Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Marines Bootcamp Essay Example
Marines Bootcamp Essay The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for providing power projection from the sea, using the mobility of the United States Navy to rapidly deliver combined arm task forces; It is one of seven uniformed services of the United States. The Marine Corps is component the United States Department of the Navy (marines. om) often working closely with naval forces for training, transportation and logistics; however, the Marine Corps is separate branch, they are known as several things like Bulldogs, Devil Dog and Jarheads, they are a very proud branch they have loyalty, respect, manners and moral and physical courage but, what stands out is there strength many say marines are the toughest? They train the hardest Boot camp mentally and physically. Many people know marines as the toughest branch, with the toughest Boot camp or are just all talk? Before being a marine there are some steps to take in order to become a Marine you must be physically fit, you must pass a PFT (Physical Fitness Test) every six months. A perfect score (300) is achieved by doing twenty dead-pull-ups in thirty seconds, 100 crunches in 120 seconds and a three-mile run in 18 minutes. You don’t need to be perfect to enlist, but make sure you can do at least five-pull-ups, 60 crunches and run 1. 5 miles in 11 minutes this is for males only females need to make this requirement 3 pull ups to 100 crunches in two minutes and 21 minutes in three-mile runs. Boot camp is more challenging both mentally and physically than the basic training programs Not only are the physical requirements much higher, but recruits are required to learn and memorize a startling amount of information. There are more than 70 training days in a period a little longer than 12 weeks (but dont let that fool you. There is lots of training going on on the non-training days, such as the time in Reception, the time spent in forming, and on Sundays and Holidays. It has been said time and time again by former Marines that Marine Corps recruit training was the most difficult thing they ever had to do in their entire lives In Marine boot camp, youll start drill almost immediately. A few hours studying basic drill and ceremony will help immensely. As with the other services, you should memorize U. S. Marine Corps Rank. Additionally, your recruiter should have told you to memorize the 11 General Orders for a Sentry. While not mandatory, the Marine Rifle Creed is nice to know. We will write a custom essay sample on Marines Bootcamp specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marines Bootcamp specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marines Bootcamp specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer You should also memorize the Marines Hymn, all of it, if possible, but at least the first verse. Wait thats not all (I told you it was tough). Youll need to memorize the USMC Core Values, study Marine Corps history, and commit the characteristics of the M16A4 Rifle to memory. Round all of this out by memorizing the Code of Conduct. f you dont know how to swim, try to learn before you leave for boot camp. Before you graduate, youll have to demonstrate basic swimming skills. The other services have lists of what you should or should not bring with you. The Marines make it simple: Dont bring anything except your important papers (such as drivers license, social security card, and banking information), except the clothes on your back. Everything you need will be issued to you. For non-issue items, it will be issued, and the cost taken out of your pay. Marine Boot camp has different stages 12 stages the First day you get to bootcamp you will see a Drill Instructor who will greet you with this form of greeting â€Å"Tens of thousands of Marines have begun outstanding service to our country on the very footprints in which you stand today. You will carry on that proud tradition and then you will enter and see a hatch, you make a left, you’ve got to reach in one of these boxes and grab a bag open the bag wide and grab your gear issued to you dump it on your bed†the first night is hectic because your grabbing everything you need and throwing everything away you don’t need, the first week is drilling and teaching you the basics and how everything will be from now on until you graduate from boot camp. The second week youll continue learning the basics of close combat skills, including the infamous pugil sticks. Many recruits are somewhat apprehensive about this phase of training, but then find out how much fun it really is. Its almost impossible to get hurt. The recruits are protected by a football helmet and mask, rubber neck roll and crotch cup, and only two kinds of blows are permitted: the slash and the horizontal butt stroke, both to the well-protected head and neck. A clean shot ends the bout. Th e secret is aggression this is not a defensive sport. ] word here about competition. Marine platoons compete against each other in almost every aspect of training, from drills to inspections to pugil sticks to P. T. to academics. For each and every event, trophies are won and displayed prominently in the barracks on the awards table. This is no small matter the competition is stiff and the D. I. s (and recruits! ) take victories and defeats very seriously. Youll learn field first aid, attend classes on core values (as well as other academic classes), and receive several hours on basic weapon handling. eek 3, in addition to more re pugil sticks and close combat training, additional classes on first aid and core values, youll participate in a 3 mile march (with packs). The Confidence Course consists of eleven obstacles, designed so that each obstacle is more physically challenging then the last. The obstacles are: Dirty name Run, Jump Swing The Inclining Wall The Confidence Climb Monkey Bridge The Tough One Reverse Climb Slide for Life the Hand Walk (The Arm Stretche r, and The Sky Scraper. While these names sound daunting, the course is designed so the average platoon can run it in 45 minutes. Like pugil sticks, the Confidence Course is a great morale builder, as most of the recruits find out they can negotiate the obstacles with ease (after a little practice and encouragement from ever-vigilant D. I. s). During the fourth week, there will be even more training with pugil sticks and additional training in close combat skills (I told you there was increased emphasis on this). In addition to the daily P. T. , there will be further academic classes (including more core values training). The highlight of week 4 is the individual drill evaluation. Your platoon will be evaluated, graded, and compared to the other platoons. The winning platoon, of course, receives a trophy for the trophy table. The losing platoons receive the wrath of their respective D. I. s. week 5 is Combat Water Survival. All Marines must pass basic water survival skills in order to graduate from boot camp (those who dont pass will receive extensive remedial training until they do). Training in Combat Water Survival develops a recruits confidence in the water. All recruits must pass the minimum requirement level of Combat Water Survival-4, which requires recruits to perform a variety of water survival and swimming techniques. If a recruit meets the CWS-4 requirements, he may upgrade to a higher level. All recruits train in the camouflage utility uniform, but those upgrading may be required to train in full combat gear, which includes a rifle, helmet, flak jacket and pack. Also this week will be a 5 mile hike a test on Marine Customs Courtesies, more training in first aid, a full-blown inspection (uniforms, rifles, questions, etc. ), and (of course) more classes on core values. During week 7, youll also experience a 6 mile night march, and get another chance at the Confidence Course. Week 8 is called Team Week, which means you get to spend all of your time working at the mess hall or some other glamorous detail. This is much better than it sounds, however; for an entire week, youll be free of the incessant presence of the D. I. s (to be replaced with the relatively gentler attitudes of the mess sergeants). Additionally, youll enjoy using your status as a senior recruit to help, um.. motivate brand new recruits as they stumble throw the chow hall lines. (BTW, the best way to tell senior recruits from the newbies is to look at their haircuts. Bald heads indicates new recruits, while stubble, or high tights indicate more senior recruits). One word of warning. Enjoy it while it lasts when you