Friday, December 27, 2019
Business Disputes Of New York - 1250 Words
Keywords: business disputes in New York, commercial disputes in New York, arbitration in New York, real estate disputes in New York Resolving Small Business Disputes in New York New York is home to thousands of business. Some are international corporations, others are local. In New York, there are businesses in every industry, and, and some point, these businesses will face disputes. For small businesses in New York particular, a business dispute can mean the end of the life of the company, due to its tremendous expense and its potential to damage a business’ reputation in the community. Fortunately, business disputes in small businesses do not always result in an expensive lawsuit, and many are resolved without court assistance at all. Every business, even the smallest ones, needs a plan in place for handling disputes. It is best for the business owners and managers to create such a plan when there are no active conflicts within the company. Each business should have a method for resolving customer complaints, disagreements between employees, conflict with other companies, and so on. A business attorney is an excellent resource for putting these plans into place. When conflict does arise, each party to the dispute will understand how it will be resolved, providing a more efficient method of finalizing a disagreement. It is essential to handle business disputes as soon as possible before they cause unnecessary animosity and stress within the business. Businesses mayShow MoreRelatedCommercial Dispute On New York1268 Words  | 6 PagesKeywords: commercial disputes in New York, NY, commercial mediation in New York, NY, commercial contracts lawyer in New York, NY; real estate disputes in New York, NY The Delays Involved with Commercial Disputes in New York, NY Commercial disputes in New York, New York often take much longer to resolve than the parties anticipate. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Reader Response For The Kite Runner - 1348 Words
Reader Response for The Kite Runner Section 1- Writing Style: Khaled Hosseini, author of The Kite Runner, is most definitely different than other authors. He uses strong, detailed words that may be difficult, at some points, to understand. His use of vocabulary is rather challenging for me. The more use of challenging vocabulary, in my opinion, makes the book even more interesting. Now, I’m not a big fan of reading, but after reading this book, I had found an interest in reading more challenging books like The Kite Runner. Not knowing a word can change the whole scene by finding out what it actually means. Now, Khaled uses a wide variety of figurative language to grab your attention. Khaled Hosseini uses mainly similes, metaphors,†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Children aren’t coloring books, you don’t get to fill them with your favorite colors.†(Hosseini 21). Now, Khaled uses tone to describe what is happening in the scene. â€Å"His eyes flicked to me. I wanted to laugh for some reason. Or scream. I brought the ball of my hand to my mouth and bit on it. Baba laughed softly through his nose.†(Hosseini 162). In this moment, Amir is very excited with Baba because he is calling the general about Soraya. Amir has a little thing for Soraya, by which later in the novel, she becomes his wife. The text in this novel was pretty straightforward, you just have to identify the figurative language that the author uses, because he uses a lot of it to make the book more challenging. He also uses a lot of dialogue. My personal favorite is a passage from the end of the novel. â€Å"It was only a smile, nothing more. It didn t make everything alright. It didn t make anything all right. Only a smile. A tiny thing. A leaf in the woods, shaking in the wake of a startled bird s flight. But I ll take it. With open arms. Because when spring comes, it melts the snow one flake at a time, and maybe I just witnessed the first flake melting†(Hosseini 371). 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You should consider different reader responses and the extent to which your critical approach assists your interpretation. In Khaled Hosseini’s novel, ‘The Kite Runner’, it is often thought that symbols and metaphors are used as visual representations to reinforce and put emphasis on important stages in the novel. In can be seen that symbols are used in the novel to highlight particular moments in key relationships. For example Kites, the PomegranateRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1941 Words  | 8 PagesKhaled Hosseini’s novel The Kite Runner readers are interested to learn about the society in Afghanistan. The author wrote the book in a way that anyone of any age that reads it can relate to it. As an Afghan- American novelist, Hosseini’s language used in the book was understandable to both American and Afghan readers. The success of the book made it to the New York Times #1 top sellers best list in 2005 gaining more recognition for the book. 