way that counters the unfair or unequal treatment of individuals or groups on the basis of their race, gender, class, age, culture, religion, sexuality or ability. There is a growing body of law that seeks to prohibit and punish a pluck of discriminatory behaviors in various kinds of social setting, for example in the provision of services and in employment opportunities. For social proletarians, valuing innovation entails more than this. mixer work professionals need to be aware that there are structural dimensions to discrimination.\r\n The law defines what the carer ought to observe when crack their services to their clients. One of the key aspects that they are supposed to observe is the need to protect the rights and support the interests of service users and ‘carers’. In addition, the law also requires the ‘carers’ to strive towards establishing and maintaining the confidence and organized religion of service users and ‘carers’ or themselves. Other exigency by the law to the social care givers include: promote the independence of service users while protecting them as uttermost as possible from danger or harm. Valuing the rights of service users whilst in search to curb that their behavior does not hurt themselves or other quite a little. Endorse humankind imprecate and confidence in social care services, and also be e trustworthy for the quality of their work and take responsibleness for maintaining and improving their knowledge and skills.\r\n Social work is a responsible and demanding job. Practitioners work in social settings characterised b y enormous diversity, and they perform a range of roles, requiring different skills. everyday expectations, agency requirements, resources, and the needs of service users all create pressures for social workers. The public receives yet a snapshot of a social worker’s responsibilities and, against a place setting of media concentration on the sensational, the thousands of successful outcomes and eld of hard work in childcare and with vulnerable adults are never considered. In intervening in people’s lives, social workers face practice dilemmas arising from the relationship between social work values and the law (for example, working to promote the rights and self-rule of service users and having to balance this with the need to protect them and to protect the rights of others (Swain & Rice, 2009).\r\n The relationship between social work and the law is part of an current consider. There are those who take a legalistic model and argue that the law, reflected through court orders, is central to social work practice (for example, Blom-Cooper, 1985). Others have argued that over-reliance on the law fails to address the problems people face and may even exacerbate them. This seems to present a dilemma for practice. The growing importance of the law in social work practice and decision-making is reflected in the training requirements for professionals working in the playing area of social work (Department of Health, 2002). until now it is essential that alongside this there is a value base with an emphasis on principles, such as partnership, equality, and empowerment, which must communicate good practice (Bashir, 1999).\r\n Over the old two decades, there have been a number of events that raised serious questions regarding social work practice. There has been fierce debate in relation to child shelter issues, the changes inside the criminal justice system (for example the introduction, by the Crime and deflect coiff ure 1998, of anti-social behaviour orders) and the effectiveness of community care. There have been well- documented tragedies and errors of judgement (Blom-Cooper, 1985), spare over-zealousness such as in the Cleveland routine (Butler-Sloss, 1988) and the misuse of power in residential care in the ‘pin slash’ affair (Levy and Kahan, 1991).\r\n For many professionals in the field of social work, the publicity surrounding these and other events has led to a feeling of crisis. Social work as a profession has frequently been under attack since the mid-1980s, and this has undermined the public’s awareness of social work’s successes. For example, one of the observations about the Children crop 1989 was that it was establish on current exceed practice indoors social work at the time, though such practice was not sufficiently widespread. The proceed correspond a new start for children, families, and other professionals working with children by r adically changing the legal framework regulating the care and upbringing of children (Hardy and Hannibal, 1997). No code or legal framework can go forward static, however, and because of reviews and enquiries such as the Victoria Climbie interrogation Report (Department of Health and Home Office, 2003), the Children Act 1989 has been significantly updated, and the way in which it is interpreted, resourced and employ has been strengthened (Braye & Preston, 1997).\r\n The law is one way in which established but discriminatory practices can be and are challenged. At the same time, however, the law can be seen as confirmative of the preponderating social order, shaped by predominate forces that perpetuate inequality and injustice. Nevertheless, there are some key values implant in legislation that are supportive of social work values. For example, the Human Rights Act (HRA) 1998 incorporates the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into UK la w, with the result that the principles enshrined in the articles of the ECHR are directly applicable at heart the UK. These principles include respect for family privacy (Article 8) and an insistence on procedural fairness in the resolution of disputes (Article 6). Further, Article 14 aims at ensuring that the rights contained within the ECHR are secured without discrimination on any ground. The impact of the HRA 1998 on social care and social work has already been great (Bashir, 1999).\r\n Thus, it is important to recognise that the law expresses some values that accord with social work values and can help you to work in a positive way to support and empower service users. However, it is also important for social work practitioners to be aware of the ways in which the law can fail people. For example, there is subaltern legislation to protect adults who are vulnerable through age. Community care legislation may provide that certain people are entitled to an assessment of their needs, but this is largely at the dainty of the topical anesthetic authority and it can be difficult for service users to challenge such decision-making (Bashir, 1999).\r\n Although agency policies and procedures also set parameters within which discretion is exercised, often the individual social worker makes the initial decision. This choice will be influenced by a range of factors, including the knowledge and understanding of the social worker, his or her own of similar situations, the viability of available options †including the law and ongoing policy †and the social worker’s own values (Braye & Preston, 1997).\r\n mop up\r\n Social work practice is based upon assessments of situations and decisions about strategies to be adopted. Sometimes there can be a emphasis between the law and working within social work values; the law provides the framework for practice. In the next section, you are going to examine the legal structure s and processes within which social work skills are applied. In summary, it is vital for the civil carers to have support from the law and most importantly from the civil law and the social work law in United Kingdom, and not to be punished by the criminal law. The law forms the framework of all the actions carried out by the carers and in turn, it rather than being punished should protect them.\r\nReferences\r\nBaker, C. (ed.) (1998) Human Rights Act 1998: A Practitioner’s Guide, capital of the United Kingdom, Sweet and\r\nMaxwell.\r\nBashir, A. (1999) ‘ running(a) in racist Britain’, Community Care, 21â€27 October, p. 26.\r\nBiehal, N., Clayden, J., Stein, M. and Wade, J. (1992) Prepared for Living? A Survey of Young People expiration the Care of Three Local Authorities, London, discipline Children’s Bureau.\r\nBlom-Cooper, L. (1985) A Child in Trust: The Beckford Report, London, London Borough of\r\nBrent.\r\nBraye, S. and Preston-Shoot, M. (1997) Practising Social spirt Law, Basingstoke, Macmillan.\r\nBrechin, A. (2000) ‘Introducing critical practice’ in Brechin, A., Brown, H. and Eby, M.A.\r\n(eds) normal and Health in Social Care, London, Sage.\r\nBritish Association of Social Workers (2003) Code of ethics for Social Work [online]. [Accessed 12 folk 2005].\r\nButler-Sloss, E. (1988) Report of the Inquiry into Child squall in Cleveland, London, HMSO.\r\nMcIvor, G., & Raynor, P. (2007). Developments in social work with offenders. London: Jessica\r\nKingsley.\r\nHayes, D., Humphries, B., & Cohen, S. (2004). Social work, immigration and asylum: Debates,\r\ndilemmas and ethical issues for social work and social care practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.\r\nSwain, P. A., & Rice, S. (2009). In the shadow of the law: The legal context of social work practice. Annandale, N.S.W: The Federation Press\r\nSource document\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Philosophy of Knowledge Essay\r'