return to your platoon at the end of this week, youll more likely than not discover that your D. I. thinks youve grown sloppy and undisciplined during the week, and will expend extra effort for the next few days in returning you and the rest of the platoon to his/her version of disciplined recruits. This re-transformation will most likely require several applications of quarter-decking. The ninth week will consist almost entirely of the fundamentals of field firing, in preparation for field training during the tenth week. There will also be a 10 mile march (with packs) during week 9. If you havnt experienced blisters yet during your time in boot camp, you most likely will experience it during week 9. During week 10, youll start putting all of your training together during field training. Field Training is practice war. Youll operate and live in a simulated combat environment, and learn the fundamentals of patrolling, firing, setting up camp, and more. Basic Warrior Training introduces recruits to field living conditions. The majority of a Marines field training is conducted after recruit training at the School of Infantry. During the 3-day Basic Warrior Training conducted during boot camp, recruits will learn basic field skills like setting up a tent, field sanitation and camouflage. It is also during this training that recruits go through the gas chamber. During week 11, you get a chance to put everything youve learned in boot camp to the test. The week starts with the biggest competition of all: The Company Commanders Inspection. Not only are you being judged here, but your D. I. is being judged as well. It will behoove you to give this inspection every single thing youve got (hint: to don your trousers without breaking the crease, stand on your foot-locker). Once youve gotten the Company Commanders Inspection out of the way, youll experience the event to top all events: The Crucible. The Crucible is the final test every recruit must go through to become a Marine. It will test you physically, mentally and morally and is the defining moment in recruit training. The Crucible is no walk in the park, unless your idea of a walk in the park takes place over 54-hours and includes food and sleep deprivation (only four hours of sleep per night)and approximately 40 miles of marching. The entire Crucible event pits teams of recruits against a barrage of day and night events requiring every recruit to work together solving problems, overcoming obstacles and helping each other along. The Crucible Event is designed around Core Value Stations, Warrior Stations, the Confidence Course, Reaction Course, and Movement Course as well as other various mentally and physically challenging events. A final foot march will conclude with a Morning Colors Ceremony and a Warriors Breakfast. The famed Eagle, Globe and Anchor Ceremony is conducted immediately after the Cruicible. The Eagle, Globe and Anchor is the Marine Corps Emblem It signifies that you are a member, always and forever, of the few and the proud. The ceremony is the most emotional time of basic training, even more so than the graduation parade. Ever seen a grown Marine cry? Try to find a dry eye during this ceremony. The event used to be held on family day, the day before the graduation parade. However, this life-changing event is now a private (Marines only) ceremony, held immediately after the Cruicible. Week 11 is also known as Transformation Week. During this week the new Marines are given 1 hour extra free time each evening and wear the rank insignia of the grade to which they were either guaranteed upon enlistment, or earned during recruit training. Also during this week, more responsibility is given to the privates and privates first class and the supervision from the drill instructors is decreased. In fact, drill instructors dont wear their duty belts during this time and many of the Drill Instructors will allow the new Marines call them by their rank, not as sir or maam. This week helps these new Marines adjust from being a recruit to being a Marine. The final week. D. I. s are no longer yelling (as much). Youll spend this last week learning about theHeroes of the Corps, a class or two on financial management, the relatively easy Battalion Commanders Inspection, more (of course) core value classes, and finally, graduation practice and graduation. The minimum (core) graduation requirements are: (1) Pass the physical fitness test and be within prescribed weight standards (2) Qualify for Combat Water Survival at level 4 or higher (3) Qualify with the service rifle (4) Pass the batallion commanders inspection (5) Pass the written tests (6) Complete the CrucibleIf you fail in any of the above areas, you are subject to be recycled (sent backwards in time to another platoon), or may possibly bedischarged. Heres how your 13 weeks breaks down in actual hours: Instructional Time (The Crucible / Combat Water Survival / Weapons and Field Training): 279. 5 hours Core Values / Academics / Values Reinforcement: 41. 5 Physical Fitness: 59 Close Order Drill: 54. 5 Field Training: 31 Close Combat Training: 27 Conditioning Marches:Administration: 60 Senior DI Time (nightly free time): 55. 5 Movement Time: 60 Sleep: 479 Basic Daily Routine: 210 Chow: 179 Total: 1518 hours Still not impressed? Check out the complete list of tasks you will be tested on. If you do a great job, you just might get promoted. Based on the recommendations of the Senior Drill Instructor, the Commanding General can meritoriously promote recruits who have consistently demonstrated superior performance in the following areas and have no nonjudicial punishment infractions. Physical Fitness,Marksmanship,Leadership, Motivation, Academics and Field Skills Marines are authorized 10 days of leave, immediately following graduation from boot camp. Youll need the rest, however because boot camp is just the start.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The eNotes Blog Quoth The Raven Its My Birthday! Poes Poem turns168
Quoth The Raven Its My Birthday! Poes Poem turns168 Yesterday marked the anniversary of  the publication Edgar Allan Poes classic, creepy poem The Raven. Although there is some dispute, the first publication of the work is generally attributed to The New York Mirror.  The poem made Poe a star, but sadly, not a fortune. In the poem, a raven continuously visits a man who has been unlucky in love. The object of his affections, a woman named Lenore has been lost to him evermore. The poems internal rhymes and alliteration, along with its spooky, supernatural content made its lines easy to remember and it soon became incredibly popular. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore - While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. Tis some visiter, I muttered, tapping at my chamber door - Only this and nothing more. The appeal to a broad audience was no accident. Poe deliberately constructed his lines for popular appreciation, but, as he explains in his essay, The Philosophy of Composition, he also sought critical praise. It is my design, he argues,  to render it manifest that no one point in its composition is referrible [sic] either to accident or intuition - that the work proceeded, step by step, to its completion with the precision and rigid consequence of a mathematical problem. Let us dismiss, as irrelevant to the poem per se, the circumstance - or say the necessity - which, in the first place, gave rise to the intention of composing a poem that should suit at once the popular and the critical taste. Poes formula obviously worked, as it is still popular with both critics and the public alike to this day. Feeling like you want a little fright? Take a listen to the perennially creepy Christopher Walken read the poem in its entirety:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21
