Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Travelling For Education
Due to the miserable situations of Lebanese students and their long years of suffering from the bad educating services and due to the absence of responsibility toward university students and the difficulty of finding jobs. The researcher in this paper shows the attention to this problem. Traveling For Education It was become a fashion trend that more and more people choose to go abroad to study. Some people think it is great experience while on the country , some others think it is not good at all!Despite of the importance of studying abroad and the presence of scientist that have raised Lebanon's name abroad , there are still oppositions to the views of this idea that prefer to stay in Lebanon despite of all its problems that they suffer from . Students in Lebanon should study outside for many reasons. General atmosphere is not suitable to study in Lebanon on all levels. The lack of raw materials in Lebanon led to the weakness of electricity and this case does not fit college studen t who needs a convenient means for study and research. In addition to the electricity obstacle we notice the non-existence of laboratories, libraries and research centers, the state does not give an adequate attention to this deficiency, which leads for big effort toward the college student.For example , there is only one public library that opened new in Nabtieh †centre de lecture et d'animation culturelle †beside the red cross and it does not have the media support to be a know place to come to it. In addition to all problems that Lebanese students face we have an initial problem by students that is the lack of comfort in government universities , and when they resort  to private universities that are more comfortable with all they need for studying they will be shocked by the high cost that they can't afford which lead them to depression , and we will not forget the non-support for the best students that government must appreciate and have a look for them. Going abroad to study means far more than learning. The book†Intercultural journeys from study to residence abroad †( Jackson , 1954) talk about this issue.This book focuses on the actual experiences of college students who travelled from their homes to foreign lands, the author explores the linkage between intercultural awareness and sensitivity, language development , and identity reconstruction in young adult college learners. Generally, the first thing you need to do is to survive in a foreign nation. Where to find a place to live? How to deal with transportation? How to cook food? All these are the things you have to think and depend on yourself.Students who study abroad have to take care of themselves, and these questions are used the Lebanese students who don't want to travel abroad. Without parents, you can learn how to arrange their own issues and do everything by yourself better. This is what we call independent awareness. Studying abroad cultivate your independent awareness and capability of taking care yourself. It is  always a tough time when living in a country that is totally new to you and facing all kinds problems. One you overcome them , you get the ability to live on your own. This is great, when the people of your age still enjoying their lives under the protection of their families, you begin to experience life.We take this factor as the most important advantage as it teaches you the basic ability to live your life. No one but yourself can teach you this! Everyone needs to be enriched with more experience and be more mature. Studying abroad means you set yourself into a circumstance that is totally different to you. You can enjoy a new culture all by yourself: people's thoughts and behaviors and the way people live are the first-hand to you , is not this great ? Cultural differences are more than just differences in language, food, appearances, culture and personal habits.A person's reflects very deep perceptions, be liefs, and values that influence his or her way of life and the way that he or she views the world. Students who experience cultural differences personally can come to truly understand where other cultures are coming from.You can greatly increase your adaptability to what we call the †Global Village†in your potential career ( Dixon , 2009 ) . Only knowing cultural difference is not enough, studying abroad has a lot more to explore! seeing the beautiful sceneries of a nation, volunteering  in social work and communicating with local people are all up to you. By studying abroad you know more about the world, no matter academically or physically. Knowing more a and experiencing more help you think rationally and behave maturely. The things above are the most important and valuable advantages we can think of. And of course there are much more that hat we mentioned , learning and mastering a new manage or having the chance to travel may also be the advantages that attrac t you. Do not hesitate, going abroad to study do offer you great improvement!
Learning Style Preferences by Iranian students
IntroductionLearning manners influence acquisition and that larning result is higher for pupils who are able to utilize multiple acquisition manners ( Felder, 1995 ; Reid, 1987, Reid, 1998 ; Claxton and Murell, 1985 ; Mulalic, Mohd Shah and Ahmad, 2009 ) . Learning manners and penchants vary for each of us and in different state of affairss. Some scholars, for case, prefer to larn by reading text editions, while others prefer a verbal account ( Riazi and Riasati, 2007 ) . In add-on, people may differ in how they most efficaciously show their apprehension ; either orally or in authorship and through graphs or figures. In other words, scholars learn and show their apprehensions in assorted ways in different state of affairss. Learning manners refer to the cognitive, emotional, and psychological behavior which serve as comparatively fixed and unchangeable indexs of how scholars understand, interact with and answer to the acquisition environment ( Keefe, 1982 ) . Oxford ( 2003 ) asserted that acquisition manners are the general attacks that scholars utilize in geting a new linguistic communication or in larning any other topics. These manners are the overall forms that give larning behaviour a general way ( Cornett, 1983 ) . By understanding one ‘s learning manner ( s ) , one will be able to develop the accomplishments that help one learns in a assortment of ways to accomplish full potency. This apprehension is besides helpful for instructors and pedagogues because it enables instructors and pedagogues to fit their instruction manners, methodological analysiss, and class organisation with scholars ‘ acquisition manners to assist scholars better their acquisition ( Willing, 1988 ) . Surveies have shown that personality, life experiences, intent for larning and instructors ‘ outlooks affect scholars ‘ acquisition manners with the later being the most dominant influence ( Briggs-Myers, 1986 ; Kolb, 1984 ; Felder, 1996 ; Ballard and Clanchy 1997 ) . In Iran, nevertheless, scholars ‘ acquisition manners have been ignored and have been taken into history as an undistinguished constituent in the learning procedure among Persian EFL scholars in general and first-year university pupils in peculiar. Very small survey has been conducted to place Persian scholars ‘ acquisition manners that non merely would assist scholars ‘ acquisition but besides help better instructors ‘ instruction. Matching these two facets would take to greater success. Nevertheless, Riazi and Riasati ( 2007 ) conducted a survey on 219 Persian scholars of English in Shiraz to place their acquisition manners. The survey employed Brindley ‘s ( 1984 ) linguistic communication larning penchant questionnaire. The participants were from different degrees of direction and different ages. The findings show that the pupils favoured the communicative attack carried out in brace or group work and felt that it helped better their English linguisti c communication accomplishments. They besides preferred taking portion in schoolroom treatment and interaction in larning English. Although this survey found that scholars preferred a communicative attack, scholars at higher establishments in Iran ; peculiarly freshers, are still observed to be inactive scholars of English. Possibly they are incognizant of their acquisition manners and possibly the instruction manners at higher establishments do non fit scholars ‘ acquisition manners. Therefore, the survey presented in this paper was an effort to find Persian EFL fresher university pupils ‘ acquisition manner ( s ) to assist them understand how they learn and therefore increase their potencies. This survey besides aimed to detect whether there was a difference between male and female fresher university pupils ‘ acquisition manner ( s ) . However, this present survey employed the four types of larning manner penchants developed by Willing ( 1988 ) to look into Persian EFL fresher university pupils ‘ types of larning manner ( s ) .Learning Styles and Types of LearnersMost research surveies on larning manner penchants trace back to the past 30 old ages. Dunn ( 1993 ) asserted that lectors can non place pupil ‘s acquisition manners without using a multidimensional instrument. Without rating, even experienced teachers may misinterpret scholars ‘ behaviors such as hyperactivity or heedlessness ( Mulalic, Mohd Shah and Ahmad, 2009 ) . Reid ( 1987 ) investigated 1300 ESL pupils from three different civilizations ; viz. the Japanese, Malay, and Korean. The survey found that a big figure of these pupils strongly preferred tactile and kinesthetic acquisition manners. The survey besides found that the built-in differences in cultural or linguistic communication backgrounds and subjects ( technology and computing machine scientific discipline ) frequently play an of import function in placing types of cognitive manners. Meanwhile, Willing ( 1988 ) investigated a group of five 100s and 17 scholars from more than 30 cultural groups to analyze whether there is a relationship between larning manner penchants and biographical variables. However, merely five cultural groups were big plenty for statistical analysis ( Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, South Americans, and Polish/Czech talkers ) . The learning manner questionnaire included 30 acquisition manner points, 15 larning scheme points, and a several points on single biographical facets. The consequences indicated that there were cultural differences with respect to the scholars ‘ larning manner penchants. For case, although the agencies of the point ‘I like to analyze grammar ‘ was lower than expected, all scholars from the different civilizations responded that they liked analyzing grammar. The Arabic scholars preferred grammar where 65 % of them ranked this point as the â€Å" best †( Willing 1988 ) . Meanwhile, the findings i ndicated that authority-oriented and analytical acquisition manners were extremely valued by the Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, South American, and Polish pupils. The largely preferable points were ‘practicing sounds and pronunciation in English ‘ and ‘everything explained by their instructor ‘ , and the least preferable ways of larning were ‘playing games ‘ and ‘watching movies ‘ ( Willing 1988, p. 130 ) . Willing ( 1988 ) further identified four types of scholars: concrete, analytical, communicative, and authority-oriented scholars. Nunan ( 1999 ) briefly summarized the definition of these four types of scholars: 1 ) Concrete scholars are those who employ really direct agencies of taking in and treating information ; 2 ) Analytic scholars are those whose cognitive strengths lead them non merely to analyse carefully and show great involvement in constructions but to set a great trade of value on uncovering their independency by executin g these things themselves, autonomously. In other words, they prefer to analyze grammar ( from particular to general ) , analyzing English books and reading newspapers, analyzing separately, happening their ain errors, and working on undertaking jobs assigned by their instructors ; 3 ) Authority-oriented scholars are those who are likely non predisposed to actively form information ; they would wish their instructor to explicate everything to them, tend to hold their ain text editions, to compose everything in a notebook, to analyze grammatical regulations, learn by reading, and larn new words by looking at them ; and 4 ) Communicative scholars are those who have a desire for a communicative and societal acquisition attack, likely because they feel that this would be most helpful to their demands in relation to linguistic communication acquisition. In other words, they like to larn by watching, listening to native talkers, speaking to friends in English and watching telecasting in E nglish, utilizing English out of category, larning new words by hearing them, and acquisition by conversations ( Willing, 1988 ; Nunan, 1999, p. 57 ) .The SurveyParticipantsA group of 92 ( 37 males and 55 females ) Persian EFL fresher university pupils majoring in Teaching English as a Foreign Language ( TEFL ) class at the Faculty of Foreign Languages in a university in South of Esfahan were indiscriminately selected from nine categories to take portion in this survey. As freshers, their mean age was 18 old ages old. They learn English linguistic communication for academic intents. Freshman university pupils were selected as participants of this survey because they were at the get downing degree of third instruction. Knowledge of their acquisition manner ( s ) would be utile in placing and geting larning accomplishments which would heighten their acquisition. Therefore, increase their public presentation in larning English.InstrumentThe instrument utilized in this survey was the Le arning Style Preferences Questionnaire adapted from Willing ( 1988 ) . The four-point Likert graduated table questionnaire consisted of 45 points on â€Å" How make you larn best †; ranged from 1: Strongly Disagree to 4: Strongly Agree. It was piloted prior to the existent informations aggregation and the dependability Cronbach ‘s Alpha was 0.844. The questionnaire consisted of four classs ( Communicative, Concrete, Authority-Oriented, and Analytical scholars ) . A list of 20 four points out of 40 five points related to these four types were chosen and modified based on the Persian EFL fresher university pupils ‘ acquisition. Items one to six represented scholars who liked to larn through observation and or listening to native talkers, speaking to friends in English and watching telecasting in English, and learn through conversations ( Communicative Learners ) . Items seven to twelve represented scholars who liked to larn through games, movies, cassettes, speakin g in braces, and utilizing English outside of the schoolroom ( Concrete Learners ) . Items 13 to eighteen represented scholars who preferred their instructors to explicate everything to them, have their ain text editions, survey grammar, learn by reading, and larn new words by seeing the words ( Authority-Oriented Learners ) . Items 19 to twenty four represented scholars who liked analyzing the regulations of grammar, analyzing English books, reading newspapers, analyzing by themselves, happening their ain errors, and working on jobs set by the instructor ( Analytic Learners ) .Findingss and DiscussionsDescriptive analysis of the Learning Style Preferences ( 37 Males, 55 Females )In order to detect the types of larning manner penchants of the pupils, the descriptive statistics ( agencies and standard divergences ) of the four types of larning manner penchants ( communicative, concrete, authority-oriented, and analytical ) were computed ( see Table 1 ) . The one which indicated the h ighest average value was considered to be the pupils ‘ preferred acquisition manner. Table 1 shows the mean and standard divergences of the four distinguishable classs. Responses to the statements of type one ( communicative ) had the highest average value of 3.24 and a standard divergence of 0.35, while the responses to analytical type of larning manners had the lowest average mark of 3.02 and a standard divergence of 0.38 for both males and females. It is implied that the bulk of Persian EFL fresher university pupils in this sample considered themselves communicative types of acquisition manners. This is consistent with the consequences of Ho ‘s ( Undated ) survey on two groups of university twelvemonth one and four groups of twelvemonth two Computer Studies pupils across five academic old ages. The survey indicated that most pupils were communicative scholars ; contradictory to the consequences of Liu ‘s ( 2008 ) survey on pupils in Taipei. Liu reported that responses to the statements of authority-oriented type of larning manners were the highest with the average mark of 11.52 and a standard divergence of 3.13 and communicative type of larning manners had the lowest mean mark ( M=8.87 and a standard divergence of 3.55 ) . Table 1 Mean and Standard Deviation of Learning Styles ( by Category ) Learning Manners Mean South dakota Nitrogen Communicative 3.24 0.358 92 Concrete 3.07 0.381 92 Authority-Oriented 3.10 0.353 92 Analytic 3.02 0.381 92 N= Number of respondents ; SD= Std. Deviation In add-on to the mean scores for the four types of larning manners in general, Table 2, 3, 4, and 5 show the mean and standard divergences of the pupils ‘ usage of larning manners by class and points: communicative, concrete, authority-oriented, and analytical acquisition manners. Table 2 Mean and Standard Deviations of the Students ‘ Communicative Learning Style ItemsLearning MannersMeanSouth dakota1Communicative Learning StyleI like to larn by watching, listening to native talkers of English.3.243.320.350.755 2 I like to larn by speaking to friends in English. 3.24 0.732 3 If I have pick, I would wish to larn English by watching Television in English outside of the schoolroom. 3.17 0.735 4 I like to larn by talking in English with aliens when there is a opportunity. 3.27 0.757 5 I like to larn English words by hearing the words. 3.25 0.673 6 In English category, I like to larn through the usage of conversations. 3.22 0.739 Table 2 demonstrates that the overall average value of communicative acquisition manner was 3.24 with a standard divergence of 0.35. The highest average value of 3.32 with a standard divergence 0.75 was noted for the point â€Å" I like to larn by watching, listening to native talkers of English. †Meanwhile, the point â€Å" If I have pick, I would wish to larn English by watching Television in English outside of the schoolroom. †scored the lowest mean mean with the value of 3.17 and a standard divergence of 0.73. It is inferred that the Persian EFL fresher university pupils have strong desire to larn by watching and listening to native talkers of English in schoolrooms. In other words, they tend to watch pictures and listen to tapes in schoolrooms. They like to pass on with one another. This is in understanding with the consequences of Riazi and Riasati ‘s ( 2007 ) survey. Table 3 Mean and Standard Deviations of the Students ‘ Concrete Learning Style ItemsLearning MannersMeanSouth dakota7Concrete Learning StyleIn English category, I like to larn through game. 8 In English category, I like to larn by utilizing images, movies, and pictures. 3.29 0.749 9 I like to analyze English by speaking with another schoolmate 3.23 0.743 10 I like to larn by utilizing cassettes at place. 2.65 0.733 11 In English category, I like to listen to and utilize cassettes. 2.80 0.829 12 Outside of the schoolroom, I like to utilize English. 3.17 0.735 With respect to concrete acquisition manners, Table 3 demonstrates the overall average value of 3.07 and a standard divergence of 0.37. The consequences related to concrete larning manner dimension indicate that the point â€Å" In English category, I like to larn by utilizing images, movies, and pictures. †scored the highest mean mean with the average value of 3.29 and a standard divergence of 0.74 ; while the lowest average value of 2.65 with standard divergence of 0.73 was noted for the point â€Å" I like to larn by utilizing cassettes at place †. It is concluded that these scholars like to larn by illustrations in schoolrooms. The common feature of concrete scholars harmonizing to willing ( 1988 ) is the development of insufficiency or an lower status composite. They disfavour larning monotonously and written work. They like assortment. They prefer verbal and ocular experiences. They have strong desire to be entertained by utilizing games, and be given to be invo lved in larning physically. Table 4 Mean and Standard Deviations of the Students ‘ Authority-Oriented Learning Style ItemsLearning MannersMeanSouth dakota13Authority-Oriented Learning StyleI like the instructor to explicate everything to me.3.103.320.350.755 14 I want to compose everything in my notebook. 2.91 0.751 15 I like to hold my ain text edition. 3.27 0.757 16 In English category, I like to larn by reading. 3.17 0.720 17 I like to analyze grammar from specific to general. 3.23 0.728 18 I like to larn English words by seeing them. 2.70 0.795 Sing the 3rd type of larning manners ( authority-oriented ) , Table 4 indicates that the overall mean value was 3.10 and a standard divergence of 0.35. Therefore, the point â€Å" I like the instructor to explicate everything to me †scored the highest average value of 3.32 and a standard divergence of 0.75. While the lowest average value of 2.70 and a standard divergence of 0.79 were noted for the point â€Å" I like to larn English words by seeing them †. It is inferred that authority-oriented scholars tend to be taught clearly. They have desire to larn from their instructors. They look for constructions and measure by measure patterned advance. In general, they consider their instructors as authorization in the category. Harmonizing to Willing ( 1988 ) they like to follow some forms. Table 5 Mean and Standard Deviations of the Students ‘ Analytical Learning Style ItemsLearning MannersMeanSouth dakota19Analytic Learning StyleI like to analyze grammar from general to specific.3.022.680.380.838 20 At place, I like to larn by analyzing English books. 3.24 0.732 21 I like to analyze English by myself. 3.32 0.755 22 I like the instructor to allow me happen my errors. 3.25 0.750 23 I like the instructor to give me exercises to work on. 3.15 0.725 24 At place, I like to larn by reading English newspaper. 2.49 0.791 Finally, for analytical acquisition manners Table 5 reveals that the overall mean value was 3.02 with a standard divergence of 0.38. Based on the consequences, the point â€Å" I like to analyze English by myself †scored as highest average value of 3.32 and a standard divergence of 0.75 whereas the lowest average value of 2.49 with a standard divergence of 0.79 was noted for the point â€Å" At place, I like to larn by reading English newspaper †. This means that analytical types of scholars are independent and tend to happen solutions for their jobs while larning. Analytic scholars ‘ cognitive strengths steer them non merely to analyse carefully and uncover great involvement in constructions, but besides to set a big sum of value on demoing their independency by making these things themselves, autonomously ( Willing, 1988 ) . In general, it can be inferred from the findings aforementioned types of acquisition manners that the mass media such as telecasting, pic ture, tape recording equipments are the most powerful devices for larning foreign linguistic communications in Iran since English is learned and spoken merely in academic categories and for academic intents. Harmonizing to Celec-Murcia ( 2001 ) , such media motivate scholars by conveying the existent life state of affairs into the schoolroom and showing linguistic communication in its more complete communicative context.Descriptive Analysis of the Learning Style Preferences by GenderIn order to detect whether there was a difference between males and females in using learning manner penchants, the Independent-sample T-test was conducted. Table 6 demonstrates that there was no statistically important difference in the mean tonss for male and female pupils in communicative ( M= 3.27, SD= 0.35 ; M=3.22, SD=0.36, T ( 90 ) =0.66, p= 0.51 ) ; concrete ( M=3.10, SD=0.36 ; M=3.05, SD=0.39, T ( 90 ) =0.67, p=0.49 ) , authority-oriented ( M=3.09, SD=0.37 ; M=3.11, SD=0.34, T ( 90 ) = -0.21, p= 0.83 ) , and analytical acquisition manners ( M=3.09, SD=0.38, M=2.98, SD=0.37, T ( 90 ) =1.32, p=0.18 ) . In other words, males and females apply larning manners in a similar manner. This is in understanding with the consequences of Yik, Hidayu, Bariyyah and Asyimah ‘s ( Undated ) survey ( hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed 26 March 2010 ) . Table 6 T-test for gender differences in larning manner PreferencesLiterGramNitrogenMeanSouth dakotaTPCom Meter F 37 55 3.27 3.22 0.35 0.36 0.66 0.51 Con Meter F 37 55 3.10 3.05 0.36 0.39 0.67 0.49 A-O Meter F 37 55 3.09 3.11 0.37 0.34 -0.21 0.83 Anal Meter F 37 55 3.09 2.98 0.38 0.37 1.32 0.18 Note: N=Number of Subjects ; LS=Learning Styles ; G=Gender ; M=Male ; F=Female ; Com=Communicative ; Con=Concrete ; A-O=Authority-Oriented ; Anal=Analytical In other words, all of the values of significance values were above the value of significance value of P & lt ; 0.05. Harmonizing to Cohen ( 1988 ) , the magnitudes of the differences in the agencies were somewhat little. Cohen believes that 0.01 indicates little consequence, 0.06 shows moderate consequence, and 0.14 shows big consequence. Therefore the Basque Homeland and Freedom square for these four types of acquisition manners are as follows: communicative ( eta square= 0.004 ) , concrete ( eta square= 0.005 ) , authority-oriented ( eta squared=0.000 ) , and analytical acquisition manner ( eta square= 0.018 ) which are really little.DeductionsSing the consequences of this survey, some deductions are discussed with the position of text book designs, larning and learning English as a foreign linguistic communication in Iran. As it has been identified that many of the fresher university pupils are communicative type of scholars, there should be a moderately safe index for the genera l way to see in planing text books for Persian EFL fresher university scholars. Many research surveies such as Smith ( 1985 ) , Claxon and Murrell ( 1987 ) , Willing ( 1988 ) , and Riazi and Riasati ( 2007 ) claim that larning methods that match with learning manner penchants lead to academic accomplishments, more communicative undertakings need to be included in the class as most scholars in this sample prefer to larn in a communicative manner. Willing ( 1988 ) suggested the acquisition methods preferred by communicative scholars as: 1 ) Learning by watching and listening to native talkers of the mark linguistic communication. 2 ) Learning by talking in English with aliens when there is a opportunity. 3 ) Learning by speaking to friends in English. 4 ) Learning by conversations. 5 ) Learning by watching Television in English. 6 ) Learning English by hearing the words. Therefore, the text edition interior decorators may necessitate to take into history the aforesaid methods recommen ded by Willing ( 1988 ) while planing communicative text books for categories. They can besides see group treatments and teacher-students meetings as pupils prefer to speak with equals and instructors ( Riazi and Riasati, 2007 ) . In the visible radiation of acquisition, effectual tools to assist pupils listen to native talkers of the mark linguistic communication is to utilize movies and picture plans in categories. In this instance, pupils get familiar with the other contexts, state of affairss, and civilizations. Auxiliary stuffs such as short narratives should be utilized in categories ( Riazi and Mansoorian, 2008 ) . By and large, pupils need to be involved in synergistic accomplishments. In order to lend pupils to be cognizant of their ain acquisition manners and strengths, stock lists of larning manner and other procedures can be utilized ( Claxton and Murrell, 1987, p six ) . In add-on, lectors should assist scholars understand more about their ain penchants for larning. There are some promising schemes employed by lectors to lend their scholars to understand more about their penchants for larning and suggest ways to cover with more efficaciously in classs taught in ways inconsistent with their manners . This can besides assist scholars take increasing charge of their ain acquisition and to be more active in the procedure ( Claxton and Murrell 1987, p. four ) . In footings of instruction, by roll uping some information on scholars ‘ acquisition manners can assist lectors place scholars who learn comfortably via the types of undertakings designed for the class. For case, this survey recommends that lectors should make their best to carry first-year university scholars to work in groups and learn them how to pass on ( converse ) with one another in English. Lecturers should present types of larning manners to pupils in order to acquire familiar with their manner of larning a foreign linguistic communication in general and larning English in peculiar. In general, pupils should be encouraged to happen out their ain types of larning manner penchants in order to ease their acquisition.DecisionsThe intent of the current survey was to place Persian EFL fresher university pupils ‘ types of larning manner penchants and their deductions on the instruction and larning procedure every bit good as the designs of the text books. This survey be sides aimed to detect whether or non there was a important difference between male and female fresher university pupils using larning manner penchants. The dominant learning manner penchants of Persian EFL fresher university pupils revealed that the bulk of the Persian EFL fresher university pupils considered themselves as communicative scholars. They tend to larn English as a foreign linguistic communication by listening to native talkers of English likely because they feel that this would be most utile for their demands in relation to English linguistic communication acquisition. This can assist them in bettering their pronunciation and speech pattern. The receptive accomplishments such as speech production and hearing are appealing to the scholars of this sample. They have desire to utilize conversations in the schoolrooms and communicate in English. It is besides concluded that Persian male and female pupils have no different preferred acquisition manners as the findings of this survey demonstrated that there was no statistically important difference between them with respect to their learning manner penchants while larning English as a foreign linguistic communication. More significantly, this research survey suggests placing the scholars ‘ types of larning manners to lend their lectors to set in the proportion of undertaking types in text books to do acquisition easier for pupils.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Euthanasia Outline