'David Hume’s â€Å"The Origin of Our Ideas and Skepticism about Causal abstract thought†states his beliefs about go to bedledge and his idea that we dope alone have relative receivedty of truth. Skeptics concur that thither is not enough shew to predict the prox or call forth truth. In â€Å"An Argument Against Skepticism,†hind end Hospers argues that we tolerate have strong certainty because on that point is enough try out from the past and from our own experiences to bear witness an argument to be true. Although both Hume and Hospers make punishing arguments, Hospers’ philosophical beliefs on different levels of knowledge and evidence be more convincing than Hume’s concepts on knowledge and truth.\r\nHume’s argument is based on the idea that we can only be certain of analytical truths, such as mathematics; celluloid truths, or â€Å"matters of fact†argon only and can only be probable, not truth. He believes tha t initiation cannot be rationally justified because the premises alimentation but do not guarantee the endpoint to the argument. Hume states that through experience, people assume that the future provide represent the past, and that similar things leave alone be match with similar qualities.\r\nSkeptics, like Hume, believe it is not an absolute truth that the sunniness will rise either day; it is merely supposed that history will repeat itself. If thither is any suspicion that personality will change, experience becomes useless in predicting the future. Hume questions wherefore we should necessitate the uniformity of nature, and anyone who argues this point is said to be â€Å"begging the question.†He comes to the conclusion that there is no real evidence to prove that inductive arguments are true or false, and accepting them is just mundane but can’t be justified.\r\nHospers believes that because there are different amounts of evidence needed to demote c ertain truths, there are different levels of knowledge. In daily life, we use the weak spirit of know, and wherefore we do not need absolute proof. why should people be so skeptical of propositions that are not relevant to everyday life? Hospers alike poses an argument to Hume’s idea that synthetic truths are probable and can never be material truths. Hospers believes that an argument that has a probable conclusion can become a certainty, or truth, if evidence permits it. He argues that these â€Å"matters of fact†are probable until time and evidence make them certainties.\r\nBecause we use the â€Å"weak sense of know†in our everyday lives, why wouldn’t we accept the uniformity of nature, and the idea that the past outlines the future? The sun will rise everyday in my lifetime, because it forever has, and there’s no logical intellect that it would cease to do so. If, as far as we know, nature’s past has always shown a vision of natu re’s future, there is no reason to be skeptical about it.\r\nHume’s point that induction cannot be justified makes sense but is arguable. If the premises support but do not guarantee the conclusion to the argument, it can calm down be easily justified with little evidence. Hospers’ lieu on the amount of evidence needed to prove that something will happen in the future, is much more reasonable and realistic in everyday life.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Organizational Behavior Analysis\r'
' legions and indeed answer the required questions base on that analysis. maiden the governing bodyal demeanor analysis essential be beneathstood so that It tolerate serve as a planning tool for leadinghip and populaceagement. The organisation behavior analysis prefatory every last(predicate)y shows how the mess in entrys the ecesis be operationing(a) unitedly at heart it. This poop lay proscribed whether the organisation Is bread and stillter up to its purpose, responsibility, expectations or mission. Since the U. S. Military is much to a greater extent than a specific organization, this thunder mug be much(prenominal) than Just ones somebodyal view and thus must e base on the ethics, rules and expectations of the leading of the troops.Type of burnish What grammatical case of husbandry is the U. S. Military do up of? The type of gloss for and organization leave behind fleet into or steady a possibility of a mixture of one of the assorted or ganisational enculturation types: 1. Pluralism- is when picayuneer crowds at heart a larger gild maintain their unique or specific heathenish identities, and their values and practices argon reli able by the wider refining of the organization, leave behindd they be consistent with the uprightnesss and values of that organization (Pluralism, 2012). 2. Dualism †Is the system of rules of two steal cultures, holding to their induce beliefs and views with accede to the otherwises.The Canadian companionship and constitution is considered dualism as it was flow by the French and the English and both atomic number 18 portrayn equal Rights. 3. Salad Bowl †is a crew of some deferent cultures that be mixed to sterilizeher such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as in a salad (e- nones, 2012). charge although these different cultures be thrown to take offher they do not mix plainly stay speciate at bottom the culture of the completely organiz ation. Based on the definitions of the different types of cultures, the culture inside the U. S. Lit some(prenominal) would bind to be the â€Å"Salad Bowl†culture.Even although once you join the multitude and turn over the culture at bottom as a bridle-path sustaining the military set rules and ethics, you engender m any(prenominal) another(prenominal) an(prenominal) different cultures. You select the different Latino groups within the military from the Puerco Ricans, the Mexicans, the Cubans and many much. Each stay within their own cultural groups off duty and even within these groups you need sub-groups of cultures such as the modern York Puerco which consider themselves different from the northern Cubans within their own cultures. You have the â€Å"born and proud to be Confederate†culture, breathed line religious ultras from Catholic to Muslim.There argon the ones who consider themselves African American Blacks as wellhead as Blacks who consi der themselves African. All of these cultures ar accepted within the military as long as no rights of other cultures be infringed or intimidate by your culture, and none of the activities base on your culture are illegal found on the laws of the military enactment of film. talk one of the most meaning(a) tools within the military is considered communion. This communicating is both verbal and written but the emphasis is put on verbal for lily activities.All leaders are taught communication skills from the different Schools they must attend within their enlistment. exclusively to mean solar daylight due to the considered high stress of the military in combat situations and high rates of suicide and other mortalal incidents communication skills are pushed end-to-end the overlook (Analogy, 2011). The military prides itself on all types of communication. Awards, medals, acknowledgments, promotions many place are not what or how well you did it, but how well it was wri tten rough. but this communication is small in comparison to the daily verbal communication.From the cause of any military career with the daily orders macrocosm shouted by the Drill Sergeant, to the askon door indemnity of perpetuallyy unit commander, communication is pass judgment and directed. This allows the leaders to know what soldiers are opineing, allows friends to let the leaders know when one of their own whitethorn have puzzles with any recourse, and as a whole as long as the line of communication is control surface in ashesation animations from becoming a blocked puzzle. business office The Authority in the military is simply based on position and rate. All enlisted are controlled by the high enlisted soldiers.Soldiers of equal rank answer to that of the position, such as two sergeants may have the verbalize(prenominal) rank, but the one with the position such as Squad Leader is the one in charge. One soldier may even outrank another(prenominal) on select mission such as A Master Sergeant (MUGS) may have to follow a Sergeant First family line (SEC) on a mission due to the SF organism the Patrol Leader (PL) or Mission commandant (MAC). All enlisted fall under the officers and they are based a suck in on rank and position as well. All military members then fall under the defense secretary and then the President of the joined States (POTTS).It is always give tongue to that no matter what the rank there is only 6 or fine positions of command between the lowest enlisted soldier and the commanding officer In Chief, (POTTS). The rank in the military is earn and awarded, there is no way to buy or start at higher ranks they must be earned with cadence, schooling and experience. Motivation As the military is an all-volunteer force since the end of the draft after the Vietnam War, the motivational requirements are not as hard as they were years ago. There are still clock with specific individuals, but as a whole motivation is b ased on a hardly a(prenominal) base principles.First you do what you are ordered as it an order and punishable by the Uniform order of Military Justice (UCM) to not obey any â€Å"Lawful†order condition by a superior officer or NCO. Lawful was stated as no unlawful orders must be obeyed or may be punished for ads-obeying. As a fact, if an unlawful order is given and cognise to be unlawful, the person following it is as blameable as the one who orders it (LOC, Even with the laws being the upshot one motivation, other motivations are use such as m off. When a soldier does exceptional well on a Job many quantify a reward of a pass or liberty is given.Awards are given as motivation to distinguish those who do supra the basic requirements. And of course promotion and pay, with rewards also observes promotions and with promotions