History - Essay Example Stephen Kinzer in book â€Å"Overthrow†argues that America could have avoided most of these violent military confrontations spending billions of dollars and causing bloodshed and pain by more patient and effective use of diplomacy and its tools of persuasion. â€Å"Modern history makes it eminently clear that when United States engages with oppressive and threatening regimes, using combinations of incentives, threats, punishments and rewards, those regimes slowly becomes less dangerous†(p.320). This statement sums up what the US has to understand if they truly want peace on earth rather than using the military might to overthrow the other countries governments. The author cites the examples of China, the former Soviet Union, South Korea, South Africa as the success stories of effective diplomatic strategy. At the same time one look at the countries that US militarily intervened like, Philippines, Afghanistan, North Korea, Vietnam, Iran and Iraq the results were terribly wrong. In Iran for example in the early 1951, US at the request of the British, removed a fully functional democratic government only to install a dictator. And in Iraq several decades later they did exactly opposite. Both have not worked. Iran became a completely anti-american country with religious leaders as head of state that looks to oppose any American ideas at the world level. Iraq is still smoldering from the chaos of war with violent reactions every now and then. The resentment against US is ever increasing with strong Anti-US propaganda. The author argues that in most of these cases diplomatic and political approaches would have been far more effective. More often than not, the think tank of the US gets impatient and jumps to the conclusion that a â€Å"regime change†is the only answer. What do they do?. They forcefully invade the country with their military might and advanced weaponry, remove the leader of that country and hand its power to someone who will dance to their tunes.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Negotiation Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Negotiation Paper - Assignment Example To begin with, however, the nurse stated her primary concern that she would only work with $X per month. The organization was planning to pay $Y per month, however, the amount stated by $X was significantly less. In this way, by falsely anchoring her self, the nurse was now in a weak position to get only what she had asked for. The hospital had a BATNA now. It was able to see that should it state an amount of $Z that was near to the amount X that the nurse had wanted, that organization would be able to reach an agreement at a much lower price than what it intended to pay. Here the focus now shifted more towards material interests of getting the nurse to agree for the new amount. If the nurse did not agree, the organization could simply walk away with it. When faced with the new amount, the nurse realized that she had been made an offer that in fact was not much to her liking. At this point she got emotional, since she felt that the organization was using her. Here the organization was only pressing on a statement given by the nurse to them before. However, the nurse now realizing her mistake was now feeling emotional. The organization here realized that her needs were mostly for material needs and to satisfy the physical needs of food, hunger and material safety. At this point the nurse was not interested in achieving a sense of personal well being. Here the organization thought of providing certain material gains to her to generate her interest. It offered her free lunch and commute and highlighted how it would help reduce her costs from her pay. In this way, it tried to highlight a common ground for both the organization and the nurse. By providing the nurse with her basic needs as per Maslow’s hierarchy, the organization w as able to convince the nurse to take up the position at a rate that was much less than the original amount the organization had planned in the first place. The art of negotiation therefore, relies heavily
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Google wallet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Google wallet - Research Paper Example With the help of Google Wallet, people can successfully make secure payments by simply tapping the mobile phone and then entering the security code on PayPass enabled terminal checkout. The overall process of making transaction is simple and convenient for the users. Despite of the fact that Google Wallet technology has recently been introduced and it is still in its early stages, however it has been predicted in next few years and it would grow and increase its users. Google do not be charging any amount from users and merchants for having access to wallet. Debit or credit card if stolen can be used in some situations without signature or personal identification number however Google wallet has an extra layer of security as additional security is required to complete transactions (Google Wallet). Google has claimed that it is just the starting of a new era and in future Google Wallet would become a necessity for everyone (Google Wallet). Also it is expected that with the passage of time, compatibility of Google Wallet would extend to all Google Android smartphones. Google aims to support all the cards that an individual would keep in his wallet so that Google Wallet can take place of these cards (Google Wallet). According to Drew Sievers, CEO of mFoundry, sales volume of Google wallet would grow as the number of merchant increases, more banks sign agreement with the company and new phones are made compatible. He further added that merchants would be able to have an increase in the number of qualified customers as Google Wallet grows (Tode. 2011). Google has to face different challenges in order to ensure growth of Google Wallet and make it a success and the most important hurdles or challenges that it has to face are providing different variety of cellular phones compatible with the software, making the software easy to use and interested cardholders and merchants ready for the software. However, considering the
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Theoretical Approach To Innovation Business Essay
The Theoretical Approach To Innovation Business Essay It is difficult to imagine nowadays business world without innovation. Many enterprises simply depend on their ability to be innovative for achieving and sustaining competitive advantage (Frishammar, Parida, Westerberg, 2012). Moreover, it is important to note that not only theoretical but also conceptual understanding of innovation has developed significantly since the early 1980s (Hong, Oxley, McCann, 2012). Hence, it is essential to understand the importance of linking innovation to new markets. In this paper the following will be discussed: Models of innovation; Types of innovation; The importance of anticipating market needs and connecting them with a new technological capability in the cases of radical and incremental innovations; Ways to empower people to innovate. Theoretical Approach to Innovation Innovation undoubtedly became the engine of the progress, competitive ability and economic growth. Baumol (2002) even regards innovation as a life-and-death matter for a firm. However, paradox is that still some difficulties remain in understanding what exactly the innovation is and how important it is in nowadays world. Despite the fact that there are many definitions of processes of innovation, Gordon and McCann (2005) suggest that, generally, all innovations contain three underlying elements: newness (1), improvement (2) and the overcoming of uncertainty (3). Newness is probably one of the most important parts of innovation, although such newness could be understood as something novel to the form or industry as a whole (McCann, Oxley, 2013, p.54). Improvemet is related to the fact that firms need to find the superior quality to those products which currently exist in the market. Overcoming uncertainty means that such improvement is determined by the market and that market need have to be clarified. In addition, it is esential to remember that all these elements are driven by the technological advance. So it is clear that the process of innovation is complex, involving many different variables to consider. Models of Innovation When talking about innovation and its importance it is substancial to understand the models, concepts and types of innovation. Many models have been developed throughout all these years. However, no model appears to be capable to being utilized as a generalised model of innovation (Forrest, 1991). In this paper the following 5 models will be discussed: Linear model Technology push Linear model Market pull Interactive Network System Linear Models Technology Push and Maket Pull In 1960s and 1970s the new approach to the models of innovation has come. Concentration was focused on the idea that specific processes can generate new technologies and the learning involved in technological change (Shavinina, 2003). The first linear description of innovation was called technology push. The main idea of this model is that innovation is based on the advance in both science and techology because, at the same time, it can lead to the technological development and rise of new products in the market. The step sequence is as