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He spent his early childhood living in Tehran, Iran, where he befriended his family s cook. The unexpected friendship between a young Afghan and a member of the H azara ethnic group exposed Hosseini to the acts of injustice against minority groups in AfghanistanRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini2522 Words  | 11 PagesIn The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini creates an awareness and humanization of Afghanistan as a nation and as a culture. Through a postcolonial perspective, the main character, Amir resembles the internal conflicts and external tribulations that a country and its citizens’ face when living in a war-torn region. Postcolonial criticism offers a unique perspective by highlighting the destructive events that lead to death and misery, rather than glorifying the exploratory nature of colonists as theyRead MoreTheme Of Racism In The Kite Runner788 Words  | 4 Pagesbubbling inside of them without ever having the proper knowledge to know why. Khaled Hosseinis The Kite Runner documents the life of a racist. He is able to convey the message that when racists are able to prosper throughout their whole life without any consequences, their actions are can be devastating to others. This can be seen in the creation of thehis character, Assef. Throughout Assef’s life, readers are able to see him transition from a young bully to a grown man that uses racist thoughts to fuelRead More The Power of Words Essay2225 Words  | 9 Pagesfire†was the boys main concern and those words meant a world of difference (McCarthy np). It gave the man and his son the strength and encouragement to just k eep going. Khaled Hossieni’s novel The Kite Runner used the repetition of the saying â€Å"for you a thousand times over†to induce an overwhelming response in the reader’s emotions through the use of irony (Hosseini np). The huge power of words in literature, speeches, songs, and sermons are seen over and over again. The use of such powerful wordsRead More1000 Splendid suns1913 Words  | 8 PagesMedical Degree in 1993. Hosseini completed his residency at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. Hosseini was a practicing internist between 1996 and 2004. While in medical school, Hosseini began writing his first novel, The Kite Runner, in March of 2001. In 2003, The Kite Runner, was published and has since become an international bestseller, published in 70 countries. In 2006 he was named a goodwill envoy to UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency. His second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns was publishedRead MoreThe, The Road, And The Original Trilogy Of Star Wars1406 Words  | 6 Pagesthose who can act in the highest moral standards regardless of what is instinctual as well as forced by the environment are the â€Å"heroes,†or people embodying the purest virtues of humanity. Throughout some works of literature such as The Road, The Kite Runner, and the original trilogy of Star Wars, authors not only display humanity’s struggle between the noblest of ideals and the basest of emotions, but also depict the eventual triumph of humanity over the basest of emotions. The Road is a novel by
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Role of Leader-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Role of Leader. Answer: A leader is some who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way. A leader is the visionary head of an organization that needs to have many skills and tends to have various roles. This essay throws light on the various roles of a leader with special reference to the doing, knowing and showing aspect (Northouse 2015). The role of a leader with respect to Organization Learning has been explained with the help of various examples. The essay also expresses my views as gathered from reading some texts. A leader is an individual in an organization who tends to create an inspiring vision of the future and tends to engage the people in an organization in the vision. He then sets down the blue print of a plan and defines the role of each member so that everyone is aware of what his/her role is. After this, he guides the people and tries to achieve the organization. His task also involves motivating people constantly so that they do not lose out on the vision (Bolman and Deal 2017) .Leaders tend to help the people in the organization to do the right things. In my opinion, Leadership is all about the dynamic role of mapping out the path. While leaders set the direction for the whole organization, they also make use of their managerial skills in order to guide people The role of leadership is extremely important in organizational leaning. According to experts, the leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. As per my reading, the first role of a leader knows the way. This statement emphasizes on the fact that a leader is aware of the path that the organization needs to follow. The role of a leader is of a designer in this context (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee 2013). The leader, in this role creates a vision, which encompasses the purpose of the organization along with its shared values. He determines the policies that will be present in the organization, the strategies to be adopted and the structure of the organization as well. He tends to input his ideas into the decisions taken in the domain of business. His role as a designer also involves creating a process that specializes in effective learning and helps in the continuous improvement of the policies and strategies laid down. The second role lies in going the way. If the leader just knows the way and has certain managerial abilities, it is not enough. He must also move along the way with the organization. This is where the Leader plays the role of a Steward (Nahavandi 2016). This aspect gives importance to the attitude of the leader in determining the path he has set earlier and moving along with it. I believe that, he has to prove it to the organization that he is a part of the movement and that his needs are being fulfilled because of this movement of people. The leader has to move along with people and explore the risks and opportunities that come in the way of the organization. The last role lies in showing the way. The role of a leader lies in showing the right path to the people present in the organization. He needs to be a constant guide to the people and strive