Euthanasia: the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. (The key word here is â€Å"intentional†. If death is not intended, it is not an act of euthanasia) †¢ Voluntary euthanasia: When the person who is killed has requested to be killed. †¢ Non-voluntary: When the person who is killed made no request and gave no consent. †¢ Involuntary euthanasia: When the person who is killed made an expressed wish to the contrary. Assisted suicide: Someone provides an individual with the information, guidance, and means to take his or her own life with the intention that they will be used for this purpose. When it is a doctor who helps another person to kill themselves it is called â€Å"physician assisted suicide. † †¢ Euthanasia By Action: Intentionally causing a person's death by performing an action such as by giving a lethal injection. †¢ Euthanasia By Omission: Intent ionally causing death by not providing necessary and ordinary (usual and customary) care or food and water. 1. Unbearable pain as the reason for euthanasiaProbably the major argument in favor of euthanasia is that the person involved is in great pain. Today, advances are constantly being made in the treatment of pain and, as they advance, the case for euthanasia/assisted-suicide is proportionally weakened. Euthanasia advocates stress the cases of unbearable pain as reasons for euthanasia, but then they soon include a â€Å"drugged†state. I guess that is in case virtually no uncontrolled pain cases can be found – then they can say those people are drugged into a no-pain state but they need to be euthanasiaed from such a state because it is not dignified.See the opening for the slippery slope? How do you measure â€Å"dignity†? No – it will be euthanasia â€Å"on demand†. The pro-euthanasia folks have already started down the slope. They are e ven now not stoping with â€Å"unbearable pain†– they are alrady including this â€Å"drugged state†and other circumstances. Nearly all pain can be eliminated and – in those rare cases where it can't be eliminated – it can still be reduced significantly if proper treatment is provided. It is a national and international scandal that so many people do not get adequate pain control. But killing is not the answer to that scandal.The solution is to mandate better education of health care professionals on these crucial issues, to expand access to health care, and to inform patients about their rights as consumers. Everyone – whether it be a person with a life-threatening illness or a chronic condition – has the right to pain relief. With modern advances in pain control, no patient should ever be in excruciating pain. However, most doctors have never had a course in pain management so they're unaware of what to do. If a patient who is und er a doctor's care is in excruciating pain, there's definitely a need to find a different doctor.But that doctor should be one who will control the pain, not one who will kill the patient. There are board certified specialists in pain management who will not only help alleviate physical pain but are skilled in providing necessary support to deal with emotional suffering and depression that often accompanies physical pain. 2. Demanding a â€Å"right to commit suicide† Probably the second most common point pro-euthanasia people bring up is this so-called â€Å"right. †But what we are talking about is not giving a right to the person who is killed, but to the person who does the killing. In other words, euthanasia is not about the right to die.It's about the right to kill. Euthanasia is not about giving rights to the person who dies but, instead, is about changing the law and public policy so that doctors, relatives and others can directly and intentionally end ano ther person's life. People do have the power to commit suicide. Suicide and attempted suicide are not criminalized. Suicide is a tragic, individual act. Euthanasia is not about a private act. It's about letting one person facilitate the death of another. That is a matter of very public concern since it can lead to tremendous abuse, exploitation and erosion of care for the most vulnerable people among us. . Should people be forced to stay alive? No. And neither the law nor medical ethics requires that â€Å"everything be done†to keep a person alive. Insistence, against the patient's wishes, that death be postponed by every means available is contrary to law and practice. It would also be cruel and inhumane. There comes a time when continued attempts to cure are not compassionate, wise, or medically sound. That's where hospice, including in-home hospice care, can be of such help. That is the time when all efforts should be placed on making the patient's remaining time comforta ble.Then, all interventions should be directed to alleviating pain and other symptoms as well as to the provision of emotional and spiritual support for both the patient and the patient's loved ones. 14th through 20th Century English Common Law (Excerpt is from the U. S. Supreme Court ruling in the 1997 Washington v. Glucksberg – opinion written by Chief Justice Rehnquist. ) â€Å"More specifically, for over 700 years, the Anglo American common law tradition has punished or otherwise disapproved of both suicide and assisting suicide. †[pic] 19th Century United States (Excerpt is from the U. S. Supreme Court ruling in the 1997 Washington v.Glucksberg – opinion written by Chief Justice Rehnquist. ) That suicide remained a grievous, though nonfelonious, wrong is confirmed by the fact that colonial and early state legislatures and courts did not retreat from prohibiting assisting suicide. Swift, in his early 19th century treatise on the laws of Connecticut, stated that â€Å"[i]f one counsels another to commit suicide, and the other by reason of the advice kills himself, the advisor is guilty of murder as principal. †2 Z. Swift, A Digest of the Laws of the State of Connecticut 270 (1823). This was the well established common law view, see In re Joseph G. 34 Cal. 3d 429, 434-435, 667 P. 2d 1176, 1179 (1983); Commonwealth v. Mink, 123 Mass. 422, 428 (1877) (â€Å"`Now if the murder of one's self is felony, the accessory is equally guilty as if he had aided and abetted in the murder'†) (quoting Chief Justice Parker's charge to the jury in Commonwealth v. Bowen, 13 Mass. 356 (1816)), as was the similar principle that the consent of a homicide victim is â€Å"wholly immaterial to the guilt of the person who cause[d] [his death],†3 J. Stephen, A History of the Criminal Law of England 16 (1883); see 1 F. Wharton, Criminal Law  §Ã‚ §451-452 (9th ed. 1885); Martin v.Commonwealth, 184 Va. 1009, 1018-1019, 37 S. E. 2d 43, 47 (19 46) (†`The right to life and to personal security is not only sacred in the estimation of the common law, but it is inalienable' â€Å"). And the prohibitions against assisting suicide never contained exceptions for those who were near death. Rather, â€Å"[t]he life of those to whom life ha[d] become a burden–of those who [were] hopelessly diseased or fatally wounded–nay, even the lives of criminals condemned to death, [were] under the protection of law, equally as the lives of those who [were] in the full tide of life's enjoyment, and anxious to continue to live. Blackburn v. State, 23 Ohio St. 146, 163 (1872); see Bowen, supra, at 360 (prisoner who persuaded another to commit suicide could be tried for murder, even though victim was scheduled shortly to be executed). [pic] 1828 – Earliest American statute explicitly to outlaw assisting suicide (Excerpt is from the U. S. Supreme Court ruling in the 1997 Washington v. Glucksberg – opinion writte n by Chief Justice Rehnquist. ) The earliest American statute explicitly to outlaw assisting suicide was enacted in New York in 1828, Act of Dec. 10, 1828, ch. 20,  §4, 1828 N.Y. Laws 19 (codified at 2 N. Y. Rev. Stat. pt. 4, ch. 1, tit. 2, art. 1,  §7, p. 661 (1829)), and many of the new States and Territories followed New York's example. Marzen 73-74. Between 1857 and 1865, a New York commission led by Dudley Field drafted a criminal code that prohibited â€Å"aiding†a suicide and, specifically, â€Å"furnish[ing] another person with any deadly weapon or poisonous drug, knowing that such person intends to use such weapon or drug in taking his own life. †Id. , at 76-77. [pic] 20th Century United States (Excerpt is from the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the 1997 Washington v. Glucksberg – opinion written by Chief Justice Rehnquist. ) Though deeply rooted, the States' assisted suicide bans have in recent years been reexamined and, generally, reaffirmed. Beca use of advances in medicine and technology, Americans today are increasingly likely to die in institutions, from chronic illnesses. President's Comm'n for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Deciding to Forego Life Sustaining Treatment 16-18 (1983).Public concern and democratic action are therefore sharply focused on how best to protect dignity and independence at the end of life, with the result that there have been many significant changes in state laws and in the attitudes these laws reflect. Many States, for example, now permit â€Å"living wills,†surrogate health care decisionmaking, and the withdrawal or refusal of life sustaining medical treatment. See Vacco v. Quill, post, at 9-11; 79 F. 3d, at 818-820; People v. Kevorkian, 447 Mich. 436, 478-480, and nn. 53-56, 527 N. W. 2d 714, 731-732, and nn. 53-56 (1994).At the same time, however, voters and legislators continue for the most part to reaffirm their States' prohibition s on assisting suicide. [pic] 1920 The book â€Å"Permitting the Destruction of Life not Worthy of Life†was published. In this book, authors Alfred Hoche, M. D. , a professor of psychiatry at the University of Freiburg, and Karl Binding, a professor of law from the University of Leipzig, argued that patients who ask for â€Å"death assistance†should, under very carefully controlled conditions, be able to obtain it from a physician. This book helped support involuntary euthanasia by Nazi Germany. [pic] 935 The Euthanasia Society of England was formed to promote euthanasia. [pic]1939 Nazi Germany (From â€Å"The History Place†web site) â€Å"In October of 1939 amid the turmoil of the outbreak of war Hitler ordered widespread â€Å"mercy killing†of the sick and disabled. Code named â€Å"Aktion T 4,†the Nazi euthanasia program to eliminate â€Å"life unworthy of life†at first focused on newborns and very young children. Midwives and doct ors were required to register children up to age three who showed symptoms of mental retardation, physical deformity, or other symptoms included on a questionnaire from the Reich Health Ministry. â€Å"The Nazi euthanasia program quickly expanded to include older disabled children and adults. Hitler's decree of October, 1939, typed on his personal stationery and back dated to Sept. 1, enlarged ‘the authority of certain physicians to be designated by name in such manner that persons who, according to human judgment, are incurable can, upon a most careful diagnosis of their condition of sickness, be accorded a mercy death. ‘†[pic]1995 Australia's Northern Territory approved a euthanasia bill It went into effect in 1996 and was overturned by the Australian Parliament in 1997. [pic] 1998 U. S. tate of Oregon legalizes assisted suicide [pic] 1999 Dr. Jack Kevorkian sentenced to a 10-25 year prison term for giving a lethal injection to Thomas Youk whose death was shown on the â€Å"60 Minutes†television program. [pic] 2000 The Netherlands legalizes euthanasia. [pic] 2002 Belgium legalizes euthanasia. [pic] 2008 U. S. state of Washington legalizes assisted suicide Arguments For Euthanasia: †¢ It provides a way to relieve extreme pain †¢ It provides a way of relief when a person's quality of life is low †¢ Frees up medical funds to help other people †¢ It is another case of freedom of choiceArguments Against Euthanasia: †¢ Euthanasia devalues human life †¢ Euthanasia can become a means of health care cost containment †¢ Physicians and other medical care people should not be involved in directly causing death †¢ There is a â€Å"slippery slope†effect that has occurred where euthanasia has been first been legalized for only the terminally ill and later laws are changed to allow it for other people or to be done non-voluntarily. Places in the World Where Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide are Leg al Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg , Oregon and Washington ORGANIZATIONS AGAINST EUTHANASIA Canada Compassionate Healthcare Network (BC, Canada)†¢ Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (Ontario, Canada) †¢ First International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide (2007) US †¢ International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide †¢ ADAPT (People with disabilities) (Illinois, USA) †¢ Nightingale Alliance †¢ The Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics †¢ List of Disability Groups Opposing Assisted Suicide †¢ The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund †¢ True Compassion Advocates †¢ Californians Against Assisted Suicide (2007) †¢ CURE (Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia) †¢ Views on Euthanasia (Sponsored by CURE) Pro-life Movement Increasingly Takes on Assisted Suicide †¢ Black Americans for Life †¢ Wisconsin Right to Life Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia Page †¢ Pro-Life Colleges and Seminaries †¢ Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund †¢ TASH's Resolution Opposing the Legalization of Assisted Suicide †¢ Disability Groups Opposing Physician Assisted Suicide †¢ List of Some Groups Opposing Physician Assisted Suicide †¢ Largest U. S. Organization of Latin Americans Opposes Assisted Suicide (2006) †¢ Symposium on Opposing Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia (2007) †¢ Lifeissues. net's Euthanasia Articles (2008) †¢ Life TreeUK †¢ Care Not Killing †¢ First Do No Harm (By Doctors in the UK) †¢ ALERT (UK) †¢ British Section of the World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life World †¢ World Youth Alliance supports the Duke of Luxembourg’s Decision to Veto Euthanasia Legislation (2008) †¢ International Euthanasia Symposium Held in Virginia, USA (2009) †¢ Second International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, Virginia, USA (2009) †¢ First International Symposium on Euthanasia an d Assisted Suicide, Toronto, Canada (2007) World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life †¢ ORGANIZATIONS FOR EUTHANASIA-Right To Die Organizations †¢