follows (Shavinina, 2003): Basic Science à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Applied Science and Engineering à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Manufacturing à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Marketing à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Sales Another linear model was developed afterwards the technology push model and was called market pull. The main focus in this model was orientated into the importance of marketplace and existing demand. Hence, innovation is the result of the demands of potential customers. The step sequence is as follows (Shavinina, 2003): Market Place à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Technology Development à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Manufacturing à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Sales Both linear models were comparatively simple and rational so they were widely adopted until 1980s. However, the growing compexity of innovations and market made both models hardly adaptable to the future innovations. Interactive Models After the linear models the need to create a more detailed model arose. Interactive model was very important step in the progress of conceptualizing innovation because it was an attempt to bring together the technology push and marketing pull approaches into a comprehensive model of innovation (Shavinina, 2003). Rothwell and Zegveld (1985, p.50) suggest that the overall pattern of innovation process can be thought of as a complex net of communication paths, both intra-organisational and extra-organisational, linking together the various in-house functions and linking the firm to the broader scientific and technological community and to the marketplace. The key fact in the interactive model is that the innovation is no longer the end product of a final stage of activity and the process is more circular then sequential. The interactive model is relevant even in nowadays as the original model has been extended to make it specific to particular situation. System and Network Models As the process of innovation is getting more complex in the course of time, the importance of systematic approach to the innovation is growing. In addition, such complexity requires interaction not only from agents within the firm but also from cooperation amongst firms (Shavinina, 2003). Synergy, interactions and crossing between organisational boundaries are the most descriptive features when talking about system and network models. All the models described above are very important in understanding the process of innovation and its importance. One models lack of some important elements, others are more elaborate but still lacking some important points (e.g. taking into account the post-innovation stage, including different environmental variables or such external factors like trade unions, goverments, social interest grouos, etc.). Hence, it is clear that it is impossible to adjust only one particular model as the best one. The research and understanding of the particular innovation have to be included in every innovative organisation. Types of Innovation The same important is to consider the different types of innovation. Generally, innovations are classified according to the market that the innovations are aimed at (product innovations; process innovations) or according to the technical knowledge and investment to the development. Mainly, there are 4 types of innovations: Type of Innovation Explanation Incremental innovation The intention of incremental innovation is to use the insights from customers or others to develop better solutions that are attractive and would add to the profits from the existing products (Pavitt 1998; Xin, Yeung, and Cheng 2008). Radical innovation The core idea of the radical innovation is the development of a completely new technology, which can provide a product which has never been available before (Nasirpourosgoei, Coles, 2006). Product innovation A product innovation is the introduction of a good or service that is new or significantly improved with respect to its characteristics or intended uses (OECD, 2005). Process innovation A process innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method (OECD, 2005). Table 1. The Types of Innovations. Source: Authors Consruction. The data was taken from OECD and research papers. In this paper the incremental and radical innovations will be discussed in greater detail. Radical and incremental innovations are fundamentally different. In the main, radical innovation represents the ability to develop products that are completely new to the world or particular industry, while incremental innovation refers to the ability to develop products that are new to the firm (Frishammar, Parida, Westerberg, 2012). In other words, incremental innovations are usually thought to enhance the capabilities of the firm, whereas radical ones are thought to undermine it (Holck, Mahnke, Zicari, 2008). Moreover, radical innovations are ground-breaking development that requires significant resources to materialize. For that reason, such innovation has longer time lags to profitability compared with incremental innovations (Chaney, Devinney, and Winer 1991; Veryzer 1998). Radical innovations, in comparison with incremental innovations, are more noticeable and visible. What is more, radical innovations are more likely to arise in large corporate or networked ventures. Hence, there is a long list of radical innovation examples that have changed the market, its structure and understanding: penicillin, X-rays, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, personal computer, cell phones, laser, etc (Ruben, Slocum 2008). Example of Radical Innovation. The Case of One of the latest examples of radical innovation is the case of and its approach to sell books via the Internet. Amazon successfully emerged from the dot-com bubble and demonstrated significant results of growth from $4 billion in 2002 to $20 billion in 2008. One of the main reason why Amazon successfully survived the Internet bubble was the firms ability to anticipate the changing market needs and customer values. Amazon started to sell wide range of books that upended the staid book industry that led to a number of the traditional book stores going out of business. A few years later, the company offered another completely new field a commission-based brokerage service to buyers and sellers of used books. Then Amazon moved forward again developing a model to serve an entirely different customer: third-party sellers (Johnson, 2010). Jeffrey Preston, the founder and CEO of, Inc., says: If you want to continuously revitalize the service that you offer to your customers, you cannot stop at what you are good at. You have to ask what your customers need and want, and then, no matter how hard it is, you better get good at those things (Johnson, 2010). It is obvious, that, Inc. is one of the best examples how important is to understand and anticipate market needs and connect them with a new technological capability. Example of Incremental Innovation. The Case of MySQL All the differencies between radical and incremental innovations has shaped the common belief that only radical innovations can bring more tangible results and recognition. However, the following example of the incremental innovation can break that stereotype. Jesper Holck, Volker Mahnke, and Roberto Zicari (2008) presents the case of the MySQL AB as a proof that it is possible to win and succeed through the incremental innovation. MySQL is a SQL [1] database management system. Despite the fact that the genesis of this system is dated in the late 80s the most important advance has been made with the beginning of 21st century when was formed to maintain the database. MySQL gained a sound position in the Web service community. Another advantageous feature was the fact that MySQL understood and anticipated the market need in the late 1990s when business and new ventures were trying to join the Internet and exploit the WWW revolution. The key point why MySQL was successful in that was the firms strategy to to follow the 15 minute rule, stating that it should be possible to get MySQL up and running in less than 15 minutes (Holck, Mahnke, Zicari, 2008). This was very attractive, especially for the Internet start-ups, because it was simple, quick and reliable way to use Relational DataBase Management Systems. Moreover, MySQL databases did not require any specific IT eduction to install those system s, the users were less considered with the missing features of MySQL and they needed the basic