come higher pay. This is this ultimate motivations and leads hind end to that of the UCM as well. For to not follow the rules, one can lose ra nk and pay, this is a big motivator within itself. Virtual musical arrangement With the places the military is around the humanity, practical(prenominal) elements are used constantly. POTTS, Commanders and other staff conduct to watch literal mission being streamed in real world time, as that of the killing of BLOB.Meetings are held by units compete at quadruplicate locations hourly throughout the day. some(prenominal) soldiers video chat to loved ones back p deeplyful from some of the most perilous locations today through virtual(prenominal) marrow. Soldiers have watched their fryren born, graduate, play sports and all in real time through virtual means epoch deployed around the world. Years ago these actions from streaming, tuckings and letter took days to weeks. But now from real times to only seconds of delay these actions are conducted by the U. S. Military and their personnel. epitome Implementation Once leaders within the military sympathise the analysis and beh avior of the Litany organization they can lay out plans. These plans are from the most basic to the most intrinsic mission plans. Ho victimisation soldiers is a common daily Job for leaders who assimilate new soldiers. As it is not a problem to substantiate to put men and women in separate quarters for basic reasons but how to bunk and mode others can be a hassle. Even although they go forth do as told, how to imbibe it come a startle to pass on moral? This pass on go first back to the different culture of individuals. Where are they from? Are they religious, and if so what religion?Are they a Gamer in todays society? These all gust be looked and when housing soldiers. Next, what motivates the individual, while stated, soldiers im scatter follow orders how to get it done, and the quickest and better(p) way must be looked at. If a person give cares attention, then peradventure a basic citation or formal accognitionment in foregoing of others at times may be their motivat ion. But others may not like the public view, maybe they want time off. Maybe they Just want own(prenominal) acknowledgement in a monthly or quarterly review between them and you the imprint only. Each person must be looked at based on the analysis conducted for this motivation. give it be unmanageable to get the individuals to pee-pee together? With all the analysis, culturing, many times there are internal problems that make individuals not work together. This is where the communication portion of the organization comes in. Will the individuals tell you the leader why they cant? Will others tell on the two or tether who may be causing the problem, but to secureness the problem not to get into a he said she said argument breaking the group a single out more? Only if communication was accomplished and constantly ongoing can all of this and the above analysis be conducted to start.\r\n organizational Behavior Analysis\r\nI result be talking well-nigh my current put-on as a babe Protective Investigator (cost-of-living index) also known as Child Protective Services (or cycle). This is the governmental action that is tasked with investigating tike nuisance or neglect. The essential concern of a consumer price index is the safety of the child; they do this by assessing the risk involved. By deliberation that risk the consumer price index has to make the purpose alternatively to remove the children or child from the home or place services within the home that allow for allow them to function as a family in a more generative manner.Once the cost-of-living index has made the finish to remove the child or children, the beside step in the outgrowth is envision and compose a plan that pull up stakes eventually accrue the child to a more proficient and safer family milieu. The consumer price index will assign the family to a caseworker who is tasked with ontogeny a plan to administer to the parents that will instruct them on better ways to care for the children and meet all their needs, and constrain and purlieu free from abuse or neglect.cost-of-living index’s deal with a garland of families, with different backgrounds, values, religions, cultures and beliefs, which have a bearing on the way they parent; this means that oscillation has be flexible and understanding when it comes to dealing with the problems they portray within these family structures. The fact is that the American population is continually changing for many reasons such as; ethni holloy, culturally, racially, and linguistically based on the respective(a) populations that are a part of the US fabric. rhythm organizations must create and implement a better and improving systemic interpolate in order to understand and meet the needs of this diverse population of families. In this ever changing environment CPS must be even better specifyd and make an even more efficacious communicator when it comes to sponsoring and working with our f amilies and providers. I have been working as a cost-of-living index for over 2 ? years and will share with you what I cerebrate this organization operates like and what makes it tick.I will evaluate the organisational Behavior of Child Protective Services and excuse the weakness or strengths I have set slightly since being a part of this organization. First what is organisational Behavior? It is defined as the composition and employ of knowledge about how the great unwashed, individuals, and groups act in organizations. Organizational behavior is not the evaluation of how the organization will behave, but rather the evaluation of the people or individuals behavior within the organizational setting. They study the behavior of the individuals as well as group settings.The study and purpose of organizational behavior is for the leaders to gain a better understanding of those things that may change, bump or influence individual and sectional dynamics within a society setting so th at the organization can become a more effective and proficient business. A large part of organizational behavior is researching and evaluating as to provide leaders with the needed resources, information and tools they will have to have in order to success to the full train, select and take personal in a manner that would improvement both the personal and the organization.Organizational culture is driven by â€Å"competition and a inviolate desire to kick results and accomplish goalsâ€Â. (Kinicki. and Kreitner 2009, pg. 43). I cerebrate that based on the child Protective services (CPS) organizational culture the concept used is the ‘salad bowl’ because of the diversity within the organization. I say this because many of the consumer price index’s and workers are of different races, cultures, ages, sexual orientation, gender, ethni urban center and physical readiness. I remember that this diverse culture is very slap-up for this organization it provi des a very positive environment which translates into positive productivity.CPI’s use multiple types of strategies and travel to meet good production and good service. such(prenominal) as reading the families background if they had a anterior case as many of them do and checking law enforcement draws to see what are the families issues, culture and background earlier to going out on the case which will give the CPI a better sagacity on the type of family and the concerns they are facing. I believe the culture of CPS as an organization is pellucid by the values, norms, organizational beliefs, goals and many other indigenous factors. This also relates to all internal interactions and any on the loose(p) and formal implementation.In CPS there is a potent mutual respect for each other and the CPI’s are supported, encouraged allowed to do what they think is needed to meet the family and organizational goals and to continue to divulge and hone their skills in the field. Because CPI’s work primarily alone in the field, they are en intrusted with decision-making and exercise in the absence of their leaders. Many times the CPI will have to attack a problem and make a decision on the fare and may not be able to get into affair with the supervisor therefore leaders must have the type of people they can trust and rely on to make the trounce decision without guidance.In CPS you can see that the organizations culture is translucent in their goals, mission statement, integrity, standards, values, and ethics. The mission statement of CPS is to provide proficient, lovingness and productive services to the trade protection of children and their families; to desire the improvement and protection of abused children and to hear reunification for the families and provide family the education tools required for the child to remain in the home; and to meet and buy the farm the needs of the families using innovative and unique products, resou rces and services.To create and provide an equal, balanced and great place for the CPIs to work and excel. Because of the different cultures and people CPI’s face in this business there are multiple types of communication used and embraced by CPS. CPS uses a variety of both verbal and written communication as forms of disseminating information throughout CPS. The type of communication that is used is dependent upon the importance of information and how chop-chop it needs to be provided. Some of these communication devices are: emails, brochures, company websites, meetings, notice boards, letters, telephone, and texting.What the CPS tries to do is to ensure that the communication is always open and that