Monday, July 29, 2019
The Reasons Why I Became a Doctor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Reasons Why I Became a Doctor - Essay Example Later on, I learnt about Pilates, and it became my way of spending my weekends. Since then, my weekends involved attending workshops to learn and develop precise understanding of mechanics of each movement and how that knowledge could help improve the health of the spine. When I joined my accounting profession, I quickly became the person everyone in my office would consult in case of an ailment. It was evident that despite the environment I was in, medicine was part of me. An occurrence in my life changed my whole life for good. I fell sick with an ailment that was not very common with the doctors in the area. It took many doctors’ visits, many hours of traveling and a lot of research to finally identify a practitioner who was a specialist in the illness I had. My encounter with this doctor defined the course I would take in medicine. This was the genesis of naturopathic medicine. This encounter again gave me the motivation I needed to pursue this specific field of medicine. Upon understanding the symptoms of the disease my practitioner cautioned me that the healing of that disease would involve a lot of commitment on me in managing my diet and lifestyle. I was ready to follow the doctor’s advice little did I know that this was the turning point. I was now to quit my job as an accountant and pursue naturopathic medicine. This happened due to the desire that rose in me at that time. In the process of managing my diet, I decided to read further on the condition and the alternate ways of treating it. As I obtained more tips to deal with my condition and my health kept improving I realized my desire for research was growing. This research ignited a fire within me and I now wanted to know about all the illnesses we encounter in our day to day life such as cancer and diabetes. At this point, my illness became the catalyst for positive change.Â
Sunday, July 28, 2019
World literature Eng 225 Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
World literature Eng 225 Coursework - Essay Example Aeneas was the hero of an oral epic, whereas Roland was the hero of a chansons de geste. The use of medias res in â€Å"The Aeneid†and â€Å"The Iliad†is evident when each story starts in the middle, using flashbacks to fill the reader in on earlier events. For example, â€Å"The Aeneid†begins after the Trojan War, when the Trojan fleet was heading toward Italy. â€Å"The Iliad†is similar by beginning nine years into the Trojan War. The use of medias res in both text foreshadow the end results. In â€Å"The Aeneid†the defeated Trojan fleet heading to Italy shows that the Trojans lost the war. Homer begins the â€Å"The Iliad†with Agamemnon taking Briseis, Achilles’ slave girl, setting up the battle that rages through out the epic between Agamemnon and Achilles. â€Å"The Song of Roland†also uses medias res by starting in the middle. Even though it does not seem to start in the middle by starting with Seven Years in Spain, yet to a medieval audience it would be in the middle of the Saracens battle with
Saturday, July 27, 2019
MANAGING IN A MIXED ECONOMY Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
MANAGING IN A MIXED ECONOMY - Coursework Example Management in mixed economy in the current context has attained significant importance across the world (Reisman, 2005). Concerning with the factors of a mixed economy, this paper intends to focus on the management of such issues in the light of Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd. Overview of the Network Rail Railtrack was involved in performing various tasks of scheduling, delivering, managing, selling and consulting for rail transportation and operated as a group of companies that was engaged in maintaining all the aspects of the track as well as stations of the old British rail network. However, it was sold to Network Rail and later renamed as Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd. Network Rail was then charged with the responsibility of managing the entire rail infrastructure in Great Britain excluding the London underground service. Network Rail therefore aims at providing a safe, reliable and efficient railway service within the UK. Correspondingly, the organisation is committed towards improving the rail network by offering faster, and frequent as well as reliable journey within the towns and cities of the UK. With its rigorous effort, it aims at integrating people for making the UK more competitive in terms of railroad transportation. It also aims at bringing significant benefits to the national economy. Moreover, its endeavour towards private sector growth and workforce can also be seen with its radical investment in the sector (Network Rail, 2013). It is worth mentioning in this context that the organisation is committed towards introducing new technologies in order to offer greater ease and facilities to its wide-range of customers. The organisation proclaims to follow the best organisational practices of safety management wherein its initiatives have been committed towards promoting righteous attitude and continuous development within the workforce. It further tends to ensure that all the passengers as well as individuals dealing with fright are fairly treat ed when they choose to use railway. Currently, the company operates as a private company performing commercial businesses. It is categorised as company limited by guarantee and is directly accountable to its members being regulated by the Office of Retail Regulation (ORR). Moreover, the company is determined to deliver a safe, reliable and the most efficient railway for Britain. It is worth mentioning that its members are drawn from rail industry and the public. Moreover, it is funded through excess of revenue apart from the monetary assistance rendered by the government grants. Notably, the Scottish Government is a public member of Network Rail (Network Rail, 2013). Seminar Topic 1: Innovation and Service Transformation The notion of co-production is widely being discussed in relation to the public services across the world and in the UK as well when evaluating the innovation and service transformation strategies taken by organisations such as Network Rail in a mixed economy system . It is worth mentioning that co-production processes in a mixed economy have often been argued to be primarily based upon the apparent characteristics of services in both public and private sectors wherein the production and consumption of services are commonly noted as inseparable. In order to attain the broad benefits of the co-production, it is essential that the users of
Friday, July 26, 2019
American History between 1820-1920 Research Paper
American History between 1820-1920 - Research Paper Example The paper shall analyze aspects related to art and culture, business and economy, books and literature and immigration and migration (Barney). 1820-1830: This decade holds immense significance because it marked the start of a new era in politics. It was the decade of growth as a country and progress in politics. The decade saw the formation of the democratic and the national republican parties. Furthermore, it was also famous for being the time when the first woman was nominated for the presidency. There was progress in fields of art, literature, and the economy during this period as well. Economic and Business Activities: The federal land law was passed in 1820, which led to expansion into new territories as settlers could now purchase 80 acres of land for $1.25/acre. Enormous advancements in trade routes including rail lines and river routes helped the expansion of trade and commerce between new territories and established communities. The decade also saw the growth of gateway citi es such as Cincinnati, New Orleans, and Chicago providing urban markets that tied the new territories to the Atlantic states. Art and Architecture: The 1820s saw the starting of the revival of the American Greek style and federal style of art. The statue of George Washington was sculptured by an Italian named Antonio Canova. The widespread demand for portraiture helped sustain American art. The wealthy valued portraits and spent sums of money on them. Some of the beneficiaries of this spending spree included Gilbert Stuart and Thomas Sully (Barney). Books and Literature: Irving and Cooper were the most revered literary individuals of the decade. The readers grew in pride during the decade, which was a major reason why Cooper’s literature became popular. A good illustration of the love affair for that form of literature is the novel American Hero which sets America as an individual country, culturally different from England. The romantic treatment of Indians was another famous and loved literary theme of the decade (Jones). Immigration and Migration: The province of Tejas in Mexico saw the formation of the first Anglo American settlement in the aftermath of the panic of 1819. The federal government began the practice of collecting statistics of immigration by 1820 and estimates suggest that 151,000 new residents entered the United States during this decade. The majority of these residents hailed from the British Isles followed by individuals from Germany. The surge in foreign born residents had an impact on American politics. The democrats, who were considered to be friendly towards immigrants, gained an upper hand with the same (Jones). 1830-1840: This decade saw the passing of laws that granted married women the right to own property. Books of immense prominence and legacy were printed, included Book of Mormon and Nature. Texas gained independence from Mexico and several other events occurred that made this decade one of immense importance in Americaâ €™s History (Rozek). Arts and Architecture: The Hudson River artists continued to grow. These artists included Thomas Cole, George Innes and Thomas Doughty. The fancy chairs also emerged as 8200 American makers created fancy chairs in Robert Adam, Sheraton, Directoire and Empire styles. The decade also saw the inception of the idea of the Grace Church by James Renwick (Athearn). Economy and Business: The steamboats were introduced during the decade as goods travelling to the west of St. Louis were
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Teachers Collaborating to Help Students with Epilepsy Research Paper
Teachers Collaborating to Help Students with Epilepsy - Research Paper Example While this collaboration holds weight on all instances, its significance increases substantially in instances of extreme difficulty, such as presence of illnesses in students. Epilepsy: Epilepsy is a brain disorder characterized by repeated seizures over time. Seizures are sporadic episodes of perturbing brain activity that causes changes in attention and behavior. Defining Seizures: Seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The symptoms and affects of the seizure will depend on the area of the brain affected. The organ which is affected depends upon what part of the brain is affected. Seizures are classified into two types: Focal seizures and generalized seizures. Focal seizures start in any one area of the brain and may or may not spread across other areas of the body. Generalized seizures result from abnormal neuronal activities on both parts of the brain. Simple Focal seizures are guilty of causing unusual sensations, movements and feelings; however, they are not the cause of loss of consciousness. Complex focal seizures can be the cause of loss of consciousness and can produce dreamlike experiences or repetitive behavior. The area at which these focal seizures begin is what defines these seizures. E.g. Epilepsy of the temporal lobe originates on the temporal lobes of the brain (National Institute of Health, 2007). Generalized seizures are known to cause massive muscle spasms, loss of consciousness and falls. Generalized seizures have several subtypes. Some of the key types of generalized seizures are: Absence Seizures: Absence Seizures are characterized by symptoms that cause victims to stare into space or jerking and twitching of muscles. They are known to start during childhood or adolescence. Tonic Seizures: They cause stiffening of muscles. Clonic Seizures: This form of generalized seizures causes repeated jerking of movement on both sides of the body. Myoclonic Seizures: Myoclonic seizures cause twitches, jerks, and sporadic mu scle movements in the upper body, arms and legs. Atonic seizures: Loss of normal muscle tone which can lead to sudden drops of the head is caused by atonic seizures. Epilepsy, which is characterized by Seizures, is also divided into different types. Several syndromes of epilepsy are identified by researches; while some of them are recognized as hereditary, the causes of other syndromes are not known (Wyllie, 2007). Epileptic syndrome classification uses the terms symptomatic, idiopathic and cryptogenic. Seizures that have a known underlying cause are characterized as symptomatic. Idiopathic seizures are seizures which do not have a known cause. Cryptogenic seizures are seizures which have a suspected cause but the cause is not known for certainty (National Institute of Health, 2007). Location Related Epilepsy: This form of epilepsy consists of focal seizures. This form of epilepsy constitutes an EEG pattern, characteristic of focal electrical abnormality. The prognosis of location r elated epilepsy is very difficult and depends upon location of the brain abnormality (Engel, Pedley, & Aicardi, 2008). West’s Syndrome/ Infantile Spasms Infantile spasms fall under the symptomatic generalized epilepsy. They are found mostly in children of the age from 3 months to 3 years, associated with sudden epileptic flexor spasms and extreme risk for cognitive impairment. During the episode, the affected child may suddenly flex his limbs, flex forward at the trunk and cry. This episode is transient,