functionality of MySQL as a data store for customers, goods, etc. MySQL was attractive even for the great enterprises, because of the free availability and possibility for the computer departments to test it without asking for financial resources to do this (Holck, Mahnke, Zicari, 2008). In addition, MySQL had a strong superiority in demanding comparatively very little computer resources and can run efficiently even on inexpensive PCs. After the burst of the Internet bubble, MySQL AB consisted of 20 people who were focusing on technology and the managerial issues played secondary role in the firm. To enhance organisational efficiency a number of highly professional people for the top management were recruited. Therefore, MySQL AB showed significant results in the growth of employees, operating income and profits (Holck, Mahnke, Zicari, 2008). Another important issue that was faced was the battle of the storage engines (Holck, Mahnke, Zicari, 2008). Storage engine is the program that handles how data are read from and written to the files etc. where the data are stored. MySQL AB chose the InnoDB as a promising and copetitive storage engine. However, afterwards one of the MySQL competitors, Oracle, made a strategically important movement and bought Innobase OY, the company behind InnoDB. My SQL felt a pressure and increasing competitors. In response, in 2007 MySQL released its first own open source storage engine: Fa lcon (Holck, Mahnke, Zicari, 2008). So what strategy has empowered MySQL AB to achieve significant results and become serious competitor to giant companies like IBM, Microsoft, Oracle? Jesper Holck, Volker Mahnke, and Roberto Zicari (2008) suggest that success was determined by small incremental innovations and ability to anticipate the market. The following 7 principles of MySQL strategy were the basis of the firms strategy (Holck, Mahnke, Zicari, 2008): Commitment to existing standarts. MySQL chose to rely on existing application programming interface and data storage technology. That enabled users of to easily switch to MySQL and so the switching costs were reduced. Ability to distinguish and prioritize must-to-have features from nice-to-have features. MySQL concentrated on a key features of the product, like speed, simplicity to install and size of the memory footprint. Ability to link the development of both commercial and non-commercial product versions. MySQL chose to let both the Community and the Enterprise version build on the same code base, i.e. the exact same source code files (Holck, Mahnke, Zicari, 2008). The most important thing by linking the development of both commercial and non-commercial product versions was the fact that it helped to realize the economies of scale. Upbringing and coordination of user communities. MySQL undertsand the importance of paying attention to various groups of users that are involved in the development process, e.g. MySQL employees, developer community (active users, contributing with interfaces, forum answers, blog entries, etc.), user community. MySQL created a coherent community that are interested in the product. Such cohesiveness enables not only to understand users, collect the feedback but also to motivate community members to develop the product. Product testing with communities. Despite the fact that majority of MySQLs open source development community do not generate revenue directly, community members are great supporters. In other words, they provide valuable testing, error-reporting, and bug-fixing information that allows to reduce the costs of testing and even marketing. Implementation of dual-licensing strategy. MySQL offers different licensing arrangements for different user groups. Jesper Holck, Volker Mahnke, and Roberto Zicari (2008) note that Dual licensing is an important element in benefiting from an incremental innovation based business model for software products that are embedded in other products. Linking the power of market and communities. One of the main reasons why MySQL was successful in incremental innovation is the fact that the firm was capable to combine community and markets. Important feature is that MySQL can offer enterprise customers extra value, like more functionality, better performance, new features and fewer errors, while community users provide very valuable testing and feedback that delivers error-reporting and bug-fixing. Empowering People to Innovate Talking about the need for innovation and the main drivers of innovation, there are many factors that can determine it. According to the Canadian Innovation Centre (Canadian Dairy Commission, 2010), these factors can be divided into both internal and external drivers: Internal Factors External Factors Competition Improve Profitability Lower Costs Improve Return on Investment New Entrants Improve the Cash Flow Market drivers: Demand Economic Forces Social Changes Demographics Improve Quality Table 2. External and Internal Drivers of Innovation Source: Authors Consruction. The data was taken from Canadian Dairy Commission However, this list of factors is not limited and could be expanded. For example, Canadian firms (Canadian Dairy Commission, 2010) from the food industry responded that they were engaging in innovation projects because they wanted: To introduce new products to the existing line of products; To increase market share; To meet buyers standarts and requirements; To improve productivity; To reduce production costs. Innovation seems to be an engine of every organisation and its progress. However, some companies are not successful in innovating. In 2010 Strategyn, an innovation management consulting firm, conducted an independent study to measure the success rate of traditional innovation processes. The study averaged the success rates cited in 12 sources, including the Harvard Business Review, the consulting firm Frost Sullivan, the professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Product Development Management Association and the Corporate Strategy Board. The results were surprinsingly low innovation success rate was calculated at only 17 percent (Strategyn, 2010). Hence, it is extremely imporant to know, how encourage people to participate in innovation. OECD (2010) suggests that there are 7 determinants which can influence peoples capabilities to innovate: Basic scientific skills. Education is very important factor in supporting innovation because knowledge-based societies rely on a highly qualified and flexible labour force in all sectors of the economy and society. Innovation requires the capacity to continually learn and upgrade skills (OECD, 2010, p.46). Tertiary education. Well-developed higher education system is another important factor. High graduation rates in universities can foster the development of a highly skilled workforce. Doctorate holders. Doctoral graduates are the most promising innovators. They have been specifically trained to conduct reasearch and are considered best qualified to create and diffuse knowledge (OECD, 2010, p.48). International mobility. It plays an important role in creating and diffusing knowledge, especially tacit knowledge. Entrepreneurial talent. It provides with a broader skill development, employment opportunities as well as greater possibility to innovate. Innovative workplace. Effective management is a crucial factor. It is highly important to ensure that the talents of individuals are being tapped. Ability to motivate and organisational culture can also determine the success of innovation. Consumers demand for innovation. Users and consumers play inevitable role in the innovation process. Hence, it is extremely important for companies to understand and anticipate market needs and connect them with a new technological capability. Users and consumers have a power to stimulate and encourage the process of development. It is visible that despite the list of benefits and drivers of innovation, some firms might be reluctant to innovate. For that reason, it is extremely important to know how to empower people to be more innovative. Considering the OECD research, it is obvious that probably the most important role goes to the educational system, consumers demand and workplace. Conclusion There are many different models of innovation (linear, interactive, network, system, etc.). However, the complexity of the process of innovation determines that it is impossible to adjust only one particular model as the best one. For that reason, the success of the firm highly depends on its ability to find and adapt the best model according to the nature of the company, its strategy, product, size, etc. The types of