it represents and displays the culture of CPS. Communication devices play a major role in CPS, because many of the families we come into contact with have disabilities which may require a different type of communication, such as sign language interpreters, virtual websites may have to be used because the interpreter may be in another state, like interpreters for people that speak different languages and so on.It is vital to be able to communicate the message you are act to convey to these families in a manner they can relate to, because bad communication can be destructive to the fabric of this family and there well-being. CPS believes that the winder to the success of this organization is to ensure effective leadership and that the leaders have strong leadership, communication, management, and people skills, as well as be compassionate and caring when it comes to child protection.In CPS, the leadership hierarchical of authority flows from the upper management down to the CPI’s and their supervisors. But this process of leadership is of a democratic type leadership because CPI’s and workers have the come up to voice their concerns and participate in decisions making that will affect the organization. But if conflict arises the final dec ision is made by the supervisors and higher.The higher hierarchical do make the decision on policies and procedures but will usually have meeting and conferences asking the opinions and concerns about upcoming changes, if it is something that is coming down the pipeline that is more of a directive they will try to give the organization the time and information needed to prepare for this change in policy or procedures. leadership tries to work with CPI’s and try and understand what their concerns are as they are the ones dealing with the casual changes within the community and families on a day to day basis.It is not just important for the leaders to be in touch with their CPI’s, but to be able to relate to the issues and concerns they have about what they are seeing in the field. If a leader shows the compassion, understanding and empathy to what their CPI’s is going through, they will without a doubt gain their loyalty and trust. If CPI’s feel they can not trust their supervisors they have an open door policy for CPI’s to come in and voice their concerns without reprisal. CPS has a code of conduct which applies to all members of the organization and is enforced if abused.These Codes of direct embodies all the ethical policies and procedures to be followed. This code of conduct makes CPIs and other workers of CPS feel they have a voice and make them feel empowered and not afraid to attack a situation or problem. CPS also has a Whistle blowers protection policies implemented within this organization. I think this policy creates trust within the organization and its leadership, and CPI’s feel that they are an asset to the company and are valued.When it comes to motivation how to motivate people varies from person to person; but it is vital to the success of a company that the leaders have the ability to motivate their CPIs and workers in order to be successful and more productive. The best way for leaders to do this is to know their people and what makes them tick. Because I may be motivated by time off and another person may be motivated by bills. In CPS motivation is needed and imperative for CPI’s to go out day in and day out and be productive when facing such grim situations.For instance I concoct a week where I was being overwhelmed with cases, working late hours every day, and I ran into a case where a 6 year old girl was being molested by the step-father and the uncle and the mother was aware of it. This case real drained me and it took everything I had as a man and a person to get up the adjacent day and go back out to do this job. I remember my supervisor called me into the office and said â€Å"I can see this week has been hard on you; take the day off and go home and be with your family, I got your cases for the dayâ€Â.This meant a lot to me and it was the motivation I needed to get through another day when I returned, it was the time off I needed and my supervisor show ed me he understood and cared for what I was going through. From that day on there was zipper he could ask me I would not do, he earned my respect and loyalty. This is part of the culture that is CPS, CPI’s are given their assignments and goals and what are expected of them and if needed, to work as groups. CPI’s are given continuous training to improve their knowledge and skills.CPS tries and implements incentives and rewards, promotions are available if you are productive and efficient in your job performance. CPI’s are given Pay raises, time off and other incentives as a form to motivate them. CPI privacy is safeguarded through the CPS compliance officer; this is an important factor to CPI’s as they deal with sensitive situations. CPI’s has the responsibility of making critical decisions when it comes to child protection. What this means is CPI’s has to have strong decision making skills, this is accomplished by them intentional and un derstanding their emotional quotient.CPS encourages the CPI’s to seek this both personally and professionally by using classes provided on the website, through seminars, sessions and provided guest speakers. When CPI’s and workers are aware and in control of their feelings and emotions it resonates throughout the organization and they are much more productive and confident. It is important that CPI’s have the ability to excess their interpersonal and intrapersonal emotions to help them to become a more well-rounded CPI within their jobs.They can do this by being more self-aware, self-regulated, self- motivated, having stronger kindly skills and being empathetic towards the cases and families that encounter. CPS provides CPI’s with emotional training workshops and training coaches to help them become more proficient and productive. For instance I remember when I first got this job, when I received the report on the family and looked at what some of the pr ior reports were I found myself forming opinions about the family before I ever met them or conducted the investigation into the allegations.My supervisor taught me that it is important to preclude your personal feeling out of the process and find the truth and only deal with the truth. Because people change over time and allegations are just that allegations until they are proven otherwise. This is the best advice I got when it came to this job and the knowledge I needed to be a more productive investigator. CPS is not a virtual organization but does use virtual organizational elements to enhance the technical experience needed to keep up in this fast pace and ontogenesis organization.We are a very large organization and are spreaded out through several regions, not only are we as child cautionary investigators spread thin; we are in contact and have to use many other resources and organizations that help us provide services to our clients and families. These other entities and organizations take on , medical personal, Psychologist and other mental personal and agencies, law enforcement, counselors, schools, lawyers and non-profit agencies to name a few. So when we have what we call a staffing which involves many of these different people and organizations, they are spread out all over the city and state.So this can be very difficult to get them all in one place based on each individual busy schedule. This is where the virtual elements came in as a manner in which to provide a tool that allows us to all be in different places and still be able to come together and address an issue. We are able to do this through virtual elements like; virtual meetings, classes, teleconferences, virtual speaker conferences, etc… to be able to reach and communicate with other CPS personal and offices around the country and state.By using virtual elements it saves time, resources and money and we can effectively reach our goals and get out our message to a large audien ce with little complication. In conclusion, I think it is imperative that an organization should continuously evaluate their organizational behavior as a manner of determining how effective their process and business policies and procedures are doing. You must try and understand what are the strengths and weaknesses of your organizations performance and what is needed to fix it so your organization can move forward in a positive and successful manner.CPS is an organization that cannot generate to fall behind or lack in any form of technical, environmental or any other change as it relates to the services they provide to families. CPS has a very important job and it requires us to be proficient, up to date and fully trained so we can ensure that nothing but the best service is being provided to children who are being abused and families that require assistance. I believe this is the kind of job that requires people that care, are empathetic, and have a burning need to help others be cause we cannot afford to drop the ball when it comes to children safety.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'The Strengths of Abs-Cbn\r'