Potassium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Potassium - Essay Example Hyperkalemia is the increased serum levels of potassium in excess of 5mg/100 ml. Potassium is critical for the functionality of the heart, muscles and nerves, thus an increased level of potassium would result in muscle weakness, oliguria, respiratory distress, decreased contractility of the heart and hyperreflexia or flaccidity of the skeletal muscles. Hyperkalemia is caused by dysfunction of the kidney, adrenal gland disease or cell shift of potassium, from cells to blood circulation. Hypokalemia is the low concentration of potassium in the blood; less than 3.5mg/100ml. Hypokalemia is caused by insufficient dietary consumption of potassium, gastrointestinal fluid loss and urinary loss especially when one is on diuretics. Hypokalemia presents with signs and symptoms of muscle weakness, abnormal heart rhythms, tremor, flaccid paralysis hyporeflexia and constipation (Jung et al., 2009). A nurse must be very vigilant in monitoring for signs of hyperkalemia and hypokalemia to enhance early management of the condition. This would include the action of the nurse to periodically monitor vital signs, heart rhythm, cardiovascular status and the abdomen for signs of distention, bowel sounds and pain. The nurse would then notify the physician of the abnormal findings that are an indication of either hyperkalemia or hypokalemia. The physician would the order appropriate medication for the treatment of the condition. During the course of management, the nurse would engage the patient and the family on health education in relation to the condition as a means of preventing reoccurrence of the condition (Porth, 2011). Alderman, M. H., Piller, L. B., Ford, C. E., Probstfield, J. L., Oparil, S., Cushman, W. C., †¦ Davis, B. R. (2012). Clinical significance of incident hypokalemia and hyperkalemia in treated hypertensive patients in the antihypertensive and lipid-lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trial. Hypertension, 59,
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Foundations of Biblical Principles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Foundations of Biblical Principles - Assignment Example They should also give their beliefs primacy in their lives, and should endeavor to understand the nature of their beliefs. According to the author, knowledge may be gained through seeing or acquaintance, believing and having utter confidence and certainty in it. The latter is what people should strive towards. Moreland (2007) also states that Christian knowledge expands through deliberate efforts to improvements. People need to make yearly plans to stretch their faiths, read more books and share with others the works of faith in their lives.Principle #14 states that â€Å"Each person builds, starting even in the womb, an internal model of the world.†(Cox n.d. p 1) Everyone perceives their environment in a certain way regardless of age. Luke 1:44 states that baby John rejoiced in the womb when Mary, the mother of Jesus visited his mother. Therefore, educators must cultivate a sense of biblical truth in students regardless of their age (Ledbetter, 2003). I have found that Princ iple #33 is quite useful in expounding the centrality of a biblical worldview. It states that â€Å"People respond to the world by way of their internal mode of the world rather than via how the world really might be.†(Cox n.d. p 3)This principle focuses on how human beings reason. A person’s perception of reality mostly depends on their internal worldview. Christian educators ought to strive to learn Christ’s mind (Wilson, 1991). Extreme familiarity with it leads to a type of knowledge defined by Moreland as knowâ€â€how.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Forensic Accounting Essay Example for Free
Forensic Accounting Essay What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? There are two systems of process that ensure all individuals have access to the benefits of our community. The first is due process which is the ability of getting noticed and participating in the decisions that affect an individual (Baird, 2011). The second is substantive process which makes sure people know and understand the rules (Baird, 2011). How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame, and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? We can make ethical decisions by creating fair systems for resolution of disputes and policies that state expectations (Baird,2011). We should care for all members and institutions of the community when allocating resources (Baird, 2011). We should give to each member of the community knowing they are a part of the happiness of the entire community. How might the Relationship Lens be misused through abuse of power or personal hubris? Having an excessive pride and arrogance can move us from unintentional ethical wrong doing to intentional wrong doing (Baird, 2011). Cite a recent example in the news. I have an example of hubris in my work place that I will share. Our current CEO has chosen to take his annual bonus when he made the decision to freeze raises and increase the employee cost of health insurance. He does not pay the premiums of his health insurance policy but raised the cost for all employees. He purchased a very expensive piece of equipment costing over $2.5 million in 2011 causing an operating loss for the year. This equipment holds a great deal of prestige for him in the healthcare industry. I have been very disappointed that he has made the decisions he has made with total disregard for all other employees affected. His excessive pride and arrogance has caused him to intentionally act unethically. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? Bella and Frederick both use the concept of moral ecology to callus to greater responsibility for the community.Frederick also reminds us that companies and corporations and communities at large have responsibilities toward life – conserving values such fairness, unselfishness,and restraint, that both create and sustain human collective life. Judeo-Christian tradition calls us to responsibility for others. Due process is used to achieve our goals, assuring that those without access to power have equal opportunity to thrive. How might the Relationship Lens be misused through abuse of power or personal hubris? Cite a recent example in the news. (If you dont know the meaning of hubris, look it up and include its definition as you answer this question.) As Timothy Clark noted, â€Å"The ambition to govern one’s fellow beings tend to view leadership as the pathway to glittering world of personal reward. Another risk that we run as we work is to become authoritarian and paternalistic. Another bias to watch is entrainment,where we are so cut up in work that we forget to ask important key questions. Hubris, excessive pride and arrogance,moves us from unintentional ethical wrongdoing to intentional wrongdoing. Biggest example I can recall is resent war in Iraq,President Bush and VP Chaney failed to show responsibilities as an ethical decision makers. How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power?How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance? The focus of the Relationship Lens is always fundamental fairness. Lens is inviting us to live a life in relationship with others in community. If decision maker is not balancing the personal need of individual to community needs, if he or she not subordinates own rights to that of the group. After making the decision one must ask himself questions, analyze decision through different ethic lenses. What improvements could we make on our process of ethical analysis? Did we like the results? What were the problems with the process? What decision we are not comfortable with? As we reflect on the results,we can put strategic for the future and became more ethical in our decisions in other words more ethically mature. We also can improve and bring our self to balanced ethical ground. a. The systems I believe that are needed to ensure access to benefits in our community are education, health, and judicial. An education system is important to help equip individuals with necessary skills that will help them to earn a living and contribute to the well being of their society. A health care system will help to maintain a healthy community by addressing all health needs. Having a judicial system will ensure that justice is dispensed and that fairness and adherence of the laws are followed. b. A Democratic System of Government which is guided by the Constitution can assure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame, and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard. The Constitution is used as a guide by Government to craft legislation, laws and regulations to ensure that there is fairness and justice in society. d. We may know that we are improperly using our personal power when for example we are in a position of leadership or power and use our office to influence others to do things our way. We may realize that our life is out of balance when we become depressed, suicidal, suffer from addition and is easily enraged. We can to my mind bring our life back into balance by doing introspection, and accepting responsibility. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community. There are several systems that are design to allow access to benefits. These include laws that are used to identify and support individuals who would require such services. If a medical provider or a school employee notices something that might be child abuse or elder abuse, they are required by law to report it. By reporting a possible incident a wide net of services are employed to investigate and perhaps implement services needed by the individual. Laws are also passed to describe who gets and what benefits are available to an individual. Social agencies, organizations and religious groups are often used to educate, locate and provide for the individuals in need. The media in various forms is often used to promote changes or additions to the benefits. A well educated community is the best weapon in the organizations arsenal. How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? It is sometimes very difficult to ensure all of the fairness listed above in the heat of the moment. In order to do so one must step back and remove oneself from the heat of the event. When emotions become to involved it is difficult to implement fairness. This can be seen when the media appears to convict someone before they are arrested and tried. Laws have been passed to help identify areas that should be address fairly and these include race, age, disability ,and religion. Legislation has also determined a federal minimal wage and passed laws dealing with equal pay for equal work. Labor Unions often campaign for certain employment benefits for its members. The knowledge that a businesss could be sued for unfairness or prejudice is another protection. Businesses often have a policy Manuel that addresses how they will deal with certain issues. Knowledge of an individuals rights and duties written down gives all sides the knowledge of what is considered right and wrong in that group. . How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power? How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance? Self analysis and appraisal is required to obtain this knowledge. Every once in a while one must ask oneself if one is following the right path. Listening to others is a good way to identify if one is improperly using ones power. It doesnt mean they are always correct but it may point your self reflection in the right direction. Checking ones ethical compass is another. I know when my life is out of balance when I can not be everywhere at once. Work stresses, problems and information should stay there. Family and personal business should not interfere with work or school. When I find myself spending time from one part of my life dealing with another part of my life then I am our of balance. Again one must step back and access what is going on and figure out if it is going to be temporary or long term. One can then figure out a course of action and decide what is needed. Being brave enough to ask for help if needed.  Superwoman is an concept promoted by the media that does exist, rather one needs to make sure one is not overwhelmed. In addition if it is a major project or event sometimes if I break it into pieces it is easier to digest and equilibrium returns. What types of systems are needed to ensure that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or the broader community? The types of systems that are need to that all individuals have access to the benefits of our community as well to bring health and effectiveness to an organization or a broader community would be systems such electricity which allows everyone to have access to light, television for allowing the world to come into your place of living, and also the telephone systems that allows individuals to communicate with the world through voice. 2. How do we ensure fair treatment, fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard? We ensure fair treatment , fair administration of rules, fair compensation, fair blame and ensure due process to allow all opinions to be heard by establishment organizations such as the Equal Employment opportunity commission(EEOC) for fair treatment. Fair administration of rules would include organizations such as the Federal Trade Commission(FTC) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration(FMSCA)Fair compensation organizations would include the Department of Labor(DOL). Fair blame and due process would be the Justice system. 3. How do you know when you are improperly using your personal power? How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you bring it back into balance. Where in truth good choices are not made. Also power is abused, it can result from an imbalance of information education or financial resources, than the other party may not be able to freely choose what I wants to do. When power is out of balance, we often are using the persons as a means to our preferred ends rather than treating the person as an end, a human being with a autonomy and choices in how to live his life. To bring power back into balance is to establish a connection with your inner spirit and knowing the right thing to.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