innovation can also vary. However, the general types are as follows: incremental innovation, radical innovation, product innovation and process innovation. The common belief that incremental innovation can be less tangible than radical innovation is disproved by the example of the case of MySQL AB. The set of incremental innovations became a reason of success and enabled company to gain a competitive advantage amongst the market leaders. The cases of and MySQL AB proved the importance of anticipating the market needs. Both companies were successful in understanding its costumers: found a completely new niche, while MySQL paid high attention to user communities, tried to gather feedback and nurture its potential customers. Understanding the market needs was successfully connected with the new technological capabilities in both and MySQL cases. Hence, despite the fact that both firms used different type of innovation, they achieved significant results by understanding the consumers need and developing new technological approach. Innovation is extremely important for every company that seeks to achieve the progress. Hence, there are list of external and internal drivers that have a power to motivate firms to innovate. However, even in nowadays business world, some companies remain reluctant to be innovative. For that reason Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development identified a need to give some indications about what can actually empower people to innovate. The most important factors that can determine peoples willingness to innovate are educational system, consumers demand and workplace. All in all, innovation is an endless process. Companies need to have a clear strategy and vision, undersand the market and pay attention to the processes of research and development. However, despite its complexity, innovation is the key to the success and continuous progress.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Continuum of Strategies Essay
This paper will discuss Chapter 5 and the continuum of strategies using the SIOP model and the appropriate situations to use each within the classroom. It will also discuss when these strategies may be used inappropriately in the classroom.In research literature, learning strategies of three types have been identified, which are cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, and social/affective strategies. Cognitive strategies assist students in organizing information through learning that is self-regulated. Meta-cognitive strategies use awareness, interaction, and reflection in a manner that is interrelated, integrated, and recursive. Social/Affective Strategies are affective and social influences on learning. Enhanced learning is possible when people interact with each other to clarify their doubts or when they involve themselves in group related activities to solve a problem (Echevarria et al, 2000). During the process of teaching learning, a continuum of strategies occurs from teacher-centered, teacher-assisted, peer-assisted, and student-centered. Through practice with student-centered and peer-assisted strategies, students’ ultimate goal is to develop independence in self-regulation and self-monitoring. However, difficulties are faced by several English learners in initiating an active role in using these strategies. This happens because English learners are required to focus their mental energy on language skills development. It is therefore important that sheltered instruction teachers scaffold English learners by providing them with numerous opportunities to use a wide range of proven, effective strategies (Echevarria et al, 2000).Consider a common sheltered instruction classroom scenario, where a topic is being taught by a teacher. For example, assume that the topic is conservation and preservation of terrestrial resources. A teacher could model and teach several important processing strategies by engaging students in the SQP2RS/Squeepers activity for the expository text selection that include evaluation, self-questioning, prediction, monitoring and clarifying, and summarizing. A teacher could then lead students through the modeled activity, providing support for surveying text, question generation, predictions confirmation or disconfirmation, and information summarization. Added to this, Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy (VSS) could be incorporated. VSS helps students in carefully selecting and discussing vocabulary that is important to the studied topic. Scaffolding can be improved by teachers by incorporating a wide range of techniques that provide support with the aim of eventually making students independently apply several strategies (Echevarria et al, 2000). During topic instruction, a teacher could use grouping configurations including triads, partners, small groups, or the entire class. Mo deling of strategies for the students can happen more efficiently if a teacher plans them prior to the time they require application. Choice plays a critical role, so a teacher could encourage students to select important vocabulary and homework questions that interest those most. Questioning could be incorporated throughout topic instruction, including debate/discussion questions at varied levels like literal, analysis and evaluation, application and synthesis, and synthesis and evaluation. This way, through SQP2RS activity, the difficulty of text could be effectively reduced and at the same time, it can be ensured that the cognitive demand of the questions is not reduced.Teaching of strategies to students by a teacher can happen in an inappropriate manner if a teacher asks students to make predictions based on the topic title, does not probe into student responses to encourage deeper thinking about the topic, does not ask for other predictions, or does not reinforce and build upon other students’ predictions during the reading of text from the topic. It is often the case that teachers ask students for predictions, accept the responses, and move on further with the topic without actually expanding or revisiting them later in their instruction (Echevarria et al, 2000). Strategies can be used inappropriately if a teacher attempts to scaffold student learning by reading the entire topic orally to the students or by making students read the topic title together. This significantly reduces demands of reading the text. If a teacher reads all of the topic text aloud to the students, then gradual support reduction will not take place, thus making students less likely to become independent. In situations where higher order thinking skills need to applied, strategies could be used inappropriately if a teacher fails to incorporate adequate questioning strategies to engage the thinking of students, probe student predictions for reasons behind their conclusions, or promote inquiry skills in students. Strategies may also be inappropriately used in the classroom if teachers involve students in activities that are removed from the topic at hand.The chances of English learners turning into critical thinkers can be increased by sheltering instruction consistently through strategic teaching, modeling, appropriate scaffolding support, and questions that require students to apply, interpret, and synthesize what they have learned. References: Echevarria, J., Vogt, M.E., & Short, D. (2000). Making contentcomprehensible for English language learners: TheSIOP model. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Website Review on the American Cultural History 1960-1969 Webpage Essay