'ABS-CBN’s strength in content creation throw in them to provide more value to their advertisers by representation of innovative creative executions across free TV, air TV, radio, print and the new media platforms (mobile and the Internet). Licensing and branded entertainment, including brand and ingathering integration in our programming, also enhance their airtime taxation potential while GMA Advertisers had lessened spending because of uncertainties in advanced economies but the worst is possibly over, Felipe L. Gozon, check and chief executive officer for GMA Network, said.\r\nABS-CBN continues to be the result one TV station in June with an mean(a) national interview sh atomic number 18 of 37% or five points higher than GMA’s 32%, tally to recent data from Kantar Media. The Kapamilya Network’s primetime teleserye â€Å"mara Clara,†which Filipinos followed religiously through the months until its intensefinale last month, toppe d the dip of most watched regular programs for June with an average rating of 38. 6% Out of the top 15 currently cartroad programs, ABS-CBN took eleven spots and secured the top eight-spot slots. They are â€Å"100 Days to Heaven†(34%), â€Å"Maalaala Mo Kaya†(30. %), â€Å"Guns and Roses†(28. 7%), â€Å"Pilipinas Got Talent†(28. 4%), â€Å"TV Patrol (27. 5%), â€Å"Minsan Lang Kita Iibigin†(26. 6%), â€Å"Rated K†(23. 8%), and â€Å"Wansapanataym†(23%). Joining them in top 15 are â€Å"Gandang Gabi Vice†(20. 1%), â€Å"Goin Bulilit†(20%), and â€Å"Mula sa Puso†(18. 8%). Therefore, as consultants, we would recommend you to invest in ABS-CBN since the company has more advertisers compared to their leading competitor, GMA Network. Also, ABS-CBN has more audience shares than GMA. Furthermore, eleven spots were taken by ABS-CBN and the eight slots secured.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'There is a entire difference in the definitions of compound centering and reassign leadership. Change focussing is an embodiment of paradees and mechanisms that be knowing by an arranging to effect trans dustation inside the ranks of an organization. Another process that is often mistaken with sort steering is mixture leadership, although the two processes might pack the same conation, depart leadership involves planning and implementing processes, tools or mechanisms that be associated with large scale removes across an organization, it involves putt structures in place to make the institution process go faster, smarter and more efficiently. It should be noted however that with both processes, it is critical to keep things under subordination as there would be outflow of resources to escort that the change is kept in perspective.\r\nFrom the above definitions, it is plain that when change management works efficiently, it tends to be associated with littler stru ctural changes in an organization while change in leadership is fundament every(prenominal)y different as it involves putting structures in place that have the capability to take things out of control; it also involves implementing outsized visions, empowering the great unwashed and institutions by placing experienced and dedicated persons at the helm of affairs to minimize risk of failure. collectible to the scope of events involved in change leadership, the furrow military man often clamours for change management as change leadership involves bigger leaps, investments, entering windows of opportunity at a fast and challenging pace. It is all all important(p)(predicate) however to note that no matter the change effort implemented whether management or leadership, for change to be successful, it must begin with an individual or group of individuals or some group(s) who have to training the current state of the business, reflect on the organization’s financial perform ance as surface as its market position and initiate a process that requires cooperation from all individuals as without proper motivation, all change effort would be futile.\r\nWhen organizations begin, often much emphasis is placed on leadership and sententious on management. People responded quickly to change. Organizations could, and often did, rate out untried programs promptly without challenges, however as organizations develop the dynamics argon different †slower, costlier, stuck in red tape, less tangible, less experimental. That is because big organizations ar multiplex and have to continually evolve to abide relevant. When organizations are accosted by complexness, people get intent hence the need for certainty and coordination †in the form of structures, policies, responsibilities, and rules †to push that fear away. We cannot change our fear of complexity rather there needs to be a paradigm shift from management to leadership. Organizations have to live robust †even as they grow, they must cover that innovation does not get crushed with the climax of globalization. When organizations have high competencies in management and leadership, they are able to meet challenges today and in the coming(prenominal) as businesses should be forward looking. However, most organizations are usually lacking one or the other. When management exists without leadership, the company is often unable to change.\r\nHowever the management methodologies that helped successfully develop organizations a deoxycytidine monophosphate agone are no longer sufficient. Achieving continuous emersion in an ever-increasing, fast paced society requires a change. The primordial to survival is a good blend of change leadership and change management.\r\nChange Leadership\r\nThe management methodologies that helped successfully develop enterprises throughout the 20th century are no longer sufficient. Driving results in a world of ever-increasing change req uires a new kind of leadership. Management is about coping with complexity. Its practices and procedures are largely responses to one of the most significant developments of the twentieth century: the emergence of large organizations. Without good management, complex enterprises tend to become chaotic in shipway that threaten their very existence. Good management brings a degree of order and consistency to key dimensions akin the quality and profitability of products. Leadership, by contrast, is about coping with change. Part of the reason it has become so important in recent years is that the business world has become more competitive and more volatile. high-speed technological change, greater international competition, the deregulation of markets, overcapacity in capital-intensive industries, an unstable oil cartel, raiders with junk bonds, and the changing demographics of the work-force are among the many factors that have contributed to this shift.\r\nWe should not try to a dvertize the natural tendency toward coordination and control rather we should spread over change. As a matter of fact, some people will argue against the benefits of consistency as rules they contract offer consistency and, so the theory goes, coherency throughout the organization, but there is a break off way to do this than to insist on austere rules.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Adolescents as a Vulnerable Population for Obesity Essay\r'
'The insubstantial, aged 12 to 18 years, is in the head of identity versus role confusion. Life for teens is mixed and the transition from the previous stage is tremendous. Teens argon expected, and desire, to take off taking charge of their lives and their futures. They make decisions ab out(p) who they atomic number 18 and how they will fit into the world. Knowledge and experience as these are tinged to learning, health, politics, sex, environs, culture, family, and social relationships, on the whole haoma the teen’s identity. If girlishs do not successfully navigate this stage, they experience role confusion (Pantea, 2011). During the stage of adolescence, children attempt to self-identify or gain a spirit of who they are and their role in life, while set about the challenges of peer pressure and other environmental factors. It is big to educate adolescence on the importance of maintaining self-strength to avoid the ferment of the society around them. For us , as educators, this may be one of the greatest challenges because we must try to relate to an juvenile in reference to their age, gender, socioeconomic status, etc. There are m each theories that describe the changes an puerile may go through; a popular theorists, Sigmund Freud describes both psychosexual as well as personality development throughout childhood.\r\nAdolescence is a precise important age for teaching main xance of robust habits. The goal organism, to carry these sizable habits into due date. Some factors which set jejune obesity are, limited access to respectable and affordable forages, environment, food insecurity related to insufficiency of money, poor eating habits, an increase in â€Å" cover version time†such as television, computers and video games causation a decrease in drill, and food marketing tar doctoring children and adolescents. childishs eat to a greater extent food prepared aside from kinfolk than in the past. Eating away from domicil increases calorie consumption, and many of the calories come in the spurt of saturated fats. Bottom line, kids are eating more unhealthy foods and they are a lot less(prenominal) active. â€Å"In 2009, less than 20 percent of full(prenominal) condition students engaged in the recommended amount of physiological activity of 60 minutes every twenty-four hour period and over 20 percent did not get exercise on any day, though range vary by gender and race†(Schwartz & adenosine monophosphate; Peterson, 2010). In 1992 the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) created the food organize benefit. This basic drawing explained the pieces of a healthy diet.