them to the correct path. The leader plays a role of a visionary where he forecasts the future of the organization. According to me, he has the ability which no one else has therefore it is his duty to guide the organization and show them the correct path (Spillane 2012). This role of a leader is often compared to that of a teacher. The leader is observed as a coach that tends to work with the organization`s mental model. He needs to stick to the concepts of reality and show the people the end vision and their role in achieving it. The leader is believed to have a bird`s eye view and must take advantage of this view for the benefit of the organization. Having discussed the three crucial roles of leaders, I shall now discuss some other crucial roles of leaders in an organization. Leadership can be described as a function, which is required at all, levels of the organization. A leader cannot be just placed at the top position where his role concentrates on forming the plans and policies. He is required in the lower as well as the middle level of the organization for interpretation of these policies formed by the top management. True leadership lies in counseling and guiding the subordinates (Hargreaves and Fink 2012). According to me, a leader is also the representative of the organization; he is the face of the firm and represents the firm at various important functions concerning the organization like conferences, general meetings and seminars. His main role lies in the communication of the meaning behind an organization`s activities. He also tends to represent the specific department that he belongs to. Individuals working in an organization may have their own individual goals with respect to their career and their long-term as well as short-term objectives. It is the duty of a leader to form a way in which the personal goals of the individual are aligned with the organizational goals. This helps in coordinating the efforts of the people, towards a common purpose and help in achievement of the objectives (Daft 2014). In my opinion, a leader should try to influence the people and get their support. Having talked about support, I would like to add another thought about a leader soliciting support. Like I previously mentioned, a leader tends to provide support to the subordinates and helps them to understand what is required out of them. However, as a solicitor he has to entertain as well as invite support from the subordinates (Antonakis and Day 2017). This can be achieved by a good personality, maturity, intelligence and experience, which can be built up with time. Through this, he will be able to gain full support from the employees and result in the effectiveness of a concern Lastly, the role of a leader also involves that of a friend. The leader has roles to play which refer to that of a guide and philosopher as I have mentioned previously. However, he has to play the role of a friend also. A leader should be one with whom the employees can share their grievances and their fears with (Chaudhry and Javed 2012). The opinions, feelings and desires of the employees need to be met with the leader. He should listen to the problems of the employees and try to solve them. According to me, if someone`s job is as a leader is to manage the tension and look that the goals of the organization are being achieved, one does not need to be perfect. In fact, the leader must learn to address the gaps with the help of collaboration and learning and identifying these in one`s capability. In this aspect, we can take the example of a CEO who wanted to make a presentation about the vision of the company (Mitchell 2013). His vision concentrated on honesty and integrity. When his presentation came to an end, a bright salesperson praised his speech and stated that based on various company policies, they generally lie to the customers (Bhatti et al. 2012). The CEO was taken back. The motivation and atmosphere of the whole room changed. Through his speech, the CEO of the organization failed to re-enforce the commitment to the vision. A similar scenario was faced by another CEO, who handled the matter in a positive manner. While the CEO got over with his presentation, another executive stated that, the attitude of the senior managers does not align with the vision statement. To this the CEO agreed and stated that he has achieved this post by doing the opposite of what he had said recently, but the vision is for the future of the organization and that the future of the organization is in the hands of the employees. They will achieve this, which was not possible for the current CEO to achieve. He said that he would try to achieve this and do his best. Taking this step helped him to re-enforce the motivation in the organization. This happened because the leader was successful in identifying a gap and thus removed the creative tension (Kara et al. 2012). Therefore, from the discussion made above I observed that Leadership could not be perfect. One learns only through experience. Leadership truly involves knowing the right path, which will help the leader to achieve the next step, which is showing the right path. He needs to guide the organization and must be able to lead others, which takes to the next role, which is going with the organization. A leader cannot just show and know the path. He must move along the organization and learn with the flow. He needs to understand that the success of the organization largely depends on him and that he must make sure that he takes them to the right path and helps the organization in achieving its vision References Antonakis, J. and Day, D.V. eds., 2017.The nature of leadership. Sage publications. Bhatti, N., Maitlo, G.M., Shaikh, N., Hashmi, M.A. and Shaikh, F.M., 2012. The impact of autocratic and democratic leadership style on job satisfaction.International Business Research,5(2), p.192. Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E., 2017.Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley Sons. Chaudhry, A.Q. and Javed, H., 2012. Impact of transactional and laissez faire leadership style on motivation.International Journal of Business and Social Science,3(7). Daft, R.L., 2014.The leadership experience. Cengage Learning. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R.E. and McKee, A., 2013.Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press. Hargreaves, A. and Fink, D., 2012.Sustainable leadership(Vol. 6). John Wiley Sons. Kara, D., Uysal, M., Sirgy, M.J. and Lee, G., 2013. The effects of leadership style on employee well-being in hospitality.International Journal of Hospitality Management,34, pp.9-18. Mitchell, G., 2013. Selecting the best theory to implement planned change.Nursing Management-UK,20(1). Nahavandi, A., 2016.The Art and Science of Leadership -Global Edition. Pearson. Northouse, P.G., 2015.Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Spillane, J.P., 2012.Distributed leadership(Vol. 4). John Wiley Sons.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
State Of Texas Vs. Johnson (1989) Essays - Civil Disobedience
State of Texas vs. Johnson (1989) Justice Viveiros delivers the opinion of the court: Gregory Lee Johnson has been convicted of desecrating a flag in violation of Texas law; a conviction which questions ones guaranteed First Amendment, constitutional rights. Johnson's involvement in a political demonstration in Dallas, lead him to express his political concerns with the nations leaders and governmental policies. The State of Texas' conviction of Johnson was carried out due to Johnson's conduct, a physically expressive act, rather than a written or spoken one and based on two criteria: a responsibility to preserve the integrity of the flag representing the strength, pride and unity of our nation and whether Johnson's actions threatened societal order and peace. Both criteria, which serve as the basis for Gregory Lee Johnson's conviction, have been explored in depth, and this court concludes the following... Johnson's form of political expression did not cause societal disorder or disrupt the peace. There were no violent outbreaks, either verbal or physical, from members of Johnson's protest, or other citizens, who may view flag burning as a distasteful, ungrateful, slap in the face of our nation. However, the State of Texas has already acknowledged this fact. The State ruled that regardless of the lack of evidence that Johnson's actions have threatened societal order and public peace, on account there were no such occurrences, flag burning has the potential to do so. The State has concluded that flag burning could: first, stir up people's emotions enough, possibly resulting in intense public arguments, violent physical disputes, or riots, and second, serves as an invitation for others to take political protests to the next level, which could be dangerous. The States decision brings up two questions, is flag burning as a form of political protest an agreeable method of practicing ones First Amendment rights, or an attempt to persuade others to take the act beyond the rights of citizens to more serious and dangerously, harmful, acts of protest?, and does the State have the right to claim that Johnson's conduct had the potential or indented to cause a violent encounter with passionate opposition to flag burning, even if the act did not do so? Johnson is an individual, responsible for his own actions, not the actions of others. He has chosen to practice his First Amendment rights, by expressing his disapproval of government leadership and polices, by publicly burning and American flag. It is this courts decision that Johnson has not intended to encourage others to take more drastic approaches of protesting government. Johnson can not be accountable for wrongful impressions of his intentions. The State has allowed itself power not granted by the United States Constitution, by convicting Johnson for an act that potentially causes violent confrontations. Had publicly burning a flag caused a fight or rioting, this would be an entirely different case. However, the fact remains, the protest resulted in no such event. There is also no evidence that Johnson intended his protest to provoke societal disorder. Again, the State has not the right to base charges of Johnson's intentions with no evidence, only expressing concerns of the potential negative effects of Johnson's actions. The State's conviction is therefore unjust, based on its claim that Johnson has threatened societal order and peace. This does not disregard the conviction of Johnson entirely, the right of the State to preserve the integrity of the flag must still be discussed. Likewise, this courts ruling does not disregard the right of the State of Texas to promote and ensure order. History and common sense both show, order and peace necessary aspects of a stable, powerful nation and both must be ensured to protect American citizens. However, it has not been proven that Johnson's public desecration of the flag has infringed American peace or has promoted or intended to evoke societal disorder. The State's conviction of Johnson, based on a responsibility to preserve the integrity of the flag as a representation of national unity and pride, brings about several questions involving the meaning of America itself, and what our nation ezds for. The State concerns involve the message perceived by others, at the actions of Johnson. If a citizen can publicly destroy the symbol representing our nations pride
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