Kingwood College Library’s American Cultural History 1960-1969 webpage (http://kclibrary. nhmccd. edu/decade60. html) is a webpage dedicated to the dessemination of information regarding the 1960s. It dubs itself a web and library guide, and is hosted and managed by the Kingwood College Library, an educational organization in Kingwood, Texas. It’s stated purpose is to â€Å"help the user gain a broad understanding and appreciation for the culture and history of the 1960s†(Goodwin, para. 2). The site itself is authored by Susan Goodwin. Unfortunately, no information in the site listed Ms. Goodwin’s credentials, and checking the Kingwood College Library for any information regarding the author proved futile as well. The webpage is primarily aimed for the general public, with information that is collected and compiled from different sources which are mostly official or scholarly in nature (some information, however, are linked from Wikipedia, a source generally not accepted by the academia). As such, the information can be considered valid and true, and is presented clearly and matter-of-factly, without any embellishments or personal views and opinions, and without any technical jargon that may confuse the lay reader. At the start of the page, the reader is immediately treated to a fact sheet of the decade, with hard facts about the population, the national debt, and the average salary, among others. Information is also placed in major categories, providing a coherent and easy to follow structure to the whole article. Since content is generally collected from the various sites off the internet and books, information and content ranges from the common to the not-so-common, but all are generally interesting and well-presented. Most of the major points are presented as links which redirect to another website discussing that particular subject matter. This is where most of the webpage’s problems lie, as a significant number of links (25, to be exact) are either broken or non-existing, redirecting the reader to the main site instead. One of the links even redirects to the wrong article. For an information-driven webpage run by an educational organization, such mistakes reflect poorly on the structure and management of the webpage itself. Another thing some people (especially researchers wanting complete information) might have an issue with is how the webpage cites it’s sources. After every category, the author lists the books which have more information on the subjects presented in that category. However, the author did not list the specifics of the book, ie. , date of publication, author, actual page information, etc. For a researcher who needs these information, this is a great omission on a website that considers itself a bibliographic essay. Also, the website design can be improved; as it is, it is presented in a simple and drab manner. Inspite of the faults stated above, the webpage gives enough historical information and data for any general aspect of popular culture in the stated era. And with how it is presented, via links and redirects, the reader can just connect on other links on the given website for more information about that particular subject matter. The webpage’s goal is to give out as much information as it can, in a concise and direct manner. In this regard, it has succeeded rather well. References Goodwin, S. (2006). American Cultural History 1960-1969. Retrieved December 20, 2007, from http://kclibrary. nhmccd. edu/decade60. html
Friday, November 8, 2019
BreakDancing essays
BreakDancing essays In the 1970s, a new style of dance erupted that has changed the way we see dance today. The new style emerged from New York City from a combination of dance styles such as the Lindy-hop, the Charleston, the cakewalk and the jitterbug. Some even credit break dancing to have roots from Afro-Brazilian martial-arts dance Capoeira and Kung Fu moves. There is also some speculation that the real roots of break dancing came from the moves that James Brown did from his 1969 hit Get on the Good Foot. It is believed that Break dancing roots came from the time slaves were in America they used their feet to communicate with each other because they couldnt use any drums. No matter where break dancing has its roots, it broke out and hit the streets of New York hard. The break dancing fad first started in the clubs of the Bronx when DJs changed records and dancers would fill the resulting musical breaks, also called break beats. During these breaks is where break dancing got its name and from there it caught on to the phenomenon. Break dancing itself uses flipping, spinning and pivoting on the head and hands, which also called breaking, up rock, which is the mock-combat style and also webby, which is the fast footwork between other dance moves. By the time break dancing spread to the west coast, it had gained another element, the electric boogie, which incorporated a certain degree of pantomime into break dancing. Break dancing was not just for clubs though. As its popularity spread, break dancing crews formed that would meet for competition. Often these competitions would turn into real fights, it is even speculated that the best dancer was also the best fighter or gang member on the street. Besides the fighting, break dancing also involves a certain level of danger due to the aerobatic moves and the fact that it is ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Hot Takes and Spit Takes
Hot Takes and Spit Takes Hot Takes and Spit Takes Hot Takes and Spit Takes By Mark Nichol Take is one of the most generic and therefore versatile verbs (and, as a noun, has multiple senses), prompting an extensive collection of idioms, many of which are listed below. give and take: compromise hot take: a published reaction or analysis of a recent news event that, often because of the time-sensitive nature, doesn’t offer much in the way of deep reflection I take it: a synonym for â€Å"I understand†as an introduction to expressing that the speaker or writer believes that something has occurred or is true and seeks corroboration intake: an opening for the collection or passage of fluid; also, input, or something taken in it doesn’t take: a statement (generally in the past tense) communicating a failure, or the beginning of a statement that some quality is not required to accomplish or understand something (as in â€Å"It doesn’t take a genius to realize that Johns dishonest†) it takes two: two parties are required to achieve a result on the take: being paid to do favors, or receiving bribes outtake: something removed from a piece of media, such as a scene from a television program or a film or a song recorded for but not included on an album; also, a flue or vent retake: the action of filming or recording a scene or a song as an improvement on an earlier instance, or a repeated instance of filming or recording; as a verb, receive or take again, photograph again, or recapture spit take: an act of suddenly spitting out liquid one is drinking in response to something funny or unexpected take a back seat: accept a subordinate role (from the notion of being relegated to the back seat of a vehicle) take a bath: suffer a significant financial loss (from the notion of having one’s wealth cleaned away) take a chill pill: relax take (one) to court: sue someone take (one) to the cleaners: deprive someone of money or possessions (from the notion of having clothes professionally cleaned) take a hike/walk: leave take a load off: a slang invitation to sit and relax take a meeting: participate in a meeting take a powder: leave quickly (origin obscure) take a seat: be seated take a stand: express an opinion on a controversial or divisive issue, or act to defend or attack a status quo take account of: consider or note take advantage of: exploit or profit by take after: resemble in some quality take aim/take aim at: target take an interest in: become interested in an activity or issue take apart: disassemble, or treat harshly or roughly take care of: attend to or provide for take care: be careful take charge: assume command or control take credit: communicate that one is responsible for an outcome take effect: become operative or be effective take exception: object take five: slang indicating permission to cease an activity, such as a rehearsal, for five minutes take for granted: assume, or devalue take (someone) for a ride: cheat or trick (from the notion of offering a person a ride in a vehicle as part of a plot) take fright: become frightened take (something) hard: suffer emotional pain from knowledge of an unfortunate or disadvantageous incident or result take heart: gain confidence or courage take hold: take effect, or grasp take in vain: use a name (generally, that of a deity or religious figure) disrespectfully or profanely take into account: make allowance for take issue: disagree or dispute take it easy: slang urging someone to discontinue acting emotionally or violently, or an informal farewell with the notion of â€Å"be at peace or relaxed†take it on the chin: suffer from an occurrence (on the analogy of being struck by a fist) take it or leave it: expression of an ultimatum take it out on (one): vindictively punish someone for something they are not responsible for take kindly to: be inclined to accept or approve (someone or something) take(s) a load off (one’s mind): relieve(s) pressure or a sense of responsibility take me for: part of a question (such as â€Å"What do you take me for- an idiot?†) with the sentiment â€Å"Do you assume that I am not intelligent or perceptive?