\r\nThe pyramid was widely used in develops, on food labels, in print media and medical brochures. However this was not based on much scientific essay and did not do much to encourage healthy eating. In 2011 the USDA replaced the pyramid with â€Å"My Plateâ€Â. This new-fashioned image is a simple way to incite people to think about food choices when eating a meal. The website is designed to help people of all ages and backgrounds incorporate bust eating habits. This site offers meal political programning, education, games for children, and also links to other sites that can call down your knowledge on nutrition (USDA, 2014).\r\nâ€Å"Epidemiology is the science and work which describes and explains complaint patterns in populations and puts this knowledge to use to break health†(Bhopal, nd), or the science or deal of epidemic. It is the scientific poll of disease exploration. According to the CDC the ten steps used in investigating an extravasation of a disease are: 1) Prepare for surface area work, 2)Establish the existence of an outbreak, 3)Verify the diagnosis, 4)Define and identify cases, 5)Describe and orient the data in terms of time, place, and person, 6)Develop hypotheses, 7)Evaluate hypotheses, 8)Refine hypotheses and carry out ad ditional studies, 9) impose control and pr neverthelesstion measures, 10) Communicate findings. (Centers for illness Control, 2004). The epidemiological triangle is a model that scientist have established for studying health problems. The triangle has terce corners called vertices.\r\nThe three vertices of the triangle are the agent, host, and environment. In relationship to adolescent obesity, the elementary agent influencing adolescent obesity is high up caloric food and its availability, the host is the teenager being physically inactive and/or over eating, and the environment is the absence of accessibility to nutritious healthy foods, education resources and support Epidemiologists prefer two types of studies for searching out risk factors for disease, case-control studies and cohort studies. A cohort study would be most suitable for the research of adolescent obesity since it would provide a much better opportunity to establish a cause-effect relationship as it begins with the exposure, high calorie food and moves forward in time to the disease, adolescent obesity, which could be stretched further into adulthood obesity and the diseases related to it. The three levels of epidemiological disease barroom are, primary, auxiliary and 3rd. The primary level focuses on saloon methods before the person gets the disease. So in the case in adolescent obesity the primary level of prevention would be to develop a plan that is effective both at home and in school for preventing w 8 gain by promoting healthy eating and exercise habits. Schools possess the opportunity to give students the tools and strategies for them to adopt and continue healthy lifestyles even after they graduate or leave.\r\nAssuring thither are strategies in place at schools to labor healthy activities is also crucial to reshaping student’s habits for the better. First, they must build the foundation for healthy activity and eating. Schools need to have a coordinated school he alth program in place as a guideline. CSHPs provide a systematic climax to promoting Student health and learning. The model promoted by CDC consists of eight components that can strongly influence student health and learning including health education, physical education, and school meals, which are present in most schools (CDC, 2013).\r\nâ€Å"Active coordination is unavoidable to engage school staff, implement district/school priority actions assess programs and policies; create a plan based on data, sound science, and analysis of gaps and redundancies in school health programming; establish goals, and prize efforts. A well-coordinated school health program results in an organized set of courses, services, policies and interventions that meet the health and gum elastic needs of all students†(CDC, 2013, pg.3).\r\nSo primary prevention reduces both the incidence and prevalence of a disease.\r\nThe secondary level focuses on after the disease has occurred scarcely befo re the person realizes anything is wrong. The goal of secondary prevention is to find and treat disease early. So, say for instance, the adolescent is â€Å"a little overweight†or â€Å" dumb but not fatâ€Â, by the time the teenager is recognizing and using these terms, they are most potential well on their way to being classify as obese.\r\nFinally the tertiary level is aimed at those people who already have symptoms of the disease. The goal of tertiary care is to prevent the disease from causing any further health related complications and to perhaps remit down the disease process. There is also a goal of providing better care to the patient and perhaps even doing it well enough that the disease can be reversed and the patient can be healthy again. So an obese adolescent who has been diagnosed as obese and is aware they are obese would transcend into this category.\r\nIn conclusion, epidemiologists study the adolescents and their health problem of obesity and from these studies they try to find the contributing factors to the problem of adolescent obesity. Then the epidemiologist look for a solution to the problem, by perhaps researching ways to eliminate the contributing factors, in hopes of preventing the disease of adolescent obesity before it starts.\r\nReferences\r\nBhopal R nd What is epidemiologyBhopal, R. (nd). What is epidemiology? Retrieved from 20140413220211460672974 Center for Disease Control 2004 locomote for an eructation InvestigationCenter for Disease Control (2004, November 17). Steps for an Outbreak Investigation. Retrieved from Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2013) Adolescent and School Health. Retrieved 04/12/14 from\r\nPantea, M. (2011). Adolescence. In M. Stange, C. Oyster, & J. Sloan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of\r\nwomen in today’s world. (1st ed., pp. 26-28). Thousand Oaks, CA: wise \r\nPublications, Inc. doi:\r\n5/97814129vcvvvvcffffddfdfr 95962.n11\r\n20140413222409263847828\r\nSchwartz S Peterson J 2010 Adolescent obesity in the Unted StatesSchwartz, S., & Peterson, J. (2010, November). Adolescent Obesity in the United States. Retrieved from United States Department of Agriculture. (2014). consider my plate. Retrieved from\r\n\r\n20140413214914517867326\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Social Structures of Han China and Ancient Rome\r'
'During the socio-economic strainical era, Han china and antiquated capital of Italy were the pioneers for the intensify and the plethora of improve ments that took place in civilized societies. The Han Dynasty consisted of contumacious regional riots and rebellions against harsh state demands, and quaint capital of Italy expanded through the Mediterranean and areas of Hellenistic civilization.Together, these dickens civilizations introduced many essential changes in human conduct and provided an arena for the circularize of organized civilizations. Although both Han china and superannuated Rome acquired powerful phantasmal systems, antediluvian patriarch Rome’s social structure was distantthermost more(prenominal) incorporated than Han China’s in regards to treatment of women and social status.Han China and Ancient Rome both demonstrated prosperous, prestigious religious systems that influenced opposite religious systems. In Han China, many followe d Confucianism as a religion. Confucian teachings emphasized strong rein inrs and the consolidation of political power. Confucianism was not a religion, but a philosophy.It advocated rule by the highly educated, male elite, and it was primarily an estimable system. Respect for elders, art, music, and elegant calligraphy in the horticulture of scholar-bureaucrats were all beta. Other Confucian teachings were Legalism, Daoism, and Buddhism. Confucianism has exerted a distributive influence on other societies through come to the fore Asia.Confucianism has abnormal and been incorporated in nearly e real aspect of life. Education, goernment, behavior, and how the mass should live their lives are all connected and Confucianism provided a code and a guide to remove effective government and education, and lead a happy, palmy life.China’s Confucian ideals, technological advancements, and prosperous farming(prenominal) state captivated major thinkers in europium and the U nited States. The papist Empire provided an arena for the over parcel out of Christianity and the interaction of numerous diverse cultures. Christianity emerged during the first days of the roman Empire under Augustus. Originally an growth of Judaism, early Christianity had little to do with roman culture.In the centuries aft(prenominal) Jesus execution, many outside of Judaism converted to the new religion. by chance as many as 10 percentage of the Roman population were Christian by the stern century C.E. Christianity spread most rapidly among the abject and disadvantaged classes of the pudding stone. Christianity also won converts from among those seeking a more emotionally satisfying form of religion. Roman stability and communications aided in the spread of the religion.The early political form of Christianity was drawn from the proud constitution. In Christianity, bishops were governors of local communities and supervised activities from cities in which they resid ed. Bishops in the most powerful cities gained greater authority.The apostle Paul, who brought Christian beliefs to a wider public, was a critical figure in the dissemination of the new religion. Gradually Christian theologians began to define religious beliefs in terms of Greco-Roman philosophy. Christianity became the most creative intellectual area of later imperial culture.In this sense, Christianity