An investigation into the effect of social loafing
An investigation into the effect of social loafing The aim of this experiment was to measure the effect of two categories, group or individuals, and the effect they have on the performance of individuals. Participants were involved in the activity of unscrambling as many words as they could in the time limit of five minutes. The hypothesis is that the mean number of words unscrambled by participants working individually is higher than the mean number of words unscrambled by participants working in a group. The experiment consisted of 19 participants which included 10 males and 9 females. The rights of the participants were taken into consideration throughout the whole experiment. Nine of the participants who were selected randomly were divided into groups of three while the other ten participants worked individually. They were given a list of 26 words to unscramble. The number of words which they were able to unscramble in five minutes was then collected and counted to measure the performance of those who are working individually and those working in groups. The results show that the average number of words found for those who were working individually was 12.4 words while the average number of words found per individual who were working in groups were 5.22 words. This shows that the experiment supports the social loafing theory. The significance level were calculated to be p < 0.005. This means that the probability that the results were because of chance was less than 0.5%. The results were highly significant. Thus, according to the results of the statistical test, the research hypothesis is supported while the null hypothesis is rejected. The theory of social loafing is evident in a lot of situations in life. Social loafing is a reduction in effort by individuals when they work in groups as compared to when they work by themselves (Weiten, 2008: 491) Each person in a group usually tends to put in lesser effort than they would working alone. Max Ringelmann (1913) first came up with the idea of social loafing when he found that when a group of men were instructed to pull on a rope, they did not put in as much effort as when they were pulling alone. The force of the pull produced by the participants was measured by a strain gauge attached to the rope. When the group of men was led to believe that they had other team members helping them, he noticed that they tend to put in less effort than they normally would when pulling alone. Ringelmann stated that the amount of effort produced by each individual working alone was not the same as the average amount of effort put in by the individuals who believed that they were in a group. Another study which was used to investigate social loafing is Latanà © et al.s (1979). As cited by Weiten (2008), the study consisted of measuring the level of noise created by participants who were asked to either clap or cheer as loud as they could. A group of participants were told that they working in a group while another group was told that they were working alone. This was in fact not true, as the only purpose was to ensure that they believed that were actually working in a group. Consequently, the amount of effort that they produced individually was measured. From the study, Latanà © and his colleagues found that each person in a group tends to put in lesser effort when in a group than working alone. Research shows that the larger the group, the lesser the effort produced by each of the individuals. The reason is that when more people are assigned to an activity, the amount of work which needs to be produced is divided equally among more people and this consequently causes individuals to think that their effort is not as significant and their contribution is not evaluated suitably. As cited by Antony S. R. Manstead et al. (1995, 1996:275) in the book called The Blackwell encyclopedia of social psychology, Steiner, I.D. (1972) postulated that actual group productivity should always be lower than potential group productivity because of process losses due to poor coordination and low motivation. Furthermore, he added that the potential productivity is usually based on performance of individuals working alone. This study aims to support the social loafing theory. A group of participants will be divided into two categories: those working individually and those working in groups. The mean number unscrambled by participants in each category will be calculated. Their performance in the activity will show that social loafing does exist when working in a group. The experiment is a one-tailed experiment. Research hypothesis (H1): The mean number of words unscrambled by participants working individually is higher than the mean number of words unscrambled by participants working in a group. Null hypothesis (H0): There will be no significant difference in the number of words found in participants working individually than in a group. Method Design The type of method used in this experiment is an independent measures design. This was used to avoid practice effects. Each participant only took part in each condition once which means that both groups consist of different individuals. The independent variable is working individually or in a group. The dependant variable is the difference of performance in each condition. The environment that the participants were in was under controlled conditions. The activity is the unscrambling of words. This experiment is considered as a single blind experiment where only the experimenters know the hypothesis and aim of the experiments. Participants were given consent letters to sign and were briefed and de-briefed accordingly. Those who did not include their signature on the given consent letters prior to the experiment were not allowed to participate in the activity. Those who participated were given the right to withdraw at any point of time. The participants also remained anonymous througho ut the study. Participants The participants tested in this study consisted of 19 Year 6 students from a private school in Victoria. The participants consisted of 10 males and 9 females aged 11 to 13 years. The sample was an opportunity sample but the participants in each category were randomly assigned. The participants came from different backgrounds and cultures. This is to ensure that the experiment is fair and not biased. Materials List of 26 words to unscramble (Refer to Appendix ) Pen Stopwatch Briefing instructions (Refer to Appendix ) De-briefing instructions (Refer to Appendix ) Consent Letter (Refer to Appendix ) Procedure Participants are first briefed (Refer to Appendix ). Participants are randomly divided into two conditions. Half of the participants will be carrying out the activity alone and the other half is to be divided into groups of three to work on the same activity. Participants who are working individually are to sit far from each other to avoid communicating. The other participants who are working in groups of three are to be seated together but each group is to be seated far from another group to avoid communication between groups. Participants who are in the group category are asked to work as a team to unscramble the list of 26 words while the others will be working individually to unscramble the same set of 26 words. When the seating arrangement of all the participants are properly allocated, the list of 26 words is given faced down to the participants. Only one copy of the list will be given to each of the groups instead of one copy for each participant. The participants are then giv en a time limit of five minutes to quickly unscramble the list of 26 words. During the experiment, participants have the right to withdraw if they do not wish to participate. After exactly five minutes, they are asked to stop writing and the sheets are to be collected by the experimenters. Participants are then de-briefed. Results Table 1: Table shows mean number of words found in each category Participants working individually Participants working in a group Mean number of words found 12.4 words 5.22 words Standard Deviation 5.04 words 1.09 words Graph 1: Bar graph shows average no. of words found in each category Graph 1 shows that the average number of words found for those who were working individually were 12.4 words. The average number of words found per individual who were working in groups were 5.22 words. This shows that the experiment supports the social loafing theory. The standard deviation were 5.04 and 1.09 respectively. A Mann-Whitney U test was used in order to test the significance of the results as it is an ordinal level data, and it was an unrelated design. When tested, it was found that the probability that it was the independant variable that changed the dependent variable and not chance. The significance level were calculated to be p < 0.005 (Refer to appendix ). This means that the probability that the results were because of chance was less than 0.5%. The results were highly significant. Thus, according to the results of the statistical test, the research hypothesis is supported while the null hypothesis is rejected. Discussion The results shows that the research hypothesis has been supported. The mean number of words unscrambled by participants working individually is 12.4, higher than the mean number of words unscrambled by participants working in a group which is 5.22 words. A Mann-Whitney U test was used to show that the results were highly significant. This shows that the research hypothesis is supported and the null hypothesis is rejected. According to Ringelmanns study, the amount of effort produced by each individual working alone is not the same as the average amount of effort put in by the individuals who were in pseudogroups. He asserted that the performance of individuals working alone is much more than the average performance of individuals working in groups, which is called the social loafing theory. In this experiment, the social loafing theory is supported as the mean number of words unscrambled by individuals working alone is 12.4, which is definitely higher than 5.22 words, the average number of words unscrambled by individuals working in groups. The aim of this study was to measure the cause and effect relationship of the performance of individuals working in a group or individually. The result of this experiment relates to the study carried out by Latanà © and his colleagues as it supports the theory of social loafing. The reduction in performance of individuals when they are working in groups as compared to working individually is evident in both studies. There are several strengths in the experiment. One of the strengths of the experiment was that the subjects came from different backgrounds and cultures. This is a good as the cultural diversity of the participants was not limited. Also, the fact that there were approximately the same number of males and females is good. If there were a huge difference in females and males, the experiments would not be fair. Another strength of the experiment is that it was designed to be an independent measures design. This was to avoid practice effects. If the participants had taken part in both conditions, the results would have been affected. Though the research hypothesis was supported, there are several limitations in the experiment. As mentioned, the participants were between the ages of 11 to 13 as it was an opportunity sample. It was difficult to get a random sample as there are limited number students available and there was a time constraint. Another limitation of the experiment was that no extra precaution was made ensure that the participants did not cheat by communicating with each other. Though we did our best effort to ensure that they did not communicate with each other, it is not absolute that no one cheated. Also, during the experiment, as all the participants (whether in a group or individually) were in the same environment at the same time, there was a chance that some participants may have overheard the words unscrambled by another person. This component of the experiment was hard to control as no matter how much effort was put in to ensure it was a fair experiment, the participants did have a chance to cheat. With regards to the limitations of the experiment, there are a few areas of improvement. In relation to the sample itself, although the participants and the students were randomly assigned, we could have ensured that the sample were not an opportunity sample. Furthermore, instead of selecting ten males and nine females, it could have been better if there was exactly the same number of females and males. To counteract the problem of cheating, the environment that the participants were in (which was a classroom) could have been different. The experiment could have been carried out in an open space so that there is a significant amount of space between groups and the individuals working alone. This would ensure that there was less opportunity for the participants to cheat. Ethical considerations were taken into account in this experiment. The participants were allowed to withdraw at any point of time during the activity. The rights of the participants were met and they remained anonymous throughout the whole experiment. The participants were not deceived in any way as that would be unethical. The implication of this finding is that the results produced can be shown to teachers/instructors to prove that individuals generally work better alone than working in groups as they tend not to put in as much effort when working in groups. In majority of the groups, some individuals tend to slack off and let their other team members do the work. Some individuals may also think that their effort is not evaluated individually so they tend to put less effort than they would put in when working alone. This could further relate to employers in the work field. For further researches, the sample should be much bigger so that the experiment would have fewer limitations. Also, follow-up studies can manipulate the age groups and compare the difference in performance for various age groups. They could also investigate the effect of culture on the performance of individuals when working in groups. They could test the theory of: Asians generally tend to work well in groups unlike Westerns, who prefer to work individually.