†take no prisoners: show no mercy or be relentless take note/take notice of: observe or pay attention to take offense: become offended take office: assume the responsibility of an appointed or elected position take on (something): accept a responsibility take pains: go out of one’s way to effect an outcome take part: participate take place: occur take (one’s) place: figuratively or literally position oneself in a role or among others take root: become established, fixed, or rooted take shape: become distinctly developed or formed take shelter: protect oneself from adverse conditions such as a storm take ship: set out on a voyage take sides: ally with one of two parties, or advocate for one position in a disagreement take the blame: accept responsibility for a negative outcome take the cake: earn a prize (often said sarcastically in reference to outrageous behavior) (one) take(s) the Fifth: said in reference to refusing to divulge information (from the notion of invoking the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution to protect oneself from self-incrimination) take the floor: stand to formally address an assembly take the plunge: pursue an opportunity, from the notion of diving or jumping into water take the rap: accept responsibility for a mistake or a crime (from underworld slang referring to a criminal charge) take (one’s time): act leisurely take to (something): slang referring to adapting to or becoming comfortable with an activity or a person, or to going to or into take to task: criticize take the trouble: undertake an activity or begin to effect an outcome take (one’s) turn: accept an opportunity to undertake something that two or more people are doing in turn take turns: an admonition to be fair about letting others do something in turn take: (someone or something) take(s) some getting used to: expression of the sentiment that someone or something is difficult to accommodate or is a challenge take water/take on water: figuratively or literally sinking take (one’s) word for it: believe another’s account or explanation what’s your take?: A question requesting one’s version of an incident or analysis of or opinion about an issue Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:85 Synonyms for â€Å"Help†30 Baseball Idioms5 Erroneously Constructed â€Å"Not Only . . . But Also†Sentences
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Performance Management System Improvement Assignment
Performance Management System Improvement - Assignment Example To enhance the performance of the employees over time, it is considered important to evaluate their output to increase the efficiency of the organization (Warner, 2002). In essence, the employees’ output is figured out and ways to improve the performance level formulated. The obtained results after evaluation are used to improve on the organization’s output, effectiveness and efficiency over time. An organization generally constitutes of the two types of environment, namely; the internal environment and the external environment. The external environment could constitute of factors such as technological, political, legal and economic, whereas the internal environment is comprised of structure, organizational culture, mode of exercising power, the leadership style, and available resources. The key factors that constitute the external environment of Ngusama Investment Company are technology, political, economic and legal factors (Rao, 2004). The company has been trying to upgrade its technology so as to cope with evolution of technology that presents. Upgrading of the system also ensures that the company keeps abreast with current issues and trends in the society. With a modified technology, the employees have a platform which they work on to improve the performance of the organization.... For any organization to prevail in a market, it has to ensure that it fulfils the regulations and the policies. Technological factors; productivity is quickly achieved through the use of new technology. The production of new products increases the sales of an organization and consequently leads to an upsurge in the revenue. This therefore is a major indicator of the organization’s performance. The external environment can be viewed in two dimensions; micro-environment and macro-environment. Micro-environment is concerned with the immediate benefactors of the organization’s competitors, suppliers, customers and the public at large. On the other hand, the macro-environment constitutes of the current trends in the society. The organization concentrates on the following factors in assessment of the external environment; competitive environment analysis, analysis of the expectations for interest, the external environment’s development outlook, and analysis of the infl uence of the macro-environment on the organization’s performance. Competitive environment is a key external factor (Sahu, 2007). It is a process in its own that involves analyzing, identifying the major characteristics and the impact of the forces that come about as a result of competition. After the analysis, positioning efforts are made so as to ensure that the competitive advantage of the organization is attained. When conducting the activity there are competitive forces that are experienced and this makes up the environment with the organization inclusive. The industry includes all the organizations that are producing similar products or are offering identical services. The
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business management - Research Paper Example There was a tremendous surge in the penetration of internet - based connectivity in various parts of the world. Because of the rise of a internet based connectivity, it needs to be mentioned that the world has transformed into a single connected global entity. This has increasingly paved the way for easy synchronization of various trends related to globalization that are emerging from the different corners of the world. (International, 2011, p. 32) It needs to be mentioned that because of the trends of globalization, there is a tremendous amount of demand for new kinds of product and services that are emerging from various new as well as well established countries and economies around the world. As a result of this surge in demand, there is a high amount of business opportunity that is emerging in the global marketplace. Many new as well as established companies that are located in various geographical locations are increasingly focusing on the process of market expansion as well as the process of entering in the new markets to capitalize on the new business opportunities (Tsai, 2003, p. 158). In this assignment, the focus is on developing a business model for a new company while studying two companies based in the region of United Arab Emirates. For the purpose of doing that, the airline industry of UAE region has been selected. The two companies that have been selected from the aviation industry of UAE are Arab Emirates and Air Arabia. In explaining in a brief manner about the two companies, it can be stated that the airline company Emirates is the flagship carrier of the Emirates group. The airlines provide air transportation services to around 74 countries in six different continents. As of the year 2012, the airline company is credited with being the fourth largest company in the world in terms of flying international passengers as well as the amount of distance covered all around the globe. Talking about the other company, it can be stated that Air Arabia is the largest low cost carrier (LCC) in the Middle East and the North Africa region. The company connects around 82 destinations currently which includes various locations of Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Asia. The value offering of the company is comfort, reliance and great value for money kind of a service (, 2013). Mission Statements While discussing about the mission statements of the two companies belonging to the airline sector of the UAE region, it is very important to understand the meaning of the terms of mission and vision. The vision of a company is the long term goal of a company while the mission of a company is the short term goals of the company. To fulfill the objectives identified in the vision of a company, it is very important to fulfill the mission based goals. In discussing about values of Emirates, it can be stated that the focus is on building a strong and stable leadership team, which will play a major role in the process of designing a mbitious and calculated decisions and ground breaking ideas which will help in the creation of a great company ( -1, 2013). The vision of the company is to be the world’s
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