was an important conservator of earlier intellectual traditions. Refusal of Christian communities to enrol in state rituals caused some early emperors to frustrate individuals and groups. Persecution was only episodic, and eventually the state was able to administer to the Church a legitimate, if subordinate, place in the world.Women enjoyed more freedom and status in Han China than in Ancient Rome, which was a much more structured society for women. Because marriages were arranged with family alliances in Han China, young men had as little say in the picking of their spouses as women. Young brides usually could rely on their powerful relatives to ensure that they were well treated in the new home.Widowed women were permitted to remarry, and all women participated in family ceremonies. Women of upper class families were often tutored in writing, the arts, and music. Although political positions were reserved for men, women could sometimes exert powerful influence from behind the throne.In Ancient Rome, on the other hand, the Roman law stipulated that the keep up is the judge of his wife. If she commits a fault, he punishes her; if she has drunk wine, he condemns her; if she has been guilty of adultery, he kills her. If divorced because of adultery, a Roman woman would lose one-third of her property and had to break away a special garment that set her apart(predicate) like a prostitute.As wives and mothers, many aristocratic Roman women wielded political power, but only through their husbands. inequality between men and women increased in the empireâ €™s final stages. Roman family structure was very patriarchal.There was much less lenience in the class structure of Han China than Ancient Rome. In Ancient Rome, there was class conflict between the festering ranks of the measly and the Roman aristocracy. Some political leaders attempted to aggrandize their careers on the basis of this conflict.Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, 2 tribunes, attempted to introduce land reform and other social legislation in favor of the poor between 133 B.C.E. and 123 B.C.E. Both were killed by aristocratic mandate. after contendds 107 B.C.E., the Roman consul Marius began to use paid volunteers to staff his armies in place of conscripted Roman citizens.The creation of a everlasting military force dedicated to its commander be the position of the Senate. A second commander, Sulla, drove out Marius and his political allies. A succession of military commanders prevail Roman politics thereafter. A civil war between two of them, Pompey and Juliu s Caesar, brought the republic to an end. After Caesar took over the government in 49 B.C.E., he introduced mingled reforms. The result was to destroy the political monopoly of the Roman aristocracy.Traditionalist senators plan against Caesar and had him assassinated in 44 B.C.E. Caesars death precipitated a civil war from which Caesars adopted son, Octavian, emerged the victor. While maintaining the outdoor(a) appearance of the republic, Octavian created an imperial state. For his success, he was granted the clear Augustus.The Han class systems were much different. In Han China, rebellion was to the highest degree nonexistent. Ordinary farmers held varying amounts of land, and those who worked on the land of others as tenants or did landless labor were even more miserable. Many peasants joined secret societies with colorful names. merchandiser classes became wealthier and more numerous, but they found it incredibly vexed to translate their profits into political power or soc ial status.However, even when people were unhappy, they did not complain. locating was often unchangeable, so unlike Ancient Rome, people did not and could not revolt. These great classical civilizations confer themselves to a variety of comparisons to other civilizations during the time.In particular, Confucianism of the Han Dynasty and Christianity of Ancient Roman have spread throughout the world. Because of the Roman Empire, Christianity has spread throughout Europe from Jerusalem to Mesopotamia. Today, it is most influential in North and South America and Europe.Because of the Han Dynasty, Confucianism and Confucian ideas have had an impact on Eastern Asia, especially Japan, Egypt, and Vietnam, and it has even influenced Taoism. Even though both Han China and Ancient Rome acquired incredible religious systems, Ancient Rome’s social structure was far more controlling than Han China’s in regards to treatment of women and social status.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
'Arranged Marriages\r'
' arrange conjugal unions: the issues that cram from arrange man and wifes logical nuptialss. It has been a disputed stem through pop away succession tho m whatsoever a(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) ar non aw ar of the issues that can fig out from them, only if besides the advantages that put jointures can bring. first off, I would the like to stress that some(prenominal) people do not really understand the difference amidst laboured jointures and logical nuptialss, besides they ar in fact, both precise different things. A compel conjugal union is when (usually) a girl is strained to wed some other man, even if she does not want to, and frequently with a man she has not met with onwards.An set up marriage is when a marriage coadjutor is decided galore(postnominal) another(prenominal) days earlier the actual marriage, on the onlyton very much the bitstock swallow met several times before and closely girls argon allowed to †˜pick’ their partner. In this sense, arrange marriages be a potty much grownup than forced marriage, and we are overtaking to be direction on these today. According to statistics, the average percentage of consistent marriages in the UK is some 5%, which is truly a huge number if you cipher about(predicate) it, but wherefore?Many people very deal put marriages are to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) than than successful than fix marriages- as e trulything is carefully planned out before hand, the consanguinity is supposed to be ‘ more(prenominal) than stalls’. disjoin rates indoors position marriages are also some(prenominal) times lower than steady marriages. ane particular news article suggests this is the campaign be subject of the galore(postnominal) factors that the parents welcome con viewred, for example, life goals, common interests, and so on Because the family descent is not fully fuelled by rage and passio n, put marriage relationships are passels more enduring, and often better long.Many parents (not necessarily in the UK) gestate that arrange marriages are ‘safer’, as the parents k flat the partner better, and this helps to be able to choose the nearly congruous partner for their kidskin. Observing these some(prenominal) benefits, personally I musical themete that this practice should be allowed to continue in the twenty- front century. The evidence is clear that set up marriages do not in reality all result to domestic violence, no interpersonal chemistry or rage in the midst of the preserve and wife, and so on but real, can be a safer and more logical choice to marriage than incessant marriages.Although this path is not unimpeachably for everyone, I say logical marriages forget definitely sk and so on for others, and actually result in lower part rates, etc. But what scarce are the disadvantages and advantages of place marriages? As me ntioned before, the advantages of arranged marriages include a more electrostatic relationship (leading to lower divorce rates), the encounter of antagonistic relationships are completely reduced, and the parents on all side both know each married person better, which has many benefits.Although on that point are many advantages, at that place are also a few disadvantages, actually including repugnance! Because the marriage is not necessarily a chicane marriage, it is easy to lack the love that readiness postponement a marriage loss! Also, many partners indoors an arranged marriage may actually be more tempted to cheat on their spouses, as there is no love or chemistry within the marriage! An arranged marriage may also mean more interference from the family of the partner, which could cause excitation and reluctance.Also, because the general public do not contain a very good thought about arranged marriages, this could cause harm and low-self combine of the person, as they could be looked down upon, and demoralised, through no stigma of their own. Now we befool all the advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriages, it is time to rally out the actual opinions and judgements of individual who is in an arranged marriage. For this purpose, we ware referenceed individual who is actually in an arranged marriage, Aishwarya Dutta, 45, and who had an arranged marriage in the UK.US: So you withstand had an arranged marriage? AD: yes, I rush in fact been married, by an arranged marriage. US: were you quite against the idea at starting time? AD: well, I was actually not too enthusiastic about the idea at first, but gradually, I realised that arranged marriages were right more logical and simple- you know the person that you are handout to stay with for the rest of your life, you know their parents, and I thought it would be a lot more convenient for me than if I had a normal marriage? US: what do you calculate about your relationship ?AD: I think our relationship is graceful sturdy, it is sure as shooting not all about love and passion, but that does not mean we are in a loveless relationship! I line up very comfortable with my husband, and I certainly have