Competition and Market Analysis for Red Bull
Competition and Market Analysis for Red Bull This paper investigates the competition analysis of Red Bull energy drink in the market and deciding about its competitive advantage if there is any. Some information about the energy drink market in general is presented. This is followed by product, company background and history is presented. Then we analyzed Red Bulls brand positioning and direct competitors. Afterward, analyze and classify the features of Red Bull through macro and micro factors to determine the strength of competition. This followed by looking at Red Bulls marketing mix. We will identify the problems and opportunities of Red Bull. For that part we are going to search for data about market segments and market share of Red Bull and its competitors. To support all this we are going to make a local market quantitative survey in the city of Abu Dhabi using a questionnaire targeting youth aged 18-34. The Market When looking into Energy drinks market, we can notice a doubling increase since they were first introduced into the United States and Europe. The current U.S. domestic market may be around $4 billion and is expected to reach an estimated US $15 billion by 2011. The reasons for the increasing demand for energy drinks are attributed to consumers concerns about time stress to keep balance between work-life and private life. Consequently the market is bombarded with many new energy drinks, with strange names and claims of a higher energy increase compared to the prior brands to find their way in the market. There are, however, a few major energy drinks that control most of the market and do not have too much amounts of caffeine. In addition to caffeine, a range of other energetic ingredients as taurin, Guarana, and B vitamins are added into energy drinks to make them more effective. New probable developments are geared toward increasing the health functionality of energy drinks which will increase market approval due to a growing society obsessed by health. The Energy drink market is not only limited to products or brands competing with each other but it also includes the whole non alcoholic drink market. Many outside factors have influenced the demand for this market such as the increasing attractiveness of health lifestyles and sports club membership. -Company and Product Review Red Bull is classified as a soft drink. It is a non alcoholic stimulus drink with an absolutely exclusive formulation consisting of two natural substances and important metabolic transmitters such as, amino acid, taurin and glucuronolacton in addition to stimulating caffeine, vitamins and carbohydrates. It gives stimulation and revitalizes the body after effort and activates the human performance both mentally and physically. The industry is capital-intensive: average annual profits per production worker are about $700,000. History of Red Bull market expansion In 1982, Dietrich Mateschitz, originator of Red Bull and Chalerm Yoovidhya, decided to enter the market of energy drink which was controlled by Japan and Thailand at that time. In 1987, the product was first introduced to Austria which was a difficult market for Red Bull to carry on. Shortly Mateschitz developed a marketing strategy and as a result the product became well known in Austria and extended into Hungry and the rest of Germany. After that Red Bull has been successfully recognized world-wide and has reached a market leader position in 20 countries- in Europe, Asia and the USA. By 1997, Red Bulls buzz marketing strategy proved successful in the U.S. The following timeline shows the expansion of Red Bull in the market. [1] Date Market Expansion 1987 Austria 3.5. (not mature market) 1994 UK, Germany and Eastern Europe 3.6. 1997 US and South Africa 3.5. 3.6. 2006 Japan 3.7. (very mature market) When Mateschitz realized that a great sporting event could be useful, Red Bull started sponsoring about 500 extreme sports athletes and hosting stylish parties. Events are now hosted by Red Bull throughout the world such as the Xgames and the Red Bull Air Races and thus their tagline, gives you wings is known worldwide. Product Review The following table sums up the product review [2] Cost $2.00 Cost Per Ounce $0.25 Active Red Bull Ingredients Caffeine, Taurine, B-Vitamins, Sugar Taste Rating 7.5 Kick Rating: 8.0 Final Judgment Rating: 9 Its the original energy drink! Red Bulls mission is to stretch their wings over the world. It is a short phrase that communicates vivid information about the brand. This slogan which is used in all Red Bull campaigns worldwide is creating strong brand awareness of the product and is connecting between the brand and the product type. They are expanding rapidly into global market. They are keen on keeping Red Bull values, while maintaining the control position in the energy drinks category by delivering better-quality customer service in a highly experienced and commercial manner. Direct Competitors Although Red Bull still maintains a dominant position in many significant markets, it is no longer the only player. The major challenge to Red Bulls leading position has come from US-based imitators: Monster, Rockstar and Full Throttle which have introduced price competition to the segment and this is possible to have become more and more important during the depression periods. Monster energy drink does its best to be like Red Bull. The taste is similar, the ingredients are identical, and they target the male/18-25 demographic. Though, they do have one different advantage over Red Bullquantity. The Monster energy drink comes in a 16 oz. can, whereas Red Bull only offers 8.3 oz cans. So, youre essentially getting twice the product at the same price ($2 per can) Rockstar competitive energy drink whose motto is party like a Rockstar, targeted at the younger consumers who want to be wild and crazy and spend all night dancing. There are a number of flavors of Rockstar cola, energy drink, and juiced. The energy drink is similar in taste to all the others, whereas the cola product has the best taste. The juiced version is said to be 70% real fruit juice and 100% energy. They were the first to use the 16oz larger size, and this has fixed and become the standard. Only Red Bull continues to market the smaller cans, which is part of their image. Full Throttle is manufactured and owned by Coca Cola, just like their Coke Blak mixture of coffee/cola drink. Full Throttle energy drink is marketed as a rebellious drink, with erupting flames on the can. An 8 oz. serving has 110 calories (comes in a 16 oz can) and 29g of sugar. It also includes things like ginseng extract and plenty of caffeine. Full Throttle comes with a citrus taste and a red can. Full Throttle was first introduced to the market in 2005. It is targeted at 20-30 year old men, and contains Taurine like Red Bull. From the above stated information we can find that: 1-Monster is similar to Red bull in taste, but only targets males. It has two advantages over RB in price and quantity which is double size of RB. 2- Rockstar is double the size and Price as it is 1.99$ so it is cheaper than RB. 3-Full Throttle has the same taste and ingredients as RB, but it has advantage of quantity and price There are also other industries where Red Bull GmbH competes such as sports, leisure and recreation. The Brand Positioning In spite of the competition, Red Bull resembles a new type of drinks called the energy drinks. In this new market sector Red Bull has a branding as a top border brand product. The brand positioning of Red Bull comes from the benefits of the product and the brand image. The positioning message of Red Bull is Red Bull vitalizes Body and Mind. This positioning idea has become the unique brand personality of Red Bull, which can be explained below. Sarcastic Self confident Intelligent Innovative Humorous, charming Individualist Impulsive It can be assumed that the positioning idea of Red Bull has created the best energy drink status among the target market. It is also clear that customers appear to be attracted to the general appearance and brand of Red Bull. The positioning strategy of Red Bull aims at best product, top price and top profitability. As for the price, Red Bull has a position in which it can command a best price because there is nothing to compare it with. It is an exclusive useful drink, promising and offering benefits that cannot be offered by any other drink. Threats of new entrants The most significant development in the market of energy drinks and the main direct competitor to Red Bull is the new product from Coca Cola, Relentless. It is also cheaper because it is sold in can double the size of Red Bull but the same price. -First-mover advantage has disappeared as the market has matured. Red Bull is the giant of the stimulant drink industry, in comparison to Coca Cola and Pepsi in the cola market. Red bull has achieved economic level which would allow them to be the most competitive price in the market. Although there is a price gap between Red Bull and other cheaper energy drinks, it seems that Red Bull has surmounted the position segment of the market due to its marketing strategy which is considered a huge barrier to entry. Red bull has a strong brand power that impresses loyal customers and consequently they can charge high prices even when competition comes from Coca Cola. Analysis of Macro and Micro factors affecting the attractiveness of Red Bull in the market Macro factors Political and Legal Forces When Red Bull was first introduced into the market as a new non-alcoholic drink labeled with a new idea as an energy drink, the Health Organisation was doubtful that Red Bull could be an appetizer medicine. Rumors saying that Red Bull contains ingredients like bulls galls, added to their doubts. But confidence in the product increased due to the fact that Red Bull has been used in the Australian market for 9 years and in the Asian market for 30 years without any registered complaints. Moreover a study conducted by an independent institute (ISME) in 1998 proved that although Red Bull has stimulating effects like caffeine, it does not lead to addiction. On the other hand Red Bull still needs approval from each country to be sold. This procedure is time consuming and consequently costly. Some countries still have suspicions about Red Bull. According to in May, 2009, Six German states have asked retailers to stop selling Red Bull Cola energy drinks after a test found a trace amount of cocaine. However authorities say the drug level was too low to cause a health risk. Countries such as Denmark, Norway, and France have banned the sale of Red Bull. This means that legal factors have a high negative effect on RB Economical Factors Red Bull is hardly affected by economic periods of expansion and contraction because it is a particular drink, serving a niche market. Red Bull target market includes sportsmen/women as well as hard working people. The main consumers of the product are Athletes, night clubbers, shift workers, executives and long-distance drivers. Despite the availability of few substitutes, the sales of Red Bull are increasing through their well positioned advertisements. This factor has low influence on RB. Socio-Cultural Factors When the product was first introduced people had doubts about the product and nobody wanted to try it. But now due to change of peoples lifestyle, people are now much more open for new experiences. In addition they are confident to try it, because any health concerns were cleared by organisations like the ISME. The consumers are male and females regardless of age who are very sporty or work very hard. Longer working hours as well as increased road traffic led to more need for energy boost. Nowadays Red Bull has a very stylish image and is sold in a lot of supermarkets and clubs (See the graph which illustrates the categories of males and females consumers) [3] Technological factors Red Bull is totally manufactured in Austria where it is exported to 28 countries. There are two reasons why it is not manufactured in any other country; first, to guarantee taste reliability and to make sure that Red Bull tastes the same all over the world. Secondly in that way the formula will be kept securely in one place. Red Bull is normally produced in 250ml cans, but glass bottles are an alternative jus in case they do not have enough cans as it once happened. Energy drink Red Bull, uses electronic points of sale (EPOS) data. This system allows customers research team to check the distribution of Red Bull. This system points out the gaps that can be returned to the retailers. Environmental factors Red bulls cans are environmentally friendly because they are made of recyclable aluminum. Glass bottles can also be recycled and therefore do not damage the environment either. This might give the product a competitive advantage when rules become stricter and more equal throughout Europe as well as in the rest of the world. Micro Factors 6.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers: Top 4 Energy Drinks by 2010 Market Share Rank Energy Drink Parent Company Market Share 1 Red Bull Privately Held 42.6% 2 Monster Hansen Natural 14.4% 3 Rockstar Privately Held 11.4% 4 Full Throttle Coca-Cola Company(KO) 6.9% By working out the concentration ratio of the 4 top energy drinks brands as seen in the above table it will be possible to come to the relative size of the products in relation to the industry as a whole and to determine the market form of the industry. By using the four-firm concentration ratio we find that it is 75.3% which is high, and is bordering between oligopoly and monopoly, In this concentrated market the customers dont have high bargaining power which enables Red Bull to position high prices. Moreover, other products may find it difficult to compete with the brand loyalty due to the huge advertising spending of Red Bull. Consumers in energy drink market are not actually aware of price because they are Consumer with high income and buy it when it is required to regenerate their energy after a long day of hard work. The relationship between the manufacturer and retailer has developed along the market lifecycle resulting in swing of power. The fame of energy drinks has created a market pull where retailers have no real bargaining place. The extent of bargaining power differs according to the distribution channel. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Red Bull production process is to some extent simple therefore the power of the suppliers is apparently rather low. The added value at each stage leads to large profits. Suppliers can only enter energy drink market through the brand-owner, thus the balance of power is in the favour of the brand owner. -Threats of substitute products Red Bull is a fast moving consumer product and, consequently, it mainly depends on desire purchasing. Although price sensitivity is a low factor inside the target segments, handiness is the average purchase criteria. Red Bull has successfully created a position where product substitution threats are low due to the brand power and customer loyalty. On the other hand, there are other products substituting the need for caffeinated drinks with less sugar and a better blend of carbohydrates and protein that give a greater energy enhancement. Also drinking plenty of fluids, such as water and herbal tea are useful. The market is full of better alternatives than relying on expensive energy drinks that only give you a momentary feeling of energy. The Marketing Mix Strategy Red Bull has its own marketing which is different from the Marketing Mix Theory based on the 4 P ´s. Red Bulls own Marketing Mix Strategy is consisting of [ 1] the mediaadvertising category, [2] sports-and event sponsoring and [3] sampling. In 2008, Red Bull spent on marketing approximately more than 1 million$ which equals 30% of its revenue. Media Advertising Red Bull uses all the available media channels such as cinema, TV, radio, press and the internet in order to reach its main target market-young people. Thus they successfully advertise in TV shows like T.F.I. Friday and in magazines like Time Out and mens health. By doing so, they let the consumers understand the product and decide about the moments they can use it themselves. Red Bull realizes this by an amusing and humorous cartoon campaign, through which they easily send the message that this energy drink helps you to escape by giving you wings. The idea of communicating with the consumer in the form of a simple cartoon makes the people enjoy the campaigns and at the same time remember the brands name and the message it delivers. Sports-and Event-Sponsoring The company also uses sponsoring in their marketing mix strategy. Red Bull does event sponsoring either by creating its own events (i.e. Red Bull Music Academy .) or by promoting other events (i.e. Speed Ski World Championship). This strategy means that Red Bull brand appears in the form of logos and stickers and that the product  ´s target market is accurately defined. The image, the reliability and the visibility of the product are supported by sponsoring specific events where the peoples attention is drawn to the product. Red Bull sponsors the athlete target market where Red Bull is always needed in extreme sports such as free climbing and motorsports and fun sports as well. Sampling Sampling is another very important part of their three component -marketing system. The methods used are well tested and proven in other markets. The main purpose of Red Bull is to boost the company samples at the right place and at the right time by finding its precise target market such as driving, studying, working night shifts and sports. Sampling is conducted in a charming way by extremely motivated and cultured employees of Red Bull. All their equipment is the product, a free range of clothes and a small, but very attractive sampling car. Red Bull is following the basic sampling rules consisting of: never force the product always explain the benefits of the product drink always a full can ( 250 ml) It must always be cooled being cautious about whom are sampling the product Surveying the local market To have some information about Red Bulls brand image and how the people see it, we made a questionnaire of 3 sections including 13questions. The survey targeted males and females whose age is between 18-34 living in or near Abu Dhabi. 22 % of the respondents are females, whereas 78 % are males. We used Emails to send and collect back the questionnaires. Significant findings The energy drinks market proposes the following drinks: Red Bull, on top then come power Horse, and Monster, The best known beverage is in the city of Abu Dhabi and avenues, is Red Bull as 88 % of the respondents have tasted it and the majority of these people find it good (41 %). The other data have no significance. The most common consumption rate for energy drinks is occasional: 80 % drink occasionally drink and 20 % frequently. With relation to Red Bull, which of the following is important to your purchase?  For 58 % of the people, find the physical boost is important. 36.4 % of the total respondents are influenced to buy Red Bull because it is sponsored by athletes and some related it to formula 1.the taste of the beverage is an extremely important criterion. The smell and the energizing properties are very important (with respectively 45 % and 42 %). The design of the can does not influence so many consumers: 9.1% buy the drink because of the design. Where do you buy Red Bull? 80% present of the respondents buy it from supermarkets whereas 20% buy it from fending machines at petrol stations. What is the first word that springs to mind when you hear the words Red Bull? 60% said superman, 30% wrote formula1, and 10% said flying in the air Which tag line, if any, do you most associate with Red Bull? 70% chose Brain and body energy, whereas 30%chose Gives you wings Which sports do you most associate with Red Bull? 55% Formula1 and 25 % said motorbikes, 10%responded Golf and 10% chose Athletic 90% described Red Bull as the best energy drink in the market and 10% finds it suitable for their lifestyle Result People dont buy Energy drinks because they really need it but because this need is created by the manufacturer. It is the big advertising campaign which has convinced people to accept this product. Red Bull has been the first energy drink in the market. Red Bulls target is people who need energy and concentration such as sportsmen and students. For that reason, the company sponsors numerous sports events: Formula 1, Xtreme competition. Red bull gives you wings. It is the famous slogan that makes consumers think that Red Bull gives more energy than usual. The result is that the Red Bull has quickly got success by young people. Red Bull keeps on marketing by this young generation. more Conclusion When Red Bull was first introduced, it was easily imitated because the ingredients were printed on the can and the product was not patented. Although the taste of Red Bull did not do well in taste tests, it succeeded due to the marketing strategy. It can be said that Red Bull was not only the first energy drink to be in competition with soft drinks but also created the new energy drink type in the majority of markets. After Red Bull hit the market in the late 90s till the present, many other companies entered the energy drink market but unable to compete with it. Red Bulls has approximately 100 major competitors and the main competitors are Monster, Rock Star and Full Throttle. Many substitute products have been introduced and categorized as energy drinks such as Iceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ T creating an energy drink called Liquid Ice, Nellys Pimp Juice and Lil Johns, Crunk Juice. Although these competitors are present in the market no other energy drink could maintain Red Bulls 70à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 90% of the market share it has in over 100 countries all over the world. Problems and Opportunities: Problems: Red Bull is not a patented drink product, therefore anyone is able to choose a can, read the ingredients on the label and start their own business. That is why the market is flooded by competition. In addition, Red Bull as well as all other energy drinks and supplements, have received negative reports from a medical point of view. Elevated amounts of caffeine and sugar can lead to adverse effects on heart and blood pressure. Opportunities: Red Bull is one of the most popular energy drinks in the world. They earned this position by intelligent, consistent marketing strategy. Red Bull has the opportunity to maintain their position and develop a continuing pace to aim their niche target consumers by seriously using untraditional and traditional marketing strategies. Red Bull has a competitive advantage over its competitors As we have seen Red Bull is an international energy drink that is sold by Red Bull GmbH. In 2006, more than 3 billion cans were sold in more than 130 countries. -Red Bull has a continual international marketing strategy by sponsoring a variety of great sports to promote a cool public image and enhance brand power. -The product has remained the top energy drink throughout its growth due its effective marketing strategy. The product speaks for itself and its consumers do not report any complaints despite of negative publicity Red Bull has developed a sugar free option. -Red bull has this competitive advantage not only because other drinks that follow it are not as appealing in packaging, marketing, but also because Red Bull is aware of their marketing challenges and they are continually changing and developing their marketing philosophy to overcome and avoid possible competitors. Red Bull Consumer Questionnaire This questionnaire is all about Red Bulls consumers and targets males and females between 18 and 34 years old and based in the Abu Dhabi. Section 1(background) Please specify your age group by putting an x in the box that applies to you. 18-21 22-25 26-29 30-34 2) Where do you live? Please specify closest town/city. Abu Dhabi Shahama Shamkha  Bani Yass Samha 3) What is your gender? M/F Please specify. Section 2( Loyalty) 1) Are you familiar with the Red Bull brand? Yes/No Please enter in the box. If your answer is no then please do not go past question 3 of this section and I thank you for your time. 2) Which of these drinks are you most aware of? Please rank your top three 1 being youre most aware and put an x beside any others you are aware of. Monster Rockstar Red Bull Power Horse Full Throttle Others please state 3) Which of these drinks would you buy, if applicable? Please rank your top three 1 being your first choice Rockstar Red Bull Power horse Full Throttle Others please state 4- With relation to Red Bull, which of the following is important to your purchase? Please rank each option by putting a circle around the appropriate number. Important Un-important Taste 1 A Hydration 1 B Physical Boost 1 C Mental Stimulant 1 D Sponsored Athletes 1 E Price 1 F Availability 1 G Image 1 H Can shape, colours and size 1 I Association with Extreme Sports 1 J Others please stateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and rank 1 5) Where do you buy Red Bull? Please underline all that apply. Wholesaler Supermarket Independent Retailer Vending Machine Restaurant Hotel Other please state : Section 3 Brand Image 1) What is the first word that springs to mind when you hear the words Red Bull? Please specify your word in the box. 2) Which tag line, if any, do you most associate with Red Bull? Please choose a tag line by underlining it Stimulation for body and mind Brain and body energy  Gives you wings  Your sport, our science 3) Which sports do you most associate with Red Bull? Please rank the sports 1-5 with which you most associate Red Bull. 1 being the highest Please also put an x beside any other sports you associate with Red Bull. Golf Formula 1 Skiing/Snowboarding Mountain biking Athletics Cricket Surfing Motorbikes Skateboarding Obscure Extreme Sports 4) Which sports do you partake in regularly? Please list in the box provided. 5) Does any Red Bull advert stand out in your mind? If so please describe the advert in the box provided. 6) Please try to describe Red Bulls packaging. Please describe any colours and/or emblems in the box provided. 7) How would you rate Red Bulls image? Please rank your option by circling the appropriate number. Cool Un-cool 1 2 3 4 5 8) Which of the following statements if applicable best describes why you buy Red Bull? Please make your selection by underlining the appropriate statement. a) Red Bull fits my lifestyle choice. b) Red Bull has an image Id like to be associated with. It provides me with a welcome energy boost. c) It gets my mind in gear. d) It provides good value against the competition. e) Its the best energy drink on the market. f) It tastes good on its own or as a mixer.
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