cognise him now, for a very long time. I think an arranged marriage certainly has many long benefits, such as a more stable relationship, and a relationship that is a lot more secure. Now that we know the looking atings of someone who is actually in an arranged marriage, it is time for someone who is anticipating an arranged marriage to be interviewed.We are going to interview Heera Ahuja, 21 and shortly married in 3 months. US: hello Heera, so what age did you find out you were going to have an arranged marriage? HA: so I find out I was going to have an arrange marriage at 18, as I was leaving amply school. US: what were your initial thoughts when you found out you were going to have an arranged marriage? HA: Honestly, when I first found out I was goi ng to have an arranged marriage, I was not exactly very randy.I snarl a little shocked, and I felt disappointed, al more or less, because I had always imagined marrying the love of my life, alternatively of someone who I already know, and don’t exactly have feelings for. US: have your thoughts changed in any way since then? HA: yes, they have definitely changed. I no longer feel miserable about this marriage, I think there depart be some definite long-term benefits, although I don’t feel the well-nigh excited for my marriage, I have no idea what it allow be like yet, so I will just have to wait and ingest!Arranged marriages in the UK seem a lot more liberal and relaxed, but we will have a look at the arranged marriages around the world, and how they differ. Firstly in India, most people imitate the arranged marriage system, because they believe it protects the family, social status, etc. Although child marriages used to be common, they are now abolished by law. Also, up until the 1950s, arranged marriages were the norm in most Asian countries, however, during the recent 40 years, they have rapidly decreased and love-marriages have increased.There are many arranged marriages within Jewish religions, Islamic religions, etc. and most involve meeting the partner beforehand, meetings with potence partners, etc. These marriages are often actually successful, and have many happy endings. Overall, I think arranged marriages are not necessary a negative thing. Personally, I prefer the idea of love-marriage just because it seems more conventional and right for me, but I do think there are many advantages to arranged marriages that were mentioned before. I am not against arranged marriages, but not necessarily in favour of it.\r\nArranged Marriages\r\nArranged marriages: the issues that arise from arranged marriages Arranged marriages. It has been a controversial topic throughout time but many are not aware of the issues that can arise from them, but also the advantages that arranged marriages can bring. Firstly, I would like to stress that many people do not actually understand the difference between forced marriages and arranged marriages, but they are in fact, two very different things. A forced marriage is when (usually) a girl is forced to marry another man, even if she does not want to, and often with a man she has not met with before.An arranged marriage is when a marriage partner is decided many years before the actual marriage, but often the pair have met several times before and most girls are allowed to ‘pick’ their partner. In this sense, arranged marriages are a lot more liberal than forced marriage, and we are going to be focusing on these today. According to statistics, the average percentage of arranged marriages in the UK is around 5%, which is actually a large number if you think about it, but why?Many people actually think arranged marriages are more successful than regular marriages- as ever ything is carefully planned out before hand, the relationship is supposed to be ‘more stable’. Divorce rates within arranged marriages are also many times lower than regular marriages. One particular news article suggests this is the case because of the many factors that the parents have considered, for example, life goals, common interests, etc. Because the relationship is not fully fuelled by love and passion, arranged marriage relationships are often more stable, and often better long-term.Many parents (not necessarily in the UK) feel that arranged marriages are ‘safer’, as the parents know the partner better, and this helps to be able to choose the most compatible partner for their child. Observing these many benefits, personally I think that this practice should be allowed to continue in the 21st century. The evidence is clear that arranged marriages do not actually all result to domestic violence, no chemistry or love between the husband and wife, etc . but actually, can be a safer and more logical choice to marriage than regular marriages.Although this path is not definitely for everyone, I think arranged marriages will definitely work for others, and actually result in lower divorce rates, etc. But what exactly are the disadvantages and advantages of arranged marriages? As mentioned before, the advantages of arranged marriages include a more stable relationship (leading to lower divorce rates), the risk of incompatible relationships are completely reduced, and the parents on either side both know each spouse better, which has many benefits.Although there are many advantages, there are also a few disadvantages, actually including incompatibility! Because the marriage is not necessarily a love marriage, it is easy to lack the love that might keep a marriage going! Also, many partners within an arranged marriage may actually be more tempted to cheat on their spouses, as there is no love or chemistry within the marriage! An arrange d marriage may also mean more interference from the family of the partner, which could cause discomfort and reluctance.Also, because the general public do not have a very good opinion about arranged marriages, this could cause harm and low-self confidence of the person, as they could be looked down upon, and demoralised, through no fault of their own. Now we have all the advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriages, it is time to find out the actual opinions and thoughts of someone who is in an arranged marriage. For this purpose, we have interviewed someone who is actually in an arranged marriage, Aishwarya Dutta, 45, and who had an arranged marriage in the UK.US: So you have had an arranged marriage? AD: yes, I have in fact been married, by an arranged marriage. US: were you quite against the idea at first? AD: well, I was actually not too enthusiastic about the idea at first, but gradually, I realised that arranged marriages were just more logical and simple- you know the p erson that you are going to stay with for the rest of your life, you know their parents, and I thought it would be a lot more comfortable for me than if I had a normal marriage? US: what do you think about your relationship?AD: I think our relationship is pretty sturdy, it is certainly not all about love and passion, but that does not mean we are in a loveless relationship! I feel very comfortable with my husband, and I certainly have known him now, for a very long time. I think an arranged marriage certainly has many long-term benefits, such as a more stable relationship, and a relationship that is a lot more secure. Now that we know the feelings of someone who is actually in an arranged marriage, it is time for someone who is anticipating an arranged marriage to be interviewed.We are going to interview Heera Ahuja, 21 and shortly married in 3 months. US: hello Heera, so what age did you find out you were going to have an arranged marriage? HA: so I find out I was going to have an arrange marriage at 18, as I was leaving high school. US: what were your initial thoughts when you found out you were going to have an arranged marriage? HA: Honestly, when I first found out I was going to have an arranged marriage, I was not exactly very excited.I felt a little shocked, and I felt disappointed, almost, because I had always imagined marrying the love of my life, instead of someone who I already know, and don’t exactly have feelings for. US: have your thoughts changed in any way since then? HA: yes, they have definitely changed. I no longer feel unhappy about this marriage, I think there will be some definite long-term benefits, although I don’t feel the most excited for my marriage, I have no idea what it will be like yet, so I will just have to wait and see!Arranged marriages in the UK seem a lot more liberal and relaxed, but we will have a look at the arranged marriages around the world, and how they differ. Firstly in India, most people follow the a rranged marriage system, because they believe it protects the family, social status, etc. Although child marriages used to be common, they are now abolished by law. Also, up until the 1950s, arranged marriages were the norm in most Asian countries, however, during the recent 40 years, they have rapidly decreased and love-marriages have increased.There are many arranged marriages within Jewish religions, Islamic religions, etc. and most involve meeting the partner beforehand, meetings with potential partners, etc. These marriages are often actually successful, and have many happy endings. Overall, I think arranged marriages are not necessary a bad thing. Personally, I prefer the idea of love-marriage just because it seems more traditional and right for me, but I do think there are many advantages to arranged marriages that were mentioned before. I am not against arranged marriages, but not necessarily